War of Resistance

Chapter 622 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 622 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

Not long after, Liu Houming in military uniform appeared in front of Zhang Tianhai.

"Reporter, I have been ordered to report to you!" Liu Houming walked to Zhang Tianhai's side, stood at attention and saluted.

"Hou Ming, to be honest, I don't have much confidence in this battle. So, in this battle, your special agent company, just follow me! If there is any need on the battlefield, I will directly transfer you to the On the front line." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Liu Houming replied in a deep voice, then lowered his voice, and said to Zhang Tianhai: "Tuan Zuo, the reason why Hou Ming can achieve today's achievements is all because of Tuan Zuo's support. Hou Ming is just a warrior. Fighting and killing people probably won’t do much anymore. Tuan Zuo Yu Hou Ming has the grace of knowing you, even if you die in battle with Tuan Zuo, so what?”

Zhang Tianhai could hear the implication of Liu Houming's words, and it probably meant that he was willing to die for Zhang Tianhai.

But I don't know when, even Liu Houming, a very straightforward and tough guy, learned to be tactful, so tactful that Zhang Tianhai had no room to refuse.

"Okay! If this battle is unfavorable, you and I, brothers, just die on the battlefield." Zhang Tianhai also lowered his voice, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

After all, Zhang Tianhai's mood suddenly brightened.

As the saying goes, Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, and no one in the world knows the king!
Even if this battle is invincible, so what, they will also destroy this group of damned little devils and invaders, and protect the territorial integrity of China, so that the nation will not die!


The next day, on May 27th, [-]th year of the Republic of China, the Japanese army began to build a pontoon bridge on the edge of the Yellow River, and the army was about to go south!

And during this time, what is the situation on the front line in Xuzhou?
On May [-], the fighting in the southern section of the Jinpu line was tense, and the enemy troops invaded Guzhen.

In the afternoon of the same day, the national army conquered Hanshan County, which was occupied by the Japanese army, and planned to further attack Chao County in order to regain the initiative in the southern section of the Jinpu Line.

Also on the same day, the Japanese army stormed Mengcheng with more than [-] tanks, a large number of infantry troops, and four artillery pieces.

Not long after, the fragile city walls of Mengcheng collapsed, and the well-equipped and highly qualified Japanese troops began to enter the city, and fierce street battles took place with the Guangxi army.

Countless thin soldiers of the Gui army are fighting with the elite Japanese army with the troops with bayonets in their hands, even though the Gui army troops do have a very strong will to fight.

However, the fact does not depend on people's will. Not long after, Zhou Yuan, the deputy division commander guarding Mengcheng, died in battle, and only [-] Gui troops escaped from the encirclement.


On May [-]th, the enemy at the two sections of Jinpu Road changed to attack from Luxi and Huaibei with heavy troops.

The enemy air force attacked Xuzhou in seven batches, carrying out indiscriminate bombing!
Suddenly, Xuzhou shook!
On the same day, Li Zongren, the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Theater of the National Army, ordered the National Army Air Force to bomb the enemy forces in northern Anhui and Mengcheng.


Time went back to May [-]th, which was the day when Zhang Tianhai's troops were ordered to rush to Heze.

Location, Xuzhou, Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Theater Command.

"Mr. Li, the situation is not good..." Xu Zuyi beside him let out a long sigh.

"No matter what, the enemy army traps me in Mengcheng and cuts off my retreat. Even before retreating, I have to blow him back to Mengcheng!" Li Zongren said in a deep voice, but his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

Xu Zuyi didn't know that Chief Li ordered the air force to bomb Xuzhou for Zhou Yuan's sake, but what could he say?
Gui Jun, that is Chief Li's darling, is a soldier from Guangxi brought out all the way from Guangxi, and Zhou Yuan, can be called a rookie and cutting-edge in the Gui Jun, a future soldier who is about to rise The Chinese star, who just fell on the battlefield in Mengcheng, how can he not make Chief Li feel sad, and wish that the Japanese army would be bombed unconscious?
The sound of bombing outside was still rumbling, and Li Zongren's face was still very determined.

Xu Zuyi didn't want to expose his scars either, so he quickly changed the subject: "It really made Zhang Tianhai a prophecy...The Japanese army really wants to play a big siege..."

"Indeed, this kid has talent in this area, and I don't know where this kid got the idea that the Japanese army wanted to encircle. Is it because the Japanese army's large forces are advancing from north to south?" Li Zongren also muttered to himself. .

"Yes. This kid is indeed talented. But his temperament is still not calm enough. It is easy to go wrong." Xu Zuyi gave Zhang Tianhai such an evaluation again.

"What are you afraid of? If something happens to this kid, just transfer him to our Fifth War Zone Commander's Department as a staff officer. If it doesn't work, he can be an adjutant. Anyway, this kid is awake." Li Zongren smiled and said, as if I feel better.

"Haha. I hope." Xu Zuyi also laughed.

"However, brother Yan Mou, we are in danger now. The situation is already so corrupt. If we don't get out, we may not be able to escape." Li Zongren withdrew his gaze from the map and looked at Xu Zuyi next to him.

"Then retreat. Anyway, Chairman Jiang's side, there should be no problem. It's just the troops behind the palace. Have you thought about which troops to take over?" Xu Zuyi said seriously.

"After thinking about it, let's use Liu Ruming's No.60 Eighth Army!" Li Zongren said softly.

Before Xu Zuyi could speak, Li Zongren continued: "First, Liu Ruming's No. 60 Eighth Army is a new force. Letting them guard Xuzhou can buy a lot of time for our army to retreat; second, Liu Ruming's troops But he was born in the Northwest Army, good at defense, and it is also suitable for them to defend; third, and most importantly, Liu Ruming, who once served as the chairman of Chahar Province, also led his subordinates in the 22nd year of the Republic of China (that is, the first [-]) participated in the Great Wall War, and he will not run until he receives an order to retreat."

"Indeed, Chief Li, your arrangement is right. If Shi Yousan is allowed to guard Xuzhou, Xuzhou will fall within three days." Xu Zuyi said seriously.

"By the way, you should make a retreat plan! You can slowly prepare for the retreat. Once the situation is unfavorable, retreat immediately!" Li Zongren said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir." Xu Zuyi responded, and then said: "To be honest, I already had a retreat plan in my heart. I just said it because I was afraid it would be too early, so I didn't say it."

"Oh? Then tell me?" Li Zongren turned to look at Xu Zuyi.

"First of all, the combat idea is to break through in batches, and the breakout troops are united by corps, so that the troops have sufficient penetration capabilities, and they are divided into several ways to break through, so that the enemy does not dare to pursue and intercept our army individually in batches. Otherwise It is easy to be counter-annihilated by our army." Xu Zuyi said slowly.

"Well, this idea is very good." Li Zongren affirmed Xu Zuyi's idea.

"I plan to divide the troops in our fifth theater into several corps. They are the Lunan Corps, Longhai Corps, Huaibei Corps, Huainan Corps, and Subei Corps, and then form an advancing army. Establish a guerrilla base behind the enemy in Zhongshan District, harass the Japanese army in Jiaoji, Jinpu and along the Taiwei Road, and carry out guerrilla operations. This will ensure that our army still has the power to counterattack at any time!" Xu Zuyi said in a deep voice, his tone full of expectations.

The situation forced him to leave Xuzhou this time, but it didn't mean that Xu Zuyi didn't want the army from the Fifth War Zone to counterattack Shandong and regain the lost territory!

For the fifth war zone, although it has won a few battles, it cannot conceal the established fact that the fifth war zone still lost its city and territory after fierce resistance.

Although Han Fuqu was shot, Han Fuqu was also the chief of the fifth war zone, and he was the deputy commander!

The victory of the Anti-Japanese War was not as easy as it was portrayed on TV...


PS: The first update will be delivered, it is still arrears!

(End of this chapter)

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