Chapter 613
Following Zhang Tianhai's order, the officers and soldiers of the spy company rushed up like tigers and wolves.

However, the situation was not so smooth - Han Yiwen's progress from being a bandit to the current situation was not an achievement that ordinary people could achieve.

Cruel and ruthless, quick to respond, able to do things, know how to do things, and organizational skills, all of which are indispensable.

When the officers and soldiers of the secret service company rushed up, Han Yiwen suddenly stepped back, and immediately behind him came out a squad of soldiers from the security regiment.

I saw that the soldiers of these security regiments all looked fierce and fierce, but they were not ordinary fierce.

Zhang Tianhai knew it all without thinking: These must be Han Yiwen's confidantes, and they are the most capable gangsters in the entire Heze security team.

In fact, according to Han Yiwen's temperament, since he dared to say such arrogant words, he must have to prepare for the next step. He is not the kind of person who just sits and waits for death.


"Come on, if you want to try your best!"


Han Yiwen's men were roaring, fearing that they had beaten their boss to death.

These people and Han Yiwen have long formed a unity of interests, and they all prosper and all lose.

Han Yiwen's death would not do any good to these people. A different boss might not be able to treat them so well, treating them as cronies.

Therefore, their actions were more tense than the spy company under Zhang Tianhai's command.

"What's the matter? Han Yiwen, do you want to fight against the entire Central Army?" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, the corners of his mouth were already slightly raised. He had never been afraid of Han Fuqu's third army guard group, let alone Said it was a mere Han Yiwen.

Han Yiwen sneered and said, "Mr. Zhang, you seem to have acted too hastily? You just entered the city and you want to seize my military power? I'm afraid this is not the practice of the Central Army, is it?"

"This is indeed not the usual style of our Central Army, but I would like to see what the Heze security regiment has become under the leadership of Captain Han." Zhang Tianhai said with great interest, but his tone was Quite intriguing.

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, the current situation is far from reaching the point where everyone will die together. Han Yiwen's official skin is not easy to put on, but it won't be easy to take off.

Do you really want to take off this skin and become a bandit again?Or are you going to be a traitor?
It was precisely because of Han Yiwen's point that Zhang Tianhai was confident.

As for how he knew about Han Yiwen's past, it was very simple, as long as one telegram was sent, everything would be settled. Someone would know, all the information about Han Yiwen was sent to the first regiment directly under the third theater.

"Oh? But the humble officer didn't see the sincerity of Zhang Zhang, but saw Zhang Zhang's guns, which really made the subordinates very frightened..." Han Yiwen said with a sneer, he didn't believe it, Zhang Tianhai, who had never been with him before The Central Army officer who hadn't met was going to arrest him and shoot him as soon as he came up. It must be Cao Wuzheng, a bird man, who was obstructing it.

With this thought in mind, Han Yiwen's gaze towards Cao Wuzheng was naturally not so kind.

Seeing Han Yiwen's tough attitude, Zhang Tianhai knew that it would be impossible to force him, so he pressed his hands on the officers and soldiers of the special agent company around him, and said, "Okay, everyone, put down your guns." ! Thinking about it, it must have been a misunderstanding.”

After speaking, Zhang Tianhai strode forward with a smile on his face.

Just as Zhang Tianhai guessed, Han Yiwen didn't want to just give up the position he had worked so hard to get for so long.

Perhaps because of seeing Han Yiwen's face, when Zhang Tianhai stepped forward, Cao Wuzheng's face changed slightly: he was very clear about the temperament of Han Yiwen, a guy who was born in a small village. It's because I have suspicions about myself, and I'm afraid I won't be able to wash it off even if I jump into the Yellow River.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai walking up to the sky with such enthusiasm, and without a gun in his hand, Han Yiwen finally let down his guard slightly: the lives of the whole family are behind him, he can't afford to gamble, let alone lose, no matter what In this way, a peaceful settlement is the best result. If he continues to be his King of Heze, at most he will be ruled by the seemingly reckless chief in front of him. No matter what, he will starve or die than a whole family. Much better in this conflict.

This person, once he has something he is attached to, he will probably become more scrupulous.

No matter how cruel and arrogant Han Yiwen was, his weakness was always the family behind him. Seeing that Zhang Tianhai wanted to reconcile, he also followed Shunpo down the donkey.

"Mr. Zhang, let me just say, it must be a misunderstanding." Han Yiwen also walked forward, his face was like a June day, and the cloud suddenly turned sunny.

"It's a misunderstanding, just explain it clearly." Zhang Tianhai walked forward with a smile. The two looked like brothers, very enthusiastic, and they hugged each other to talk about their brotherhood.

However, just as they approached, shocking changes abounded!
I saw that Zhang Tianhai, who had been pampered for a long time, made a rash move!
His movements were very fast. Zhang Tianhai's feet, which seemed to be in a relaxed state, suddenly exerted force. The whole body was like an arrow that was flying from the string, swift and powerful, and his hands were made into a bow shape, facing towards grabbed Han Yiwen's waist, and then swung the latter out fiercely!

Han Yiwen never expected that Zhang Tianhai would attack him? !

A dignified head of the colonel, who was supposed to be in a state of pampering, actually shot at him, the lieutenant colonel of a small security regiment, and it was so sudden.

Years of wasteful life have already soaked Han Yiwen's body, how could he react as quickly as before?
But don't forget, he has been the head of the security team for seven full years!

From the Central Plains War to the present!
Before Han Yiwen could react, his body had already been slammed onto the ground with a "snap" sound!
The strong survival instinct made Han Yiwen want to get up as fast as possible, but it was too late.

A Browning pistol had already been placed under his head, and it really was—success or failure can be determined in an instant!

Zhang Tianhai's goal has been achieved - yes, his goal is to seize Han Yiwen's military power!
Now that Kenji Doihara's army is approaching Heze, Zhang Tianhai doesn't have so much time to spend here with Han Yiwen, a time bomb!
If the security regiment hadn't behaved like this when he entered the city, and the city defense command hadn't been in that state, Zhang Tianhai wouldn't have made such a heavy hand to seize power in this way.

Or maybe that's the case, there is no need to seize military power at all?Wouldn't it be better to let Han Yiwen guard one side?

When Zhang Tianhai was in action, the officers and soldiers of the secret service company quickly disarmed the soldiers of the security regiment who were holding guns.

In fact, if Han Yiwen didn't fall into Zhang Tianhai's hands so quickly, these soldiers would still dare to fight, but now that their chief is in the hands of others, what's the point of playing?Why don't you go home and play in the sand?


PS: The first update is here!

The update came later than expected. . .

(End of this chapter)

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