War of Resistance

Chapter 621 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 621 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

North of the Yellow River, there is a place called Xu Town.

This is supposed to be a time when the scenery is beautiful and the people are full of yearning for spring and plowing the fields, but at this time, there is no one on the street.

It's like a dead city.

No, it's not a dead city. Squads of Japanese soldiers in grass-yellow military uniforms are marching into this town.

In the leading armored vehicle, Kenji Doihara's fat face was tightly slumped, probably because of some special situation.

For Kenji Doihara, the headquarters of the No.14 division headed south with all their strength, this was already a big challenge, and it was a matter of coordinating so many troops for combat planning.

The battle was about to start, and Kenji Doihara seemed to see the banner of victory flying high.

Apart from other things, as far as the main force of the No. 14 Division is located, the No. 14 Division can easily win the battle with the support of three artillery wings!
"Your Excellency, Head of the Division, this entry into the city will be the starting point of victory! Long-lasting martial arts!" Tadashi Sano said loudly, the confidence in his words cannot be stopped.

"That's natural. This time, all the main forces of our division are going south for the purpose of victory! Bring infinite glory to the imperial army!" Standing on the slope, Kenji Doihara stood with a knife, but his eyes looked at the Yellow River In the direction of the south, the strong self-confidence in the words is also mixed with arrogance, which cannot be concealed.

With his current strength, he does have the capital of arrogance!
"Your Excellency, Division Commander, tomorrow is the time to witness our victory. The engineering troops are already preparing to lay the pontoon bridge. When our army passes by, we will be able to win the North China battlefield." Tadashi Sano said It is raised gently, as if the promotion is tomorrow!

"Sano-kun's words are very reasonable. As long as our troops pass by, we will go straight to the rear of the troops in the fifth theater of the Chinese Army! Victory will come soon." Kenji Doihara smiled, as if victory was just around the corner. seconds.

"Haha..." The military chiefs of the two No.14 divisions of the Japanese army looked at each other and smiled, and they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes.


South of the Yellow River, Yangzhuang.

At this time, Yangzhuang has probably become a large factory, and Zhang Tianhai has already sent people to make proper arrangements for the people in the village.

Yangzhuang is not too big, just enough to accommodate 800 people, that is, about [-] households, and it is considered a relatively large village on the bank of the Yellow River.

The officers and soldiers of the engineering company were digging in order to dig a solid anti-shelling hole under the house.

Zhang Tianhai didn't go back to the city, but spent time in Yangzhuang. He wanted to oversee the work!
If another person came, Zhang Tianhai might not be able to rest assured - because he required the excavation of the artillery fortifications to be not only strong, but also concealed.

Zhang Tianhai didn't want any little devils to find the entrance of these artillery fortifications, he wanted to make these little devils feel desperate!
"Reporting to the regiment, Zhao Chengge, the commander of the artillery battalion, is ordered to report to you! Please give instructions!" Zhao Chengge, the commander of the artillery battalion, strode to Zhang Tianhai and stood at attention and saluted.

"Just come. This time, my request to your artillery battalion is that in addition to shooting accurately, you must also run fast after shooting!" Zhang Tianhai's eyes, which were staring at the construction site in the distance, turned to stare at the artillery battalion. Watch it with Zhao Chengge.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" After Zhao Chengge responded, he couldn't help asking: "But what I don't understand is, why are we running away? Shouldn't we retreat to Heze?"

"Who told you that you are going to defend Heze to the death? After this battle, your artillery battalion, together with the supply battalion and the first battalion, will return to Lanfeng immediately. You don't have to ask about the rest, these are military secrets." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"But..." Before Zhao Chengge finished speaking, Zhang Tianhai went on to say, "Remember, this is a military secret. I only told you about this arrangement. If it is leaked out, only the military law will handle it!"

Although Zhao Chengge still didn't understand Zhang Tianhai's intentions, but the military orders were like mountains, he could only obey them: "Yes, Tuan Zuo!"

"If possible, try to set your artillery position in the southwest direction, after all, it's closer to Lanfeng." Zhang Tianhai's beautiful star eyes showed a rare ruthlessness.

This time's action can be said to be a catastrophe. Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but not be nervous, and if he was a little careless, the entire army would be in danger of being wiped out.

Even compared to the time in Nanjing, this time is more dangerous.

That time, there was chaos everywhere, and he was familiar with this period of history, so Zhang Tianhai was given an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But now?The familiar history seems to have undergone some changes, but nothing seems to have changed.

What remains unchanged is that the deployment of the troops of the First Corps in the First Theater is still rolling according to the original track as in history; but what has changed is that Zhang Tianhai will lead the Zhiyi regiment to face No.14 alone. The absolute main force of the division!
If it wasn't for his arrival, the number of the Heze security regiment would have disappeared into the long river of history.

Could it be... is Zhang Yulin really going to lead the Heze security team to repeat the same mistakes?More importantly, will the first regiment directly under the third theater disappear in the long river of history like Zhang Yulin?

If he disappeared, then everything that happened after he came to this era will return to the original state of history.

Zhang Tianhai seemed calm, but anyone could feel the turbulence under his calm expression!

This is the calm before the storm!
After arranging the work of Zhao Chengge in the Artillery Battalion, Zhang Tianhai fell into an inexplicable anxiety: this stemmed from the tension about the unknown history.

This is a bit similar to the embarrassment of students who have always had a certain level of strength, but most of them rely on cheat sheets to get No.

Although there is still a high chance of getting a high score in the test, the sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in my heart without the cheat sheet cannot be concealed.

"Where's Liu Houming, the commander of the secret service company? Let him come to see me!" Zhang Tianhai ordered directly to Wang Liang, the adjutant beside him.

"Yes! Sir!" Wang Liang replied, but he was still a little uncomfortable with the current feeling - this was the first time he saw that Tuan Zuo was not calm and wise.

You don't need to think about it to know, this battle is very dangerous, even the group seat who is usually so calm has already begun to feel restless...

But for Zhang Tianhai, this is a real battle for him to get rid of the shackles of history in a true sense, and it must be as precise as when a doctor performs an operation on a person.

Looking at the battle of Songhu, it was arranged under the command of Hu Jiaji, the commander of the regiment Hu Jiaji, to break out of the encirclement; the Nanjing breakout battle was also carried out in the direction of the breakout that is familiar with history; and the LY campaign knew that there would be reinforcements, and Command under the general direction of history.

Even if it is disobedience, it is for the greatest victory.

But now?This is a smear in the eyes. If you are not careful, some troops will be surrounded by well-equipped Japanese troops that are several times their own.

All in all, this battle is not so dangerous!

PS: Make up for the second update last night!

(End of this chapter)

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