War of Resistance

Chapter 617 Enter the city!

Chapter 617 Enter the city!

Early the next morning, Zhang Tianhai found Cao Wuzheng and asked him to expel all these old, weak and remnant soldiers, and then those who should go home to farm should go home to farm, anyway, no one can stay!
After a whole night of deliberation, Zhang Tianhai had already figured it out: for the Heze Security Corps, the key lies in precision, not in abundance!
However, preparations for this work must be started now, and the specific matters cannot be started until the main force of the Zhiyi Regiment enters the city.

Disarmament is a matter of great importance.

Don't be afraid of anything else, but I'm afraid that some people will start from it and instigate against the group of people who are about to be dismissed. If this happens, the problem will be very serious.

Bombing the camp is a taboo for military strategists.

So this is what Zhang Tianhai is most worried about. What should they do about these dismissed people?How to deal with it?

Everything can only be decided after the main force of the first regiment directly under the third theater enters the city. Only when the situation is under full control can these people not be afraid of rebellion. They wiped out!

So Zhang Tianhai, with dark circles under his eyes, called Cao Wuzheng, the deputy head of the Heze security regiment, to the city defense headquarters early in the morning.

As for why they didn't call a temporary office, the reason is very simple - there is no office here!
Not even Han Yiwen's office!

But it's no wonder, Han Yiwen is the only one who can't read a single word, so if he needs to set up a special office, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him.

Therefore, Han Yiwen's office is usually located in his residence. As for Cao Wuzheng, he is just a formal temporary worker, so naturally there is no need to pay too much attention to his feelings.

Ever since, under Han Yiwen's teasing operation, the regiment headquarters of the Heze security regiment became a somewhat nondescript organization.

How to call nondescript?The reason is that the regiment headquarters of the Heze security regiment has nothing but a logistics department and an adjutant office.

For this operation of streamlining the organization, it can be called insane.

That’s right, in the eyes of Han Yiwen, a reckless person who doesn’t know a lot of Chinese characters—army is used for fighting, and on the premise of guaranteeing logistics, then commanding the troops is over. How can there be so many things, it takes such effort , why not save some money?
If it was changed to another place, it is estimated that the operation would not be so showy, but this is still due to the geographical factors.

Therefore, in desperation, Zhang Tianhai could only tentatively set the chat location in a relatively empty place in the headquarters compound, so as to ensure that no one eavesdropped.

"Deputy Commander Cao, I called you here this time because I have to entrust you with the preparations for an important task. There are two requirements. The first is to keep it secret, and the second is to do it well. If Heze has made meritorious service, and you are the first one!" Zhang Tianhai said succinctly.

"Thank you, sir. This time, I will work hard to do my job well. I will definitely live up to your high expectations!" Cao Wuzheng hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

"As long as I can do it well, now I need to collect a list of the old, weak and disabled soldiers of the Heze Security Regiment, and wait until the large troops of the Zhiyi Regiment enter the city before disarming them. In addition, these old, weak and disabled soldiers will inevitably have to pay part of their dismissal It’s worth it.” Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, “After you give me the list, I will hand it over to the staff of the Political Training Section of our Zhiyi Regiment for distribution, so as to prevent any behaviors in the middle.”

"Yes, sir." Cao Wuzheng's heart was full of awe, he already knew that the officer in front of him who was born in Whampoa and Han Yiwen, the leader of Han, had a completely different way of handling things.

For Zhang Tianhai, such methods can only refer to the implementation methods of the Post-Century Committee.

Only by eradicating corruption can this army return to its heart. Just imagine, these soldiers who risked their lives to fight with you on the front line are still being deducted from the military pay. This is definitely an act of drinking blood!
Although Zhang Tianhai was sometimes impulsive, he would never do such an act - he hated this kind of behavior of drinking soldiers' blood very much.

As for the handling of Han Yiwen, Zhang Tianhai planned to wait for the main force of the Zhiyi Regiment to enter the city, and then hand it over to the Political Training Section.

"Go and do your work! I only know about you. If the information is leaked, I will definitely trouble you." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Yes, sir!" Cao Wuzheng stood at attention and saluted, with a very respectful expression.

For a reckless officer like Cao Wuzheng, what he lacked was Zhang Tianhai's cautious and meticulous, but bold and cautious style of handling things.

Although Zhang Tianhai can't be regarded as a high-ranking military officer or a great military officer, he already has a lot to learn from Cao Wuzheng, who is not from a major.

Zhang Tianhai will be very proficient in slapping and giving a sweet date...

No, this time is the first time, and soon, follow-up things will happen.

Some things, once born, second time familiar...


After arranging Cao Wuzheng to conduct overall statistics, Zhang Tianhai immediately drew a platoon of troops from each cavalry company, and began to set up guard posts along the direction of the Yellow River—if he found that the Japanese army was approaching Heze, he would immediately report to the regiment headquarters !
Ever since, under Zhang Tianhai's order, the cavalry sent by the first regiment directly under the third war zone began to deploy and control in batches in the direction of the Yellow River.


At [-] o'clock in the afternoon that day, the large troops of the first regiment directly under the third theater arrived in Heze County, and began to enter the city in batches.


In order to reassure Cao Wuzheng, Zhang Tianhai personally led Cao Wuzheng and his trusted officers out of the city to welcome the large troops of the First Regiment directly under the Third Theater into the city.

Outside the south gate, the green grass on the ground still has drops of water left by the rain, and even the ground is wet.

The first troops to arrive were none other than Li Chunfei's first battalion.

"Report to the regiment! Li Chunfei, the first battalion commander of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, will report to you with his troops! Please give instructions!" After Li Chunfei got off his horse, he immediately trotted to Zhang Tianhai and stood at attention to salute and reported.

Looking at Li Chunfei's drenched appearance, Zhang Tianhai also knew that he must have been drenched in the rain because he was on the road.

Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and said, "Go into the city! I have sent someone to guide you into the designated location for temporary garrison."

"Yes! Regiment seat!" Li Chunfei responded, and then led the troops into the city.

Cao Wuzheng, who was watching the troops from the Zhituan and Battalion driving in, couldn't help showing a hint of envy in his eyes: If our Heze Security Corps can also reach this level, it would be great.

Then came the second battalion, third battalion, fourth battalion, artillery battalion, and teams directly under the regiment headquarters, etc., who entered the city.

More than 4000 troops rushed into this small city without fighting, and it suddenly seemed a little crowded.

However, Zhang Tianhai didn't intend to rush into action right away, whether the surrounding area of ​​Heze was suitable for an ambush; in addition, there was another imminent matter, which was to immediately reorganize the Heze security team.


PS: I worked overtime urgently last night, so there is no way.

This is more to make up for one more owed, so I asked for leave yesterday!
Xiongying is a small clerk working in a party and government agency. Sometimes, there are emergencies and there is no way... hey.

(End of this chapter)

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