War of Resistance

Chapter 620 Action

Chapter 620 Action
"Old Zhang, to be honest, there is probably no one who is capable of this task except me!" Gu Shi'an suddenly grinned, and said: "This team leader, except me, Gu Zhihong (Zhihong, Gu Shi'an's name) , Who else is competent? Don't worry, with me here, these little Japanese can't catch up with our straight retreat."

"I'm optimistic about you." Zhang Tianhai patted Gu Shi'an on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I still have to come back alive. I'm still waiting to report your glorious deeds to the principal."

"Okay, I will strive to become the second team leader of the seventh phase of Whampoa after you." Gu Shi'an grinned, showing two rows of big white teeth.

"Okay!" Zhang Tianhai also grinned, the two rows of white teeth were exceptionally bright...


So, just like that, Gu Shi'an, who was born in the seventh phase of Whampoa like Zhang Tianhai, once again took over the post of head of the security team.

The only difference is that the mission Gu Shian received this time is also extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, the logistics department of Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment still had a batch of seized Japanese firearms, which prevented the troops of the two battalions of the Heze Security Regiment from "packing lightly" with a batch of firearms that were almost worn out. .

What no one noticed was that under Zhang Tianhai's arrangement, the training of the Heze security regiment was on the right track, and the main force of the Zhiyi regiment also quietly dispatched at night to a place called Yangzhuang.

Eight miles to the north of Yangzhuang, there is a village called Li Village; and three miles to the north of Li Village is the Yellow River; on the other side of the Yellow River is Huzhai Village.

The place where Huzhai Village is located, because of the flat terrain, the Yellow River flow is not very fast, so it is the best place for the Japanese army to build the pontoon bridge.

Zhang Tianhai thought about intercepting the Japanese army here, realizing the half-crossing attack in the ancient art of war, and winning the battle as quickly as possible.

But the idea is good, but now it is very backbone. At this time, it is no longer the era of cold weapons, and close combat is needed to win.

In theory, it is also feasible to strike halfway.

It's a pity that the biggest problem is that the open terrain on both sides of the Yellow River makes it easy for the enemy's artillery to quickly set up and then bombard this side.

If there is no such thing as a hot air balloon, it is estimated that the national army will be more difficult, but once the battle breaks out, the Japanese army will quickly raise the hot air balloon, and then observe the Zhiyi regiment's position.

Then use the semaphore to pass the information to the artillery units, and the national army units on the south bank of the Yellow River will become living targets one by one!

Fighting such battles is not what Zhang Tianhai is good at.

Well, especially losing battles.


On a small mound in the southwest of Yangzhuang, Zhang Tianhai's military off-road jeep had already parked at the bottom of the slope.

Zhang Tianhai stood on the top of the slope, letting the blowing yellow sand blow his handsome face, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

He was holding a pair of binoculars in his hand, observing the surrounding terrain, but finally he focused on the village of Yangzhuang.

"How about it, Commander Zhang, what do you need our regiment to do?" Gu Shi'an joked with Zhang Tianhai.

"Old Gu, look, in all directions, only Yangzhuang's position is slightly low. And there is no obvious shelter around. Two companies of your troops are placed in this position. Wait until the Japanese army starts to attack Yangzhuang. When it is in the middle of the village, it will bloom in the center!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, his words were full of firmness.

Looking at the surrounding positions, Gu Shi'an's throat moved slightly, and he said with a wry smile: "Old Zhang, if this arrangement is made, my battalion may really become a veritable bait..."

"Other than that, I'm afraid there is no other better way to bring the Japanese troops here." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and smiled wryly.

Zhiyituan's net has already been opened, and the Japanese army's forward troops are waiting for it to enter the net - anyway, fighting is going to kill people, the key is how to control it.

"Other than that, is there a better way?" Gu Shi'an felt a little soft-hearted, the center was blooming, and the biggest risk was that the bait was eaten, and the fish... ran away.

"Yes, it is to ask your regiment's troops to dig a bomb defense pit under the house, and it is a pothole that can withstand strong artillery bombardment." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Could it be that you want to..." Gu Shi'an frowned.

"Yes, don't say it..." Zhang Tianhai smiled.

"Okay! That's probably the only way to go." Gu Shi'an spread his hands helplessly. Sometimes it's like this, the official rank crushes people to death...

"That's it!" Zhang Tianhai made a decision, "The engineering company, enter the site immediately, and dig anti-bombardment fortifications under the houses everywhere! At the same time, the kind that prevents burial!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" Li Chengjie, commander of the engineering company, responded.

In this way, under Zhang Tianhai's order, the engineering company also started its own work...


Chongqing, Jiulongpo.

After a long time of hard work, this piece of wasteland has long been no longer the barrenness of the past, and has long shown vitality.

A simple school building has been built, scattered and orderly. Although all the school buildings are only two stories high and made of ordinary mud bricks, they still give people a sense of vitality.

The old man at the school gate took a puff of tobacco, estimated the time, then stood up slowly, picked up the hammer in his hand, and knocked on a square iron hanging on the wall.




These three beeps represent the end of this class.

It's time for get out of class to end, but the people in the classroom haven't come out yet. They are pestering the teacher to ask questions. They look like they are thriving. Their eager eyes are the hope of the future of China.

This is where Southwest Jiaotong University is located.

In the classroom in the northwest corner of the campus, apart from the students who pestered the teacher to ask questions, there was also the classmate who pestered Shen Wei to ask questions—Shen Wei, who could be regarded as a "student master" figure in this class.

"Shen Wei, teach me. This question is quite difficult, I won't..." A young student in a Chinese tunic suit squeezed in. You can tell by seeing that he is wearing the same hat as other students. He He is also a student of this class.

"Luo Shidong, why are you so annoying? Are you rushing to ask questions?" The girl next to him immediately accused the young student.

"I don't know how to do this." Shen Wei said coldly.

"Shen Wei, I can't figure it out. What's so good about that little officer? He's just a company commander, or a battalion commander. As for making you so obsessed?" The boy named Luo Shidong asked dissatisfied .

"Yes, that's right. Although he is not a high-ranking official, he is still better than you, a person who knows nothing and only comes to harass his classmates. Have you ever thought about our nation?" Shen Wei stood up, glaring He stared wide-eyed at Luo Shidong.

However, it is still so angry, it is also very beautiful, it is a beautiful landscape.

"Our country, our nation, is bleeding. You don't want to make progress, and you don't know how to contribute to the country. Please forgive my blindness, I really despise you." After finishing speaking, Shen Wei sat down Now, the pen in her hand has been lightly clenched in her delicate hands...


PS: The first update is here!

Thank you comrades for your votes, I won’t talk about them one by one now, I will try my best to finish the second update!

But don't hold out too much hope, wait and see tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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