Chapter 612
Han Yiwen was sleeping soundly at this time, and the concubine in his arms was also sleeping soundly, and the "brilliant achievements" of last night were still on the bed.

Han Yiwen is 37 this year. This is the age of a man in his prime. No matter whether it is in his family or in his career, he can be regarded as a "double harvest".

This is a great moment for a man to "be happy in life", so how can he not be indulging in luxury?

Fragrant cars, beauties, and BMWs, he has everything he needs. Han Yiwen really knows how to enjoy himself.

However, Han Yiwen's dream was awakened by this extremely impatient knock on the door.

Han Yiwen is not ugly, and even has a handsome uncle temperament. Unfortunately, his figure is a bit out of shape, the beer belly is very obvious, plus his height of 1.8 meters, he is a typical Shandong man.

"Who is it? Who the hell is so ignorant, disturbing my dream early in the morning!" Han Yiwen said cursingly, and then got up, but he seemed to have forgotten that it was already noon.

"Master, master, it's not good. A group of officers and soldiers have come outside and surrounded our Han residence!!" The urgent voice outside said, from the sound, it should be Wu Ma, the old servant of his residence.

"What? Officers and soldiers came to surround our Han Mansion?" For a moment Han Yiwen almost thought he had heard it wrong, and in a moment he said with excitement and fury: "Damn it, Cao Wuzheng, you just can't shit. How dare you go against Lao Tzu even if you show three kinds of behaviors?"

While cursing, Han Yiwen started to get up, no matter what, the "mutiny" in front of him must be dealt with.

Regarding Cao Wuzheng's ability, Han Yiwen has never doubted it. Generally speaking, he just said: with his little ability, can he beat him, Han Yiwen, the head of the Han Group?
At this point, when Han Yiwen was a gangster, he saw these weaknesses of Cao Wuzheng clearly: he was loyal and loyal enough, but he lacked a little ability.

"Master, let me help you get dressed!" At this moment, the concubine, who was only wearing a bellyband, got up from the bed, and immediately couldn't hold it back.

Hearing the concubine's soft and charming voice, Han Yiwen's heart almost melted, and his voice was also full of tenderness: "Come on! Master just likes you to serve me."

This concubine is the concubine Han Yiwen married the most. She has a good figure, a good appearance, and a good temper. The key is one word - charming.

She is as soft as a bone!

After a while, under the service of his concubine, Han Yiwen got dressed and strode towards the front door, as if he wanted to find Cao Wuzheng's bad luck.

Well, as for the issue of Han Yiwen marrying a concubine, it still exists.

Although the Republic of China already advocated monogamy, even Zhang Lingfu, a student of the fourth batch of Whampoa who was arrested and imprisoned for killing his wife before, could not avoid the situation of monogamy, but it is still the case, and there are still some places It is a place beyond the control of the "law of the king".

For example, this is in the city of Heze.

Perhaps most people in Heze City, under the guidance or hard work of the county government, are already accepting monogamy. Say—monogamy is useless.

That's right, but it's just in vain. You should marry a concubine, and you have to marry a concubine.

Han Yiwen can already be said to be the actual "big brother" in Heze City, who dares to interfere with his affairs, if this guy is not satisfied, he will be arrested and buried alive.

Don't think that he can't do this kind of thing. In times of war, this kind of thing is very common - like Shi Yousan, when he was under Feng Yuxiang's command, he was dissatisfied with Feng Yuxiang and sent a chief of staff to supervise him and divide him. In order to express his protest against Feng Yuxiang, Shi Yousan directly buried the chief of staff alive.

In the entire Heze City, who would dare to disobey Han Yiwen?If you are really dissatisfied, go down and complain to Lord Yan!

Before Liu Houming was ready to order the gate of the Han Mansion to be blasted open with small shells from the grenadier, the gate opened.

A big man in a goose-green military uniform stepped out, about 1.8 meters tall, and when he walked, he was a man of style, looking extremely majestic.

After the big man in military uniform came out, he saw Cao Wuzheng on the opposite side at a glance, and he immediately cursed: "Fucking Cao Wuzheng, I treat you so well, even the position of deputy head is given to you!" You have come to take charge, and you still come to oppose Lao Tzu? You are a wolf-hearted thing, you really don’t know what is good or what is bad!"

Before Cao Wuzheng could speak, Zhang Tianhai, who was standing next to Cao Wuzheng, spoke, and he smiled brightly: "Your Excellency must be Han Yiwen, head of the Heze security regiment, right?"

"What are you, it's time for you to speak..." Han Yiwen cursed, and before he finished speaking, he already realized that something was wrong—the officer who spoke to him was actually a colonel, and he was a lieutenant colonel. It's one level higher...

That's right, the commander of the lieutenant colonel, the Heze security regiment is not that big, and Han Yiwen really doesn't have any great skills, so it's normal that he doesn't want to confer the rank of colonel on him.

Han Yiwen fixed his gaze, and began to look squarely at the colonel in front of him who seemed to be smiling brightly, but in fact he was smiling, and said, "Excuse me?"

"My lord Zhang Tianhai, the commander-in-chief of the Heze Front Enemy Commander of the First Corps of the First War Zone of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, and Zhang Tianhai, the colonel commander of the First Corps directly under the Third War Zone. From now on, I am your superior officer. Please give me your advice." Zhang Tianhai's eyes slightly Squinting, he looked at Han Yiwen with a smile, and there were many murderous intentions flashing inside.

"Oh? It turned out to be Chief Zhang. I don't know why your ministry surrounded my Han family with water as soon as it entered the city. What is the reason for this? Is it the law of heaven? And the law of the king?" Han Yiwen asked with a smile Zhang Tianhai, judging by his tone of voice, is a bit like the boss of the crocodile gang played by Feng Xiaogang in Zhou Xingchi's movie "Kung Fu" when he questioned the chief of police. He is very arrogant, but he is neither humble nor overbearing.

"Han Yiwen, as the head of the Heze security regiment, you left your post without authorization and ignored the Heze security regiment. As the former commander-in-chief of Heze and your superior officer, I have the right to intervene if you dare to ask about this matter." ?” The smile on Zhang Tianhai's face gradually disappeared, and those eyes were fixed on Han Yiwen, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes!
"It turns out that Commander Zhang came to question the lowly officials. People who didn't know thought that Commander Zhang brought troops to arrest me, Han Yiwen. I was startled, this little heart was about to jump out. It's going to scare people to death..." Han Yiwen pretended to be exaggerating, and said something ambiguous.

Obviously, this is disgusting Zhang Tianhai.

Han Yiwen is not a good guy, so is Zhang Tianhai a good guy who is easy to bully?

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, "Congratulations, Captain Han, you guessed it right."

Before Han Yiwen could react, Zhang Tianhai yelled: "Come on, let me take this person down immediately!"


PS: The second update is here, I just ran out of time, please re-download and refresh it!Sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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