War of Resistance

Chapter 626 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 626 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

In the Japanese army, the rank of lieutenant general is not something like the rank of Dazuo. Let me ask you, even if it is the entire Japanese army, there are only a handful of twenty or thirty division commanders.

Only when you reach the level of division commander can you have the rank of lieutenant general.

Therefore, it also proved a truth-in the Japanese army, the rank of lieutenant general is really valuable.

This is why Sakai Takashi is desperately trying to show off.

As for why he didn't act earlier, it was Kenji Doihara.

But don't forget, who would dare to act rashly without the order of the head of Kenji Doihara's division?

Therefore, once this opportunity arises, Takashi Sakai will desperately want to fight for this opportunity—the promotion from major general to lieutenant general is a very important part.

If he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general, he would be promoted to general in the future, it would be a matter of time, but the major general was different, when the time came, he would still have to retire and retire from active service.

The battle at the head of the pontoon bridge was like a thorn in the flesh. It was so eye-catching that the battle must end as soon as possible, so Sakai Takashi never left the head of the pontoon bridge.

Takashi Sakai's figure is not good, he is a typical Japanese five-short figure, and he is quite short and strong.

Because he is the supreme commander of this brigade, when he stands there, it seems that he has put a lot of invisible pressure on the Japanese combat troops!


To be honest, the battle at the bridgehead was not too fierce, mainly because the firepower of the national army was not strong, and the number of Japanese troops crossing the bridge was not too large, so the exchange of fire between the two sides was not too violent. .

But it happened that this exchange of fire was not a very intense battle, and it was delaying the time of the Japanese army.

After 10 minutes, Sakai Takashi finally became very impatient: "Baga! These Chinese troops can delay our crossing process with this small number of people? Order the artillery unit to immediately cover the opposite bank with firepower!"

"Hay!!" The Japanese army staff officer responded again.

Under the order of Major General Takashi Sakai, the Japanese artillery units who came to prepare to cross the river set up artillery positions one after another, and began to raise hot air balloons!
Liu Houming, who was still happily fighting with these little Japanese, immediately became very serious.

Maybe the recruits like Liu Yihong don't know what it is, but how can Liu Houming, a veteran who has followed Zhang Tianhai through countless lives and deaths, not know what this hot air balloon is for?

"It's bad, these little devils want to use artillery, it seems that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time..." Liu Houming said in a deep voice, if he continues to stay here, he may only be covered by retaliatory artillery fire from the Japanese army, which is definitely not in line with his character .

However, before the task was completed, such a situation was encountered, which was not what he hoped for.

"Liu Battalion Commander, it seems that we have to let some little devils come over, or if they come over, we will kill a few, so that their main force may not be able to come over, and we will not be able to complete the task assigned by the group. It's over." Liu Houming said to Liu Yihong beside him.

"Yes, Commander Liu. I will follow your command in everything." Liu Yihong didn't have much real experience, let alone command experience. If Liu Houming, a special agent, was not here to lead the rhythm, this battle would not have been known. What is it going to be like?

Liu Houming nodded, and said: "That's the decision, let's hold the flag for a while, let the brothers pay attention to concealment, the brat's artillery fire is coming soon."

"Okay." Liu Yihong responded, and immediately sent someone to convey Liu Houming's order.


Soon, with the voluntary ceasefire of the national army, for a while, the fierce gunfire resounded on both sides of the strait, and it immediately became lonely.

But the Japanese army did not stop crossing the river, and hurriedly took advantage of this gap to drive all the troops that could cross the river as fast as possible.

Soon, these Japanese troops crossed a lot, and soon, they had crossed the soldiers of two squadrons, and the speed of crossing the river was not unpleasant!
However, Liu Houming, who was watching these Japanese soldiers beside the small mound, immediately asked the troops to shoot again and hit a wave of Japanese soldiers at the bridgehead of the pontoon bridge.

But this time, the Japanese army had already gained a firm foothold at the head of the pontoon bridge, and the counterattack was fierce. It could really be called a rain of bullets, and the density of the bullets was as dense as raindrops, which was very terrifying.

Seeing that the Japanese army's hot air balloon was already hanging in the air, Liu Houming did not hesitate, and immediately ordered the troops under him to retreat.

However, less than 2 minutes after Liu Houming's troops left, dense shells covered their hiding place just now, and the level of artillery fire was very violent.




The artillery fire behind him was extremely violent, but Liu Houming didn't even dare to turn his head, and tried his best to escape, while the spies under him, even the officers and soldiers of that platoon, fled desperately in almost the same state.

And these members of the Heze Security Regiment ran with the officers and soldiers of the third row of the spy company—veterans like them, although not particularly strong in combat, but their life-saving skills are absolutely top-notch.

So, Liu Houming led the troops and ran for a certain distance like this, then stopped again, and then looked back to see if the little devil had followed.

The Japanese soldiers on the hot air balloon could see this scene clearly.

Therefore, these Japanese soldiers in the hot air balloon immediately reported to Takashi Sakai through semaphore.

"Nani? Do these Chinese troops dare to provoke us? Or are there only a few hundred people?" When he heard the news, Sakai Takashi immediately became furious.

These hundreds of people dare to challenge their army of more than 2 people?How can we show the majesty of their "imperial army" if we don't destroy them?

"Yes, Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, they only have a few hundred people, and there are no reinforcements nearby!" The combat staff officer next to him reported.

"Sougasnei. Immediately order Colonel Morita Homonsho to send a brigade to pursue it!" Sakai Takashi said in a deep voice. For him, this order is already very cautious. Generally speaking, dealing with hundreds of people For the national army, one squadron is enough.

Don't forget, after the "July [-]th" incident, the Japanese army was chasing a division of the national army one by one, which is not to say that it was quite arrogant.

But the fiasco in Taierzhuang seemed to tell the Japanese army: Don't underestimate the enemy, their enemy seems not as simple as it seems!
Therefore, under the premise of insurance, Sakai Takashi dispatched a whole brigade of troops to pursue the Ministry!

A brigade with more than 800 people, to deal with a force of only 500 people, for the Japanese army, it is obviously already using the power of a lion to fight a rabbit, just to ensure that the hateful Chinese army can be wiped out. He still has the ability to protect himself, so it doesn't mean that he was eaten by the reinforcements of the national army.

With the strength of a brigade, no matter how you say it, it will be no problem to last for a long time, right?Half a day is enough time for most of the No.14 Division's reinforcements to cross the river!

PS: The second update is here. I still have to work overtime until nine o'clock tonight, and I almost lose my full attendance.

Hey, it's too difficult, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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