War of Resistance

Chapter 630 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 630 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

The Japanese offensive intensified, and with the support of the machine gun points that had been established, the Japanese infantry units began to launch a large-scale all-out attack.

In Akisaku Shimamori's view, the No. 20 Eighth Brigade's main force is already in the rear, and the follow-up artillery units and tank units are already crossing the river one after another. Under such circumstances, can he not give it a go?

The rear is stable, and there is a chance to get ahead. Akisaku Shimamori must win Yangzhuang as quickly as possible. If he can't win this way, he may be criticized later.

Just after the large Japanese troops went into battle, Zhang Tianhai finally waited for Zhou Fangjie's call back.

Replying the call is also very simple, probably only a few numbers: Regiment seat, Jinxiang and Yutai have fallen into the hands of the enemy a few days ago, and the No. 20 Third Division of the Eighth Army was forced to move back.Regiment headquarters.

Perhaps due to the urgency of time, Zhou Fangjie and the others didn't even write the date on their reply call.

After reading this reply, Zhang Tianhai's face inevitably sank slowly: the battle situation is gradually collapsing, and Luxi's troops are gradually retreating. Lan Feng.

It was only a little over a week before the outbreak of the Battle of Lanfeng.

"Strengthen the mountain and the world is overwhelmed, the time is not good and the time will never die, and the time will not die, so what can be done! What is the reason for the danger!" Zhang Tianhai recited the "Song of Gaixia" written by Xiang Yu when he was in Gaixia word by word, The note in his hand was lightly clenched.

Anyone can feel the decadence in Zhang Tianhai's heart, which is a kind of helplessness against the general trend of history!
No matter how much he tried, it was nothing but a mantis arm.

"Tuan Zuo, I believe that there is still hope in this battle." Wang Liang, the adjutant next to him, murmured.

"Oh? What hope?" Zhang Tianhai looked at Wang Liang, his gaze was like that of a drowning child grabbing the last straw.

Well, although I know it may not be of much use, I still have to catch it to see if it is really useful... What if it is useful?
Wang Liang summoned up his courage and said: "Tuan Zuo, although the situation on the front line has collapsed, our national army is still fighting on the front line! As long as we don't die, our country will not perish." !"

When Wang Liang heard this sentence, Zhang Tianhai felt extremely shocked. He was not only surprised at the level of his words, but also surprised at how high his ideological awareness was!
But soon, Zhang Tianhai came to his senses: Only people like Wang Liang who really existed in the period of the Republic of China can deeply understand the desire of people in this era to build a powerful country.

China has been bullied by foreign powers for too long. People in this era are eager to change and become stronger.

At this time, it is the time when our motherland is invaded by invaders!
Perhaps it was Zhang Tianhai himself who watched from above with a historical perspective, and then made every move carefully, but he forgot—people in this era have already made preparations for a bloody battle with the Japanese invaders. up!From the moment the Japanese invaders stepped into Chinese territory!

However, Wang Liang's cry from the heart was in Zhang Tianhai's mind, and it has not dissipated for a long time, and the sound is like a bell!


Since it is impossible to change the general trend of history, let's simply accumulate small victories into big victories!Zhang Tianhai was thinking inwardly.

The battle ahead was already very fierce, and the time passed in a flash. Before long, the distance between the Japanese army and the national army had been shortened by more than [-] meters, and there was only the last [-] meters left.

The commander of the Japanese army, Shimamori Akisaku, was not that rigid. He had already tried to send two squads to outflank it, but unfortunately, he was overwhelmed by the firepower of the remaining four squads of the third company. Law to move on.

Therefore, Akisaku Shimamori could only choose the most rigid frontal breakthrough.

The distance of 200 meters, whether it is far or near, let Liu Xiang run once in peacetime, which is about 20 seconds.

But this is a battlefield, and every step forward has to pay the price of blood.

Not long after, the casualties of the Japanese army had exceeded a hundred, but the Japanese army was not at ease, and the offensive became more fierce.

The Japanese army is uncomfortable, isn't the third company's troops uncomfortable?Their front line of defense has already fallen more than [-] people, and most of them are fatally wounded!
"Keep hitting!! Kill these sons of bitches!!"

Li Zhan was yelling, so many casualties paid before, it can't be sacrificed in vain, this time, the Japanese troops must not be able to escape!

The last 100 meters, this is Li Chan's last chance.

Must hold on!

While Li Zhan's troops were holding on, the second and third battalions of the Zhiyi Regiment were outflanking the rear flank of the Japanese army.

"Hurry up, hurry up! The troops behind follow!" Riding on the horse, Lu Shaojie urged the troops behind to follow up again, with a feeling of "standing and talking without pain in the back".

The reason why Lu Shaojie still refuses to dismount now is that this place is still some distance away from Yangzhuang. Theoretically speaking, it is not close to the frontline battlefield yet, and this place is dominated by plains. If there is any trace of the enemy, it will be found soon.

"The frontline troops have already fought so fiercely. It seems that it is almost time to close the net." Lu Shaojie heard the sound of guns from a distance, but kept murmuring in his mouth.


On the other side, Wang Ziqing was also urging the third battalion to move forward.

Wang Ziqing knew that the Tuan Zuo didn't seem to have a good impression of him, so he had to fight a very good battle to gain the Tuan Zuo's trust again.

There was no way, compared to the other three battalion commanders of the Zhiyi Regiment, Wang Ziqing was indeed a bit "ordinary", more precisely, mediocre.

A big net is already gathering!

Yangzhuang, the last 100 meters is already the most intense time of this battle. The casualties of the Japanese army are heavy, and the casualties of the national army are also increasing!

Li Zhan looked at the time, there were still 3 minutes left.

"Hold it! Hold it!" Li Zhan shouted.

As he said that, he also stretched out a gun and fired in the direction of the Japanese army.


A sound of steel rubbing at high speed sounded above Li Zhan's head, shaking his head slightly.

Li Zhan knew that the Japanese bullet must have been shot crookedly. If it wasn't for the crooked shot, the shot would have hit him in the head!
"Company commander, don't stand up. If you die for the country, what shall we do next?" A soldier next to him stopped Li Zhan who wanted to continue to support the battle.

Hearing this, Li Zhan was also slightly taken aback: This sentence does make sense. In the entire company, only he has a watch, and only he knows when to retreat. If he is also martyred, wouldn't the rest of the brothers all die? Under their own fire?

So, with the support of this kind of thinking, Li Zhan simply didn't take the lead. If he also died, the whole third company would really be over, and it would even drag down the group's established plan!
This battle has already been carried out so far, and it must not be a failure!

PS: The second update is here.

Unexpectedly, the old man actually finished it ahead of schedule, Kaisen... Haha, before two o'clock tonight, try to make another update!
(End of this chapter)

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