War of Resistance

Chapter 631 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 631 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])

Finally, under the oppression of the undiminished firepower of the Japanese army, Li Zhan's third company "fleeed in the face of the wind" and hurried to the village.

This made Shimamori Akisaku overjoyed. He immediately pulled out the command knife held in his left hand and shouted loudly: "Warriors of the Sunrise Empire, kill!!"


After hearing the order from Shimamori, all the Japanese soldiers in the No.15 Infantry Regiment First Battalion immediately rushed forward screaming, as if excited by infinite encouragement.


Zhang Tianhai, who was watching this scene from a distance, was quietly waiting for the result.

Theoretically, artillery preparations could be completed within 5 minutes after the Japanese army entered the village, but in Zhang Tianhai's view, this was not enough.

We must wait until all the main forces of the Japanese army enter the village before launching the most violent shelling!

"The fish has been hooked... I don't know if the net has been sewn..." Zhang Tianhai murmured, but did not make another sound. He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but he was afraid that the smoke from the cigarette would attract the attention of the Japanese army. Then the loss outweighs the gain.

Not long after the Japanese army launched the general offensive, on the reverse slope one kilometer behind the Japanese army, two troops of more than 600 people were advancing rapidly. They were rushing towards Yangzhuang. They had to arrive at the predetermined location before the artillery fire started!
After the artillery fire started, it was time for them to start acting!

Yoshio Oyama is a private of the No. 15 Infantry Regiment No. [-] Battalion. As the first soldier of the entire No. [-] Battalion to rush into Yangzhuang, he should have been very excited, but at this moment he looked bewildered.

Because he discovered a very strange thing-after entering the village, there was no one in the village except for the corpses of Chinese soldiers left behind on the battlefield.

On the village road, it was terribly quiet, and everything displayed two words - weird!
"Nani?" Yoshio Oyama murmured, but his young face was full of dignity. At this time, he had to be more cautious.

Ever since, Yoshio Oyama squirmed, holding the [-]th cap with a bayonet in his hand and the rising sun flag hanging on the muzzle, and looked ahead vigilantly.

No one wants to die, they just want to make meritorious deeds. There is a weirdness everywhere here. Don't wait for the big troops behind to come up and then inspect. Is it true that the birthday man is going to hang himself-is it too long to die?

Soon, the main force of the No.15 Wing's First Brigade caught up.

"Baga, what are you doing? Search inside quickly!" After the team leader caught up, he immediately slapped Dashan Yifu, and a slap mark immediately appeared on the latter's young face.

"Hay!" Since Yoshio Oyama couldn't resist, he had no choice but to accept it.


In the distance, I was watching my troops slowly start to enter the village, but I never heard gunshots, and I didn't see the enemy running out from behind.

So, this made Akisaku Shimamori worry: What exactly do these Chinese troops want to do?
Feeling something was wrong, Akisaku Shimamori immediately ordered the combat staff around him and said, "Come here, send someone to check the surrounding situation immediately!"

"Hay!" The combat staff officer responded.

Let people investigate and investigate, but Shimamori Akisaku did not order his main force to stop entering Yangzhuang-in his opinion, if he can't even overcome this difficulty, he is not worthy to continue to be the leader. captain.

Although this Yangzhuang exudes a strange aura everywhere, it is still the case, and the first brigade will not be easily scared off.

As Japan, it has painstakingly planned for several generations, just to annex China's great rivers and mountains, like the ancient Chinese "36 Strategies", but it is quite familiar.

In Akisaku Shimamori's view, if there is no one around, then these damn Chinese soldiers should be using an empty city strategy.

"Hmph, just trying to scare off the warriors of our Great Japanese Empire with a mere empty plan? It doesn't exist." Akisaku Shimamori snorted coldly.

But what happened in the next second made Akisaku Shimamori stunned!
They saw shells attacking Yangzhuang with screaming sounds, and at this time, three quarters of their troops had already entered, and there were only a hundred or so troops in charge of guarding the periphery!



A round of 75 mm caliber shells flashed dazzlingly from the blue sky, and then smashed heavily on Yangzhuang, a small village that was never heard of before, and then blew up hard.

The density of artillery fire is not generally strong, without more than ten artillery pieces, it is impossible to fight this kind of formation.

The entire village was covered in smoke and dust, and the sky-covering dust and smoke covered the entire village, making it almost impossible for people to see.

Akisaku Shimamori's face turned pale, he didn't expect such a result!
"Baga! Who fired the cannon fire!!" After Akira Shimamori reacted, he immediately jumped into a rage.

In his opinion, apart from their own artillery units being so wealthy, they have never seen such a wealthy Chinese army to be able to fire such an array of artillery fire.

"Brigade... Captain, it seems... it's not our artillery fire..." The combat staff officer next to him said tremblingly, and he was also in a state of bewilderment.


A crisp slap sounded, and a bright red slap mark appeared on the face of the combat staff officer.

"Baga...how is the Chinese army so crazy! Impossible...impossible..." Akisaku Shimamori hadn't finished his sentence before he realized that the artillery fire was really fired by their enemies!
"Crazy, crazy..." Akisaku Shimamori murmured, he would never have imagined that their enemy would use the trick of burning jade and stone together.

That's right, from his point of view, it's like burning jade and stone together!

He watched these Chinese troops enter the village, but they opened fire and bombarded them!Isn't this even beating their own people?
Looking at the overwhelming artillery fire in front of him, Akisaku Shimamori's face suddenly turned pale. He knew that his first brigade would probably cease to exist from today onwards.

With an army of more than 800 people, after this battle, there are only 100 or 30 people left. How can this be reported to the commander of the regiment?How does this communicate to the head of the brigade?
Thinking of these consequences, Akisaku Shimamori felt dizzy...

"Captain, what should we do now..." asked the combat staff officer next to him who had just been "rewarded" with a loud slap by Akira Shimamori. Although the slap was a bit unfair, it should be exercised Shouldn't the responsibilities continue to be exercised?

"What should I do? What should I do?" Shimamori looked around blankly, but his intuition told him that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Sure enough, a Japanese soldier soon ran back and reported to him: "Report to the captain, 700 meters behind us, a large number of Chinese troops were found, with a scale of no less than a thousand!"

Until now, Akisaku Shimamori understood: From the battle that started after crossing the river, these Chinese troops set a huge trap for them, just to wait for them to take the bait, that's all.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately!!" At this time, Lieutenant Akisaku Shimamori didn't care so much. If he didn't retreat, their first brigade would probably have all the "jade fragments" here.

The point is, their troops in the rear will still not get the same information!
Therefore, Lieutenant Assistant Akira Shimamori decided to retreat temporarily and wait for the large troops from the rear to come up to provide support.

Reluctantly, he glanced at Yangzhuang who was still being bombed, and the soldiers who were still screaming during the bombing. Akisaku Shimamori waved his hand and shouted: "Retreat! Retreat!!"

However, how could the trap that had been prepared so hard for so long allow these Japanese soldiers to escape easily?

No, Zhang Tianhai has ordered the cavalry battalion to dispatch!
The purpose is to wipe out the Japanese army!

PS: I still have an update, I still owe an update, hehehehe.

(End of this chapter)

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