War of Resistance

Chapter 628 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 628 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

"It's almost arrived in Henan. It's a pity. I've been busy arranging the armaments all the time. I haven't had time to remind the delegation that it's time to pick up Wei He's family." For some reason, Liu Houming's mind suddenly flashed. Past Wei He's face.

Maybe it's because Liu Yihong's personality is a bit like Wei He's!

"That... Mr. Liu, may I ask, who is this Wei He?" Liu Yihong asked suddenly.

"It was the commander of the secret service company before me. At that time, I was still the adjutant of the regiment." Liu Houming didn't add any cover-ups or cover-ups. Wei He, this person, he has really existed, not a virtual character.

"Oh..." Liu Yihong seemed to want to ask something else, but it had been a long time since Commander Zhang mentioned the anti-bombardment fortifications. They had to hide in as quickly as possible, and then make room for the brothers who came in behind!


The camera then turned to Li Zhan who was guarding the north of the village.

At this time, the troops under Liu Houming's command had already entered the city one after another, and he quickly asked the troops to seal the opening.

He looked at the time on his watch with a nervous expression on his face.

The task Li Zhan received was to guard the entrance of the village for 10 minutes, but the point is, don't let the little devil step into the city within 10 minutes.

This last point, the problem is very difficult.

As for why the group seats are arranged in this way, it is not easy for him to ask so many questions. In short, it is right to perform the task.


To the south of Yangzhuang, Zhang Tianhai stood on the small slope in a deep abyss. He also knew that the battle would start soon.

Liu Houming's troops came back, which also sounded the countdown to the start of the battle.

"Wang Liang." Zhang Tianhai called Wang Liang, the adjutant next to him.

"Humble job." Wang Liang responded.

"Has everything been arranged properly?" Zhang Tianhai asked, without making sure again, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Reporting regiments, everything has been properly arranged. The artillery fire was fully launched at No. 205 minutes after the start of the battle. The mobile troops on the periphery immediately moved to the outskirts of Yangzhuang 10 minutes after the start of the battle. Try to wipe out the enemy who entered the net." Wang Liang said it like a treasure.

"Very good, it's done well, that's it!" Zhang Tianhai responded.


When Akira Shimamori appeared on the outskirts of Yangzhuang, it was already 5 minutes after the conversation between Zhang Tianhai and Wang Liang.

As the supreme commander of the First Brigade, Akisaku Shimamori usually travels with advanced gadgets such as command vehicles to serve him. Now, let him run for seven days like he did when he was in the army school. Eight kilometers, how can I adapt so quickly.

To be honest, if it weren't for being dragged down by Akisaku Shimamori, these little Japanese would have killed Liu Houming and his troops long ago.

From the perspective of the general situation, the location of Yangzhuang is like a miniature version of the crater in the basin, with relatively tall surroundings, and a relatively low slope in the middle, which is an area that is easy to attack and difficult to defend.

Therefore, when Akira Shimamori appeared on the high slope outside Yangzhuang, the excitement on his face was self-evident—as if he was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

From Akisaku Shimamori's point of view, this is really God's help-these soldiers of the Chinese army are obviously tired from running, and they are in a state of panic, and they don't even know they ran to this place.

"Report to your Excellency, Captain, it has been confirmed. This Chinese army just ran in here, and then never came out again." A soldier ran to Akisaku Shimamori and reported.

"Yoxi, take a break, and when the personnel are ready, immediately launch an attack! We must eliminate this group of enemies in the shortest possible time! The first battle of the No. 20 Eighth Brigade going south to cross the river must be fought on our island Mori Akira. I won!" Akisaku Shimamori showed a slight smile on his slightly unshaven face.

"Hay!" The soldier and the staff officer beside Akisaku Shimamori responded at the same time.

To be honest, Akisaku Shimamori is not ugly, and even a little handsome. Looking at his outline, he belongs to the same type of man as Takuya Kimura when he was young. The beard is a bit unshaven, but it makes him look more like a mature man. Manly.

Everything is fine, but he is a Japanese soldier, a loathsome invader!
Soon, the battle preparations of the No.15 Infantry Regiment First Battalion were completed in sevens and eighties. After all, they were the main force of the well-trained Japanese army's standing division, not those child soldiers in the late period of the Anti-Japanese War!

"Warriors of the sunrise, pick up the steel guns in your hands and make contributions! Go!!" Saying this, Akisaku Shimamori pulled out the command saber in his hand, and swung it forward heavily. The two squadrons The Japanese army immediately dispatched under his command!

Li Zhan, who was on the opposite side, looked at this scene, and his heart was about to hang: this little devil invested nearly two squadrons of troops in the first attack.

However, the facts soon told Li Zhan that his worries were unnecessary-with the current firepower configuration, it would probably be impossible for them to last for an hour, at most five or ten minutes, and they would have to fall here .However, it is more than enough to last for 10 minutes.




After the Japanese army began to approach, the light machine guns of the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment began to emit long tongues of flame. Although there were only three light machine guns, the firepower of the machine guns was indeed a little weak, but there was the cooperation of the rifle firepower of the soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment. Under the circumstances, they still played vigorously for a while, at least not very weakly.

As for the question of why a company has only three light machine guns, it is actually very simple. Li Zhan has deployed a platoon of troops to garrison the east, west and north of the village in case of accidents.

As for the south, that is the direction where the main force of the group is located, so they naturally don't need to defend.

In other words, the National Army, which is now facing the main force of the No. 15 First Battalion of the Japanese Infantry Regiment, has only one platoon of troops!
The slightly dense hail of bullets knocked down some unlucky Japanese soldiers at once.



Bullets pierced through the bodies of these charging Japanese soldiers with scorching heat, and flesh and blood flew all over the place immediately.

Bloody, fluttering in the air.

Akisaku Shimamori was not moved by it at all - in war, people always die, whether it is an enemy, a friendly army, or his own subordinates, there will always be casualties.

It's good to get used to these things.

"Immediately put into the reserve team, these Chinese troops, there are not many people left." Hearing the gunshots, Akira Shimamori gave an order.

This sudden hail of bullets only stagnated the Japanese army's offensive momentum, and could not stop their progress.

Relying on the terrain and discovering the lack of firepower of the national army, these Japanese troops immediately launched fire suppression on the spot!

For a moment, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the flying bullets with murderous intent!

These bullets all flew towards the bodies of the Chinese and Japanese armies, and some unlucky soldiers were shot like this, and then withdrew from the battlefield.

Of course, this option to withdraw from the battlefield is only available to the Japanese army, after all, they have the initiative on the battlefield!
"Hurry up! Ask the second and third platoons to send reinforcements immediately!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Zhan immediately sent two soldiers to mobilize his troops in Yangzhuang.

After the Japanese army first entered the reserve team, Li Zhan's third company faced considerable pressure-because they faced some of the main force before, but now they are facing the absolute main force.

Don't forget that the Japanese army is much higher than the national army in terms of the configuration of light and heavy weapons.

The most frightening thing is that they are equipped with a large number of grenadiers, which is unmatched by the national army-don't underestimate the firepower of this small cannon, it is quite ferocious!


PS: The second update is here, and the update is finally complete. . .too difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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