War of Resistance

Chapter 627 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 627 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

"Sir, sir, it's not good, the little devil is catching up. There are a lot of people here!" A young soldier ran over panting and reported.

"Coming?" Liu Houming's eyes widened. The task would be completed soon, which caught him off guard.

"Here we come." The soldier nodded.

"Then let's go. We have to run as hard as we can. These little devils have very good physical strength. If we slow down, we really can't run." Although Liu Houming didn't want to admit the fact that the little devil is very strong, the little devil It's really strong, I have to admit...

So, under the leadership of Liu Houming, on the south bank of the endless Yellow River, a troop ran towards Yangzhuang on the bank of the river between yellow sand and green land, at an unusually fast speed.


Lieutenant Akisaku Shimamori is the captain of the First Brigade of the No.15 Infantry Regiment of the Japanese Army. The pursuit force designated by the captain.

Just as Major General Takashi Sakai thought, Colonel Morita Normasa also attached great importance to this pursuit. He was afraid that the Chinese army would not be wiped out, and that the pursuit troops sent by this army would be eaten up by the Chinese army.

In Morita Fanzheng's view, the captain of the First Battalion, Akisaku Shimamori, was a talented student from Lu Shi, and he was always mature and prudent in commanding operations. It was perfect for him to perform this task.

Since this time he hastily led the team forward, but he didn't even have horses, let alone vehicles, so this time, Captain Shimamori was going to play his old job as an infantry-running forward.

"Come on! Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!! We must wipe out this daring Chinese army that dares to offend the No. 14 Division of the Imperial Japanese Army!!" Akisaku Shimamori raised his command sword shouted.

"Korosso!! (Kill)"

"Hay! Sotes!~~ (Come on)"

These Japanese soldiers were shouting frantically and rushed forward, trying to catch up with the small Chinese army that blocked them at the bridge for more than 20 minutes.

Looking at the Chinese army, except for Liu Houming's special agent platoon, which ran very fast, the soldiers of the other security regiments were out of breath.

Glancing coldly at the soldiers of the security regiment, Liu Houming looked with disdain in his eyes: These soldiers are just fooling around, and once they encounter a war, they will simply be a hindrance.

"Quick! If you don't want to die, run away quickly!!" Liu Houming roared, even though he looked down on him, he still had to do what had to be done.

Perhaps hearing the terrible word "death", the pace of these fleeing soldiers accelerated a bit.


In Yangzhuang, the officers and soldiers of the [-]rd Company of the [-]th Battalion of the Zhiyi Regiment who are in charge of stationing here are already ready for battle.

They were waiting for the arrival of the Japanese army. They wanted to hold on until the troops of the security regiment entered the village, and then proceeded to confront the Japanese army head-on.

However, this is an inevitable thing. Whoever makes them a regular army unit and let these members of the security regiment play the main force can't afford to lose this person.

Li Zhan, the commander of the Fourth Battalion and the Third Company, just squatted behind the bunker facing the north of the village and waited quietly. His palms were already sweating, so he had no time to take care of it.

Whether this battle can win the final victory depends on whether Li Zhan and the others can firmly attract the enemy's troops in Yangzhuang, otherwise these little devils will run away, but it will be very troublesome, and it is very likely that the bamboo basket fight The water was gone.

"Company Commander, they seem to be back." A sharp-eyed soldier saw a few people pouring out from the horizon, so he said hastily.

"I see, brothers, get ready to fight, and start fighting as soon as our troops enter the village!" Li Chan said, and drew out his pistol first.

"Yes, company commander!" The soldiers of the third company hurriedly responded, and then began to prepare for the battle.

Soon, there was the sound of a bullet being loaded, and the officers and soldiers of the third company had completed their battle preparations.

On the opposite side was none other than Liu Houming's army.

The leading officer running ahead was none other than Liu Houming.

As for those soldiers who were left behind, Liu Houming couldn't control so much anymore. If those soldiers couldn't keep up, if they were killed by the Japanese army, there was nothing they could do about it. Who told them not to strengthen their physical fitness.

The task he received, Liu Houming, was to bring these Japanese troops to the encirclement circle of Yangzhuang. As long as this task was completed, other matters would be none of his business.

Taking advantage of his spare time, Liu Houming looked back and saw that there were more than 50 soldiers following him. This number was beyond his expectation. You must know that his special agent platoon accounted for more than [-] people. up.

There are more than 200 people who belong to the security regiment. Judging from the usual behavior of these people, it is estimated that they are the type of people who usually bully and bully the common people. It is probably impossible to let them march and fight.

"Brothers, speed up your pace. When we enter Yangzhuang, our own people will carry it for us." Liu Houming said through gritted teeth. To be honest, how many people feel like being chased by a little devil? will be good?It is estimated that most of them are not in a good mood, not to mention, that is the enemy's army...

Liu Houming waved his troops with a big hand, and hurried into the village.

If they don't go in, Little Japan's troops will catch up. In that case, they won't be able to run away alone, and the situation is critical.

The troops led by Liu Houming entered the village, and Li Zhan's third company hurriedly opened a passage so that they could enter the village quickly.

In short, we must complete the blocking mission as soon as possible!


"Baga, these damned Chinese soldiers can really run, and they can run to this point! We only wiped out more than 100 people!" Lieutenant Akisaku Shimamori complained. Although his figure is not out of shape yet, his physical strength has already Not as good as before.

This is purely a middle-aged person's last resort...

There are more than 100 people, which is already nearly a quarter of the Heze security regiment, and they still suffered such heavy losses under the pursuit of the Japanese army.

As for more than 100 people who disappeared, you don’t need to think about it—they slipped away as deserters.

Most of the officers and soldiers of the Heze Security Regiment were scattered soldiers recruited by Han Yiwen halfway. Don't think about how high their political awareness is, there are two hundred people behind them, who are already the backbone leaders of the teaching platoon. The soldiers are strong, and the people left behind have a good political awareness and have the spirit of sacrifice and dedication for the nation.

"Mr. Liu, now there are only a few people left in the first battalion of our Heze Security Regiment, which shames you." After entering the village, Liu Yihong walked beside Liu Houming and said.

"Don't say that these are all gone. Are you able to control the escape of these soldiers? Besides, there are nearly half of the troops left, which is already meritorious." Liu Houming said something in his heart. Not the kind of people who have a lot of scheming.

"Thank you, Commander Liu. If the Commander didn't understand, I wouldn't know how to report to the group seat." Liu Yihong scratched his head and said.


PS: The first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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