War of Resistance

Chapter 616 Anxiety

Chapter 616 Anxiety
To be honest, Zhang Tianhai has done countless good deeds and also many bad deeds in his two lifetimes, but it was the first time that he "ransacked someone's house" such a morally corrupt thing.

After going to the front of the Han Mansion, since he was not that proficient in this area of ​​business, Zhang Tianhai forced himself to comfort himself by "giving tasks to train newcomers". This "very honorable" task was handed over to Cao Wuzheng.

But when Cao Wu started to perform the task, Zhang Tianhai could hardly believe his eyes: Damn, this is called remembering the old love between brothers?Are you sure it wasn't Han Yiwen who had the hatred of taking your wife or killing your father?
Time goes back to 2 minutes ago.

The location, in Heze City, in front of Han Yiwen's house, the former head of the security regiment...

"Um...Deputy Head Cao, you said that you were good at this business before, and that I am not good at ransacking houses. I will leave this work to you!" Zhang Tianhai winked at Cao Wuzheng who was beside him.

"Yes, sir, you value it." Cao Wuzheng replied very seriously, and then gave Zhang Tianhai a boxing salute with a sense of loyalty. No matter what, it was very funny to watch - he was obviously wearing a military uniform , How did it look like the copycat bandits were asking for their hands?
The next moment, something that left Zhang Tianhai dumbfounded happened——

I saw that Cao Wu was taking a deep breath, his chin full of beard and stubble was full of determination and determination, and the key point was that his eyes, which left a deep impression on Zhang Tianhai, were already full of righteousness. Ling Ran.

After completing these homework, Cao Wuzheng strode to the gate of the Han Mansion, and with his powerful right foot, kicked towards the gate of the Han Mansion...

Following a loud noise, there was also Cao Wuzheng's roar full of righteousness and confidence: "Listen up, you guys inside, open the door quickly, otherwise, I will burn your yard down!!!"

After hearing Cao Wuzheng's shout, Zhang Tianhai was so angry that he almost didn't come up—damn it, he and I brought people to rob and burn down their shop... Oh no, yes yard?

Before Zhang Tianhai could speak, the door of the Han Mansion opened with a "ah~".

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai was even more stunned: he led his troops around here for so long, and the Han family didn't open the door, so why did Cao Wuzheng immediately open the door when he roared?
But what Zhang Tianhai didn't know was that besides the reason for Han Yiwen's arrest, more importantly, the Han family believed that Cao Wuzheng, a lunatic, could really do something without their shop... oh no, It's a yard move.

Reasoning with bandits?How about... talk to the old man Pengcier about not losing money?

Under the leadership of Cao Wuzheng, deputy head of Cao Wuzheng, who exudes "aura of domineering" in front of the "great business of house copying", the house copying business was completed very smoothly, and more than 6 silver dollars were copied out at once.

This amount is not small - one silver dollar at that time was enough to find in the next restaurant, which was more than 6 restaurants.

Calculated in terms of modern purchasing power, the next restaurant will cost more than 300, or more than 6, which is equivalent to almost 900 million, and, most importantly, it is still cash in the government.

Unknown industry, who knows how many there will be?

Ever since, with a wave of his hand, Zhang Tianhai left only 5000 silver dollars to the Han family, and took away the remaining 8000 silver dollars.

It's just that I don't know if Han Yiwen, who is still locked up by the secret service company in an unknown small room, will yell if he finds out: "You two straight mother-in-law thieves who killed thousands of knives, I will spray you in the face! "

Ever since, the first happy cooperation between the two was completed.

As for the use of this money, it goes without saying that Zhang Tianhai will use it on the Heze security team.

It is said that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward, at least if you have money in hand, you can recruit "brave men", isn't it?

That night, Zhang Tianhai led the vanguard of the Zhiyi Regiment to station in Heze City.

This night, the heavy rain mixed with the roar of thunder and lightning fell all night, and that beautiful silver arc flashed across the night sky with a "wow", as if it wanted to split the gloomy night sky into two halves generally.

Outside the window, heavy raindrops were crackling against the leaves, and there was a sound of hitting.

Zhang Tianhai had a rare insomnia that night. If he was in such a tired state as usual, he would have slept soundly.

But now?But he was so anxious that he couldn't sleep.

Why he was anxious, in fact, Zhang Tianhai himself knew very well, the main reason was because of the current problems of the Heze security regiment, the weak combat effectiveness, and the number of old, weak and remnants unexpectedly accounted for such a large number.

To be honest, if the thousand-odd members of the Heze security regiment were replaced by Zhang Tianhai's combat effectiveness, this regiment might even withstand the attack of not being a spy company but adding a machine gun company!
The strength of the Doihara Division is quite clear in the military history classrooms of later generations. Why did the Central Army fail to withstand the Japanese attack so quickly?
In addition to the main reason why the central army was already seriously injured after the battle of Songhu and the defense of Nanjing, the more important point is that the Japanese army is well equipped and has a strong lineup.

Not to mention three artillery regiments, even one artillery regiment is enough for their entire regiment to drink a pot.

Besides, the main force of the Japanese army is [-] people...

It can be said that as long as the Zhiyi regiment has the determination to survive and die in Heze, it will definitely not be able to run away, and the whole regiment will die here, not to mention, this still has to count as a Heze security guard group.

More than 5000 people were trapped in the city, and they could have taken the initiative to attack, but in the end it turned into a situation where the beasts were still fighting, which is quite a pity.

Moreover, among the more than 5000 people, more than 4000 are the elite of the national army. If this force can be used reasonably, it is still possible to take down one or two brigades of the Japanese army. retreat!

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, the front line must be fought hard, otherwise, the land will be lost; but it is stupid, and quite stupid, to stick to it when it is clear that there is no strategic significance!
Like Wang Mingzhang's first, second and second divisions, why did they fight to the death and never retreat until the whole division died in the city?That's because they want to buy time for the rear army to gather!
And what about Zhang Tianhai and the others?It was purely arranged to delay for some time. If you really stick to it, you would be really stupid.

The question Zhang Tianhai is thinking about now is how to use the Heze Security Corps, and whether Heze City should be defended to the death.What's the use of sticking to it?
The most important thing is, what kind of combat method should they choose to deal with the powerful combat power of the Japanese Doihara Division, and how can they get cheap in the hands of such a powerful enemy army?
Of course, for Zhang Tianhai at present, the top priority is to work hard to improve the combat effectiveness of the Heze security regiment.

So, just like that, Zhang Tianhai lost sleep after thinking about it...


PS: The second update is here!

Still a little late.No way, hope everyone forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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