War of Resistance

Chapter 623 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 623 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

Ever since, in this way, the commander-in-chief of the fifth theater of the national army began to designate a specific retreat route.

Under the command of the commander-in-chief of the fifth theater, hundreds of thousands of national army troops began to mobilize intensively and frequently, and began to gather where they should go.


The next day, that is, May [-]th.

According to the established plan, the Japanese army marched towards Su County with one part of its No. 11 Division, together with one part each of the [-]nd Division and [-]th Division.

The Gui Army under Liao Lei's No. 20 First Army was ordered to move westward.

On the same day, the enemy captured Yongcheng, and then marched straight to Dangshan and Guide with its brisk vanguard, and fought fiercely with the national army in Handaokou, Zhouzhai and other areas.

Huang Jie's Eighth Army under the command of Xue Yue, the First Corps of the First Theater of the National Army, was ordered to transfer eastward to Dangshan for defense to ensure the withdrawal of the troops from the Fifth Theater.

On the same day, the main force of the enemy army cut off the Huangkou Station on Longhai Road, the rear route of the Chinese army, and marched north and south along the west of Luxi and Huaibei.

At the same time, the enemy of the Japanese army in northern Henan (that is, part of the No.14 Division) moved eastward one after another, intending to cross the Yellow River and join its main force in Luzhong to attack Luxi, aiming to capture Luxi and complete the encirclement.

On the same day, five planes of the enemy air force attacked Xuzhou again.

Also on the same day, Han Deqin, commander-in-chief of the No.20 Fourth Army, was appointed to act as the chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Government, and Gu Zhutong resigned due to business.


On May [-]th, the day when Zhang Tianhai's troops began to prepare for the Yangzhuang annihilation battle, the battle was fierce.

The movement of the national army in Xuzhou is so frequent, it is natural that it cannot be concealed from the commander of the Japanese North China Front, Toshiichi Terauchi, who is also a chess player.


The former site of Duan Qirui's government, here in Beiping, it's already the season of spring and flowers blooming. The trees and flowers all over the city are already in bloom, waiting for pollination and seeding, and a new round of life blooming.

It's a pity that the fly in the ointment is that this building is filled with the national flag of Japan, which symbolizes the invaders, and the rising sun flag of the Japanese army!

Terauchi Shouichi stood in front of the map, looking attentive and meticulous. As a senior commander, and the highest commander of the Japanese North China Front Army in China, he had to think about how to take every step and how to deal with the national army. Carry out "smooth encirclement"!
Major General Okabe Naozaburo was also called to the office by Terauchi Shouichi at this time, in order to add opinions and the like.

"Okabe-kun, do you find it strange? Since yesterday, our army's progress in Xuzhou seems to be getting smoother." Terauchi Toshiichi murmured, then turned to look at the chief of staff, Major General Okabe Naozaburo .

"It's no surprise that with the advance of our army, the enemy's will to fight has been gradually destroyed. Maybe they have given up resistance!" Okabe Naozaburo said proudly, the formulation of this encirclement plan , can not do without his credit.

"However, the progress is too fast. Especially in Su County, this place is the southern gate of Xuzhou. Even if the Central China Dispatch Army wants to take it, according to the habits of the Chinese army, it will take a while, right?" Temple Shouichi Said very seriously.

"I don't think so. The new force of the Chinese army is almost exhausted. Although our army has suffered heavy losses in the front, it doesn't mean that we don't lose confidence in this, right?" Major General Okabe Naozaburo said with a frown.

"That's what I said, but there is an old saying in China, which is called 'If something goes wrong, there must be a demon', I think it's better to adjust it slowly!" Terauchi Shouyi said with a frown, he was so conceited that no one but himself could wait People who can't believe it.

"Then obey the commander's arrangement, Okabe, and will spare no effort to assist the commander and accompany the imperial army to fight to the end!" Naozaburo Okabe responded loudly.

"Then let's arrange it like this..." Terauchi Shouichi murmured.


On the [-]th, the national army's troops in southern Lunan withdrew westward, aiming to break away from the current very unfavorable situation.

Sun Lianzhong's Army and Tang Enbo's Army of the Lunan Corps received orders to gather at designated places such as southern Henan and northern Hubei.

On the same day, the enemy of Tancheng invaded Southwest Zhen from the south, and the traffic on the eastern section of Longhai Road was cut off by the enemy.

The western part of Lu has forcibly crossed the Yellow River with the north of Pu County and captured Dongkou, the Wengcheng.

In the past few days, enemy planes have flown to Xuzhou to bomb one after another, almost in a state of frenzy. On the morning of the 54th, 300 enemy planes attacked Xuzhou in batches, dropping more than [-] bombs.

On this day, the air defense sirens in Xuzhou were not touched for a whole day. More than [-] houses were blown up, and more than [-] civilians were killed or injured.


On May [-], the camera turned back to Zhang Tianhai.

The location is still the familiar Yangzhuang.

For Zhang Tianhai, Yangzhuang may be his last battle in Shandong, not for other reasons, but because the situation on the front line is rotten beyond his imagination.

On the [-]th, he was still planning to fight an absolute battle of annihilation in Yangzhuang, and to complete the set goal of a smooth retreat under the circumstances of the Heze security regiment desperately fighting the Japanese army.

But now?The Japanese army marched southward one after another, and the attack was menacing. Perhaps, the Heze security regiment would not be able to survive at that time.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai issued an order concerning the transfer of the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, from Heze to Dahuangji.

This order may be somewhat inexplicable to others, but to the top management of Zhiyi Tuan, it is already clear-eyed—Tuan Zuo, this is to take the troops to sneak away at any time...

Of course, Zhang Tianhai didn't necessarily want the Heze Security Regiment to be cannon fodder, his goal was for the Zhiyi Regiment's troops to retreat smoothly, so he transferred an infantry company from Han Xingle's Fourth Battalion Go to Heze to assist the second battalion of the Heze Security Regiment in defense.

The person in charge of defending Heze is none other than Gu Shi'an.

If it wasn't for Gu Shi'an's defense, Zhang Tianhai was really worried. How long the city could be defended meant how safe Zhang Tianhai and the others were.

However, what no one knew was that Zhang Tianhai secretly gave Gu Shi'an a military order: when it is irresistible, he can order to retreat, and as for the timing, he can grasp it himself.

Regarding Zhang Tianhai's order, Gu Shi'an naturally knew that it was extremely dangerous, but once he survived it, it would be time for him to flourish.

In any case, this battle is already on the line.


"Tuan Zuo, all the troops have entered their designated positions now, and we just wait for the enemy to enter the encirclement." Liu Houming said.

"Very good, now I have a task that I may assign to you, you are responsible for following up." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"What kind of mission, just rely on the commander of the regiment, and go through fire and water for a lowly position, and I will not hesitate to do it!" Liu Houming once again assured him loyally.

At this time, it was early morning, and the surrounding fog had not dissipated. This might be the best time for the Japanese army to cross the Yellow River south.

"I want you to take a special agent platoon and the first battalion of the Heze Security Regiment to fight a losing battle!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously, with a very serious expression!

"Losing the battle?" Liu Houming seemed to be unable to believe his ears.


PS: Let's send the first update!I still owe everyone two updates.

(End of this chapter)

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