War of Resistance

Chapter 618 Plan

Chapter 618 Plan
The reorganization of the Heze security regiment was not difficult, and it was probably carried out according to the predetermined plan.

The main thing is to abolish the old, weak, sick and disabled, and then organize the Heze security regiment into two city defense battalions, each with 500 people.

As for the battalion commanders that Han Yiwen had installed before, they were all abolished and replaced with Zhang Tianhai's "insiders".

These so-called "insiders" were naturally drawn from the teaching platoon. They were Li Donghui, the leader of the teaching platoon, and Jiang Yousan, the deputy platoon leader. The acting head of the Heze security regiment was naturally Gu Shi, who had experience as a head of the group. Ann did.

As soon as this order came out, Gu Shi'an said to Zhang Tianhai very helplessly: "Hey, you, you always use me as the firefighting captain. It's not authentic..."

It's no wonder that Gu Shi'an has resentment. He originally served as the head of the Xuzhou City Defense First Regiment. He did a good job. Although the equipment of this regiment is not very good and the number of people is not as good as that of the Zhiyi Regiment, it is still a regiment anyway. ...

As long as he is the head of the regiment, he can be regarded as being on his own, and it will be a matter of time before he gets promoted.

But, as the chief of staff, he has never been alone, and the number of meritorious deeds is only a handful.

The classmates in the same period were promoted faster than the other. How can I say that I was born in Huangpu, and I have always been in the most elite direct line army, but because of the official position, there is still not much room for advancement.

"Old Gu, this time, I will let you be the head of the Heze Security Regiment. If you can achieve results, you may be able to succeed." Zhang Tianhai smiled. In the office, naturally, I am not afraid of being heard by others.

In the temporary office of the regiment headquarters, the lights were not too bright, so the silhouettes of these two people could be seen.

"Just fool me, which one is not like this..." Gu Shi'an sighed, complaining, but there is still work to be done.

"That can't be helped... Tell me, you don't have a shining record yet, how can you be promoted? You and I are both from the seventh phase of Whampoa... It's not like you don't know how I got promoted..." Zhang Tianhai patted Gu Shian on the shoulder and said.

"Forget it...you were brought up by the front line, and it's normal to have a fierce momentum..." Gu Shi'an sighed quietly, although he was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, how many people like Zhang Tianhai are in the national army with their ass like a rocket?But is it just those few people...

"Then it's over. Now the Heze security regiment, no matter what, is better than the previous Lanling security regiment, right? After all, there are many veterans. Although the combat effectiveness is not very good, they are still a group of veterans, right?" Zhang Tianhai comforted Looking at Gu Shi'an, after all, if you want someone to take over from the front line, it's a hard nut to crack.

"Hey, just fool me!" Gu Shi'an deliberately didn't make a statement, but in fact, wasn't the reason for asking for more price?
Zhang Tianhai and Gu Shi'an are no longer born, so he lowered his voice and said to Gu Shi'an: "If you have the confidence to lead this regiment well, I will let your regiment take on the main mission, and it will be the entire first mission." The first regiment directly under the third war zone will fight around your regiment."

"Old Zhang...what, it's not that I don't believe in your character, but...does your words count?" Gu Shi'an looked at Zhang Tianhai.

Although the enemy this time is very powerful, Gu Shi'an, as always, chooses to believe in Zhang Yulin.

"Of course it counts. However, this task may be very difficult. I want to make a trap for the Japanese forward troops. Whether it can be implemented depends on whether the Heze security team can withstand it..." Zhang Tianhai expressed Very dignified, no longer the demeanor when joking.

"Being a trap?" Gu Shi'an frowned.

"Yes, it's a trap. Now in the group, except for you, no one is qualified to be the head of the group." Zhang Tianhai said very sincerely, without any pretense.

Before Gu Shi'an could speak, Zhang Tianhai continued: "If the task can be successfully completed, I will immediately recommend you to Chief Xue or the principal. The recommendation is the first achievement of this campaign."

Gu Shi'an was already a little moved, and when he heard the price offered by Zhang Tianhai, he immediately agreed: "Okay, since you, Zhang Yulin, an officer, have spoken, I can't refuse. It's life."

Seeing Gu Shi'an's very upright and dignified appearance, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help feeling angry, he lightly punched the former on the shoulder, and said, "Damn you, don't just act good when you get the advantage!"

"Hey, isn't that a performance with you, Zhang Yulin? Besides, it must not be a good job for you, Zhang Yulin, to beg me to be the head of the group in such a low voice..." Gu Shi'an laughed, looking very treacherous.

As soon as he saw that Gu Shi'an had seen through his plan, Zhang Tianhai couldn't hide it immediately, so he sighed and said, "Hey, you are good at everything, but you are too smart. What about this guy? It's better to be stupid, that way you can live longer..."

"I don't believe you. Whoever believes your nonsense will be a ghost." Gu Shi'an cursed with a smile.

"I really can't hide it from you. To be honest, the mission this time is really difficult to fight. The enemy we are facing has more than [-] armored soldiers, and they have a complete range of arms. If you are not careful, you may It fell into the enemy's heavy siege, and then the whole army was wiped out." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

"Indeed, our enemy is very powerful. This time, I will listen to how you want to fight." Gu Shi'an said very seriously.

"This is just a preliminary idea, even immature. I'm afraid it will not be easy to fight this tough battle." Zhang Tianhai gave Gu Shi'an a vaccination in advance, so as not to be unprepared. Not so good.

"Just say what you want. Between you and me, we are not only superiors and subordinates, but also comrades-in-arms and classmates." Gu Shi'an said very seriously, the faint light of the electric light shone on his handsome face, It seems to have a particularly military temperament.

"My idea is this. Relying on the favorable terrain, annihilate one of the enemy's forward troops as quickly as possible. Afterwards, the artillery battalion immediately retreated. Our main force can also retreat. There is one in your Heze security regiment. Battalion, I want to stay and play the queen." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"What about the other battalion?" Gu Shi'an also knew that since Zhang Tianhai mentioned one of the battalions, the other battalion must have been arranged by someone else.

"The other battalion, let's use it as a bait to lure the Japanese forward troops to flee to the preset position, and then the main force of the regiment will wipe out the outstanding enemies in one fell swoop!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice. Meaning has been realized!
"Then Heze, don't you want to keep it?" Gu Shi'an looked at Zhang Tianhai.

"Guard Heze? Guard it, Heze is already a place of death. If our regiment sticks here, we won't get a single reinforcement to support us!" Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

"Hmm..." Gu Shi'an pondered for a moment, seeming to be thinking about it. As Zhang Tianhai said, this is indeed the first task, but it is indeed very dangerous!

PS: The first update is here!

Thank you Qidian book friend 130823145419618 for the reward of 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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