War of Resistance

Chapter 619 Abandoned Son?

Chapter 619 Abandoned Son?

"However, Zhang Yulin, I'm more curious about why you must think that the Corps will not save us?" Gu Shi'an said bluntly. Since it was private and the two of them were Huangpu classmates, they just called their names. up.

"I also said before that Heze is a place of death. From the perspective of military tactics, it is a place of ten deaths and no life. Once the enemy army surrounds us, our army will not be able to set up a rescue in Heze area. There is no The conditions for a big battle here." Zhang Tianhai looked very solemn.

"Then if you look at it, since the Corps knows that this is a deadly enemy, why does it send us to go north to Heze?" Gu Shi'an also frowned.

"Maybe it was to support the Xuzhou battle, or they underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army. However, I think the possibility of the latter is extremely small, and the possibility of the former is more likely." Zhang Tianhai said.

"Xuzhou? Now that the Japanese army is about to shrink the encirclement in Xuzhou, how can we support Xuzhou to fight at this time?" Gu Shi'an immediately looked at the map. On the map, several big red arrows symbolizing the Japanese army were already approaching Xuzhou.

"Yes, I think it is to support Xuzhou. Heze is a deadly enemy to Kaifeng, but to Xuzhou, it is like riveting a nail on the enemy's periphery." Zhang Tianhai said on the map on the desktop , pointing to the location of Xuzhou, and then to the location of Heze.

"Hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops are besieging the outskirts of Xuzhou. The purpose is to wipe out the main forces of the Fifth Theater. All of us add up to only [-] people. What can we do? It is still difficult to win a city." Gu Shi'an shook his head and said, obviously he didn't understand.

"Who knows what the officer is thinking? Maybe he wants to leave a retreat for Xuzhou's troops, but unfortunately... this retreat is doomed to fail." Zhang Tianhai gave a wry smile. He remembered clearly that the National Army The main force of the fifth theater of the army is that no troops are retreating from his direction.

In addition, now that Kenji Doihara's No.14 division has strengthened the two heavy artillery regiments, it immediately went south. The troops of the Zhiyi regiment are in danger of being destroyed at any time, so Heze is even more unable to defend up!

"Then can you tell me now, what is your current plan?" Gu Shi'an looked at Zhang Tianhai.

After Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, he pointed two places on the map in the north-west direction of Heze, and then said: "I sent people to investigate these two places, one is Huzhai Village, and the other is Linpu Town. To the north, these two places are very suitable for setting up pontoon bridges. Therefore, the Japanese army is very likely to build pontoon bridges from these two places.”

Before Gu Shi'an could speak, Zhang Tianhai immediately sighed a long time: "Unfortunately, if our troops arrived here earlier, we might be able to make some contributions. It's a pity that our transfer order came too late, and Or rather, at the wrong time..."

"What about now? I'm afraid it's too late for these two places now? The Japanese army will definitely arrive there within two days." Gu Shi'an showed embarrassment, and with so much time, he assembled a group of mobs as the main force for defense and traps ?This must be a very difficult thing.

"So, I plan to allocate two classes of people from the teaching platoon to you, and use these two classes to quickly establish a cadre organization. Anyway, the people in these two classes are given to you, and they will be the main cadres of the two battalions. !" Zhang Tianhai said seriously, but in fact he was very distressed in his heart - the soldiers of the teaching platoon were reserved for supplementing the whole regiment...

Just because of a Heze security group, two of his classes were taken away at once, but nearly half of the number... Can you not feel bad?
But don't forget, the teaching platoon is a platoon, but the number of soldiers is far more than one platoon. These soldiers can be organized into four squads, so the number of two squads is already more than fifty people...

"That's about the same. Since you became the head of the regiment, you have immediately become fussy about things. Well, this person who taught the platoon was obviously brought back by me. It's all right now, it's a return to the original When you are the Lord, you still care about me..." Gu Shi'an pointed at Zhang Tianhai helplessly and smiled.

"Hey, of course, I didn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt were before when I was not in charge of the house. Now that we are in charge, we have to save money." Zhang Tianhai laughed.

"However, no matter what, I still have to carry out this mission. I just don't know which enemy Yulin you want to attack mainly?" Gu Shi'an asked.

"Of course it's the Japanese army in the direction of Huzhai Village." Zhang Tianhai said directly without thinking, "Our goal now is not to defend Heze, so we must pick the Japanese army in the direction of Lanfeng. "

"Then what do you mean, let's go back to Lanfeng directly after we finish the fight? What if the little devil comes after us?" Gu Shi'an frowned.

"So, this is the need for the existence of the Duan Houying." Zhang Tianhai looked at the map and said, and then pointed to the place of Heze.

"You mean... let Duan Houying guard Heze?!" Gu Shi'an's voice almost exclaimed.

"Hush..." Zhang Tianhai made a silence gesture, and then continued: "The longer Heze is guarded, the smoother our regiment's retreat will be."

"But if that's the case, isn't this battalion going to be an outcast like Xie Jinyuan guarding the Sixing Warehouse?" After all, Gu Shi'an couldn't bear it anymore. After all, after he became the commander of the regiment, This battalion is his army.

"There is no other way. Apart from this, there is no better way." Zhang Tianhai said, "Of course, when the time comes, your regiment can also order to break through. It's just that the hope of breaking through is not very great... ..."

In fact, to be honest, Zhang Tianhai didn't want to do this from the bottom of his heart, but did he have any other better ways?
If this plan had not been implemented, then this battle in Heze would have ruined the entire First Regiment directly under the Third Theater and all the officers and soldiers of the Heze Security Regiment.

The place of Heze cannot be defended, not to mention that the Japanese army carried so many heavy artillery that it was able to blow up the place of Heze alive. The 5000 people staying here are simply giving away their heads and death.

Instead of being buried here, it is better to make a small sacrifice in exchange for the greatest battlefield initiative.

"Then may I ask you, Mr. Zhang, who is capable of this task?!" Gu Shi'an was unwilling to use this method in exchange for the initiative on the battlefield.

The main force of the Japanese army is about to move eastward, and the strength of the troops going south is so strong. Once Heze is surrounded, there is almost no hope of survival. don't think about it.

"Two battalions, you can choose one." Zhang Tianhai said solemnly, "But, brother, there will always be sacrifices in war. The Japanese army is too strong. I can only use this method to preserve our regiment as much as possible. As well as the greatest strength of the Heze security regiment, at the same time, it must also dampen the spirit of the Japanese troops marching south!"


PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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