War of Resistance

Chapter 625 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 625 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

"Mr. Liu, can you give them a shuttle?" said Liu Yihong, the commander of the [-]st Battalion of the Heze Security Regiment next to him.

Theoretically speaking, the future is still unlimited-risks and rewards coexist, as long as you survive the battlefield after being promoted, the possibility of promotion is extremely high.

Besides, this group of Gu Shi'an can be appointed as the commanders of each platoon, each squad, and even each company and battalion of the original Lanling City Defense First Regiment. Cultural knowledge and other aspects are still quite high.

Well, for this day and age.

It is precisely because of the level of education and the experience of serving in the army, if the head of the regiment thinks highly of it, it is not impossible to send them to the Central Military Academy for further study and come back covered in gold.

As for why Liu Yihong called Liu Houming the commander, it is very simple-first, Liu Houming has the command power on the battlefield. From this point of view, Liu Houming is indeed the commander; The temporary establishment is the battalion commander, and its real establishment is the platoon leader.

This is where the difference lies.

"Don't worry, wait until the little devils have more time to talk, otherwise, even if we lure them over, it won't be of much use..." Liu Houming said with a frown.

"Mr. Liu, I think that this battle can be fought in a different way." Liu Yihong said softly.

"Oh? How to play?" Liu Houming's eyes lit up. Tuan Zuo is a person who does not play cards according to common sense.

Besides, didn't Commander Zhang teach them to respond flexibly on the battlefield, unless it is a death order to stick to it, otherwise, at other times, most of them can be aimed at accomplishing the goal, and then try to kill the vital forces of the Japanese army as much as possible , We must give full play to our own command art.

"Mr. Liu, isn't the order given to us by the regiment because these little devils entered Yangzhuang? If we just fight like this casually, the little devils will be distrustful. If there is a fight, we will It's different, if you get pissed off, the little devil will definitely kill our troops." Liu Yihong analyzed.

Hearing Liu Yihong's words, Liu Houming's heart skipped a beat. He had long wanted to command the troops to have a real fight with the little devil.

"Your idea is very good, why don't we really fight with them?" After speaking, Liu Houming looked at Liu Yihong, and after looking at each other, they both saw the madness in each other's eyes.

With Zhang Tianhai as a very bold and disobedient leader as an example, his subordinates may not be so timid.

As the saying goes, if a soldier loves one, he will love a nest!
Therefore, under the circumstances that these two were courageous and action-oriented, the two hit it off immediately and did what they said.

The troops of the poor No. 14 division were the ones who passed by a squadron, and then they were attacked by the decoy troops led by Liu Houming.

This was not only beyond the expectations of the Japanese army, but also beyond Zhang Tianhai's imagination.

The battle started on the edge of the Yellow River!

Gao Shan Wuyi is an ordinary soldier of the No.14 Division of the Japanese Army. Unlike other troops, the composition of the No.14 Division is much more mixed than that of other divisions.

This goes back to the formation of the No.14 division——

The No.14 Division of the Japanese Army was organized in [-], at the end of the Russo-Japanese War. It was established to deal with front-line warfare, so it was not like the Sixth Division. Troops have fixed formations.

The units under the No.14 Division include those from Osaka, some from Zentsuji, some from Kumamoto, and some from Hiroshima.

In short, from all over Japan.

Gao Shan Wuyi is a soldier from Hiroshima. Since he came to China with the main force of the division headquarters, he has made many military exploits, and he has made great military exploits along the way.

Gao Shan Wuyi believed it too, and this time was no exception.

"Satou-kun, have you thought about what to do after taking down the next city?" Gao Shan Wuyi looked at his comrade Sato next to him with a smirk on his face.

"Does it need to be said? The life in the army is really hard. I haven't had a 'meat' for thirteen days." Sato said with a smirk on his face, his eyes were full of the kind of things that men can understand kind of look.

"Hahahaha. Let's wait until we win the next city! At that time we..." Before Gao Shan Wuyi finished speaking, his smile stopped abruptly.


A bullet pierced Gaoshan Wuyi's helmet, and then pierced his head. This aggressor who was only 21 years old ended his sinful life.

Private Sato, who was very close to Takayama Wuyi, was also spattered with blood on his face at the same time.

The blood was warm, sticky, and bloody.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!~~~"

First Class Sato was shouting hysterically, but was it useful?

To be precise, it was almost useless - because when he shouted, the veterans around him had already got down immediately to avoid these missiles!

This is the real strength that the soldiers of the standing division of the Japanese army should have!
Before Sato got down on the ground, the next second, a wave of bullets hit him immediately.

After all, Sato's movements were a beat slow - countless bullets passed through his body, bringing out countless bloodshot flesh.

He barely had time to resist and was already dead.

In this wave of bullets, not only Sato and Takayama Wuyi died, but also some Japanese veterans who didn't react so quickly at all.

All of a sudden, there was gunfire on the edge of the Yellow River.

There are the national army and the Japanese army.

"Hey, it's a pity, I failed to achieve the goal of killing two birds with one stone!" Liu Houming was secretly annoyed, if the direction of his gun pointing was even a little bit off, he would be able to hit both of them at the same time.

Regarding marksmanship, Liu Houming is constantly trying to find ways to improve himself, but unfortunately, there is still a considerable distance from the group seat.

It should be noted that if Zhang Tianhai was here, he might be able to kill two or three with one shot...

After Liu Houming shot, the officers and soldiers of the national army fired immediately, forming a huge firepower suppression on the Japanese army for a while.


On the other side of the river, Major General Sakai Takashi, who was originally full of confidence, was quite annoyed when he saw this scene-these Chinese troops came to attack them at this time, didn't they just make trouble?

Therefore, Major General Sakai Takashi stabbed the samurai sword in his hand heavily on the ground, and said angrily: "These damn Chinese soldiers dare to destroy the established action plan of the imperial army! Come, pass my order, the troops, at all costs, immediately Suppress these Chinese troops with firepower! Cross the Yellow River by force and complete the established military plan!"

"Hay!" A Japanese staff officer next to him responded, and hurried to carry out the order of the brigade commander.

For Takashi Sakai, if the plan to cross the river is delayed this time, the price to be paid will be extremely high, not only will it slow down the march into the city, but it will also make Guanyu steal all the limelight.

The former is actually easy to say, but the latter point is something Takashi Sakai cannot tolerate!
Both are at the rank of major general, and they are also in the same division, plus they are fighting in the North China battlefield, so why do you steal the limelight and get promoted?


PS: The first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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