War of Resistance

Chapter 649 The Japanese Army's Action!

Chapter 649 The Japanese Army's Action!
"Here." Zhou Fangjie pointed out some inadequacies in the stack of old papers, "There is something wrong with the data of the equipment personnel. Please verify it again."

Unexpectedly, after taking a look, Li Yinglun said, "Report to the delegation, there is no problem here!"

"Is there any problem? Didn't I tell you? Let the veterans give priority to recruiting the first battalion. The outstanding veterans transferred from the Heze security regiment also give priority to recruiting the first battalion. Am I not clear enough to you?" Zhou Fangjie Standing up, looking at Li Yinglun in front of him, the displeasure in his words was already very obvious, and at the same time contained a trace of sullenness.

Zhou Fangjie was also a person who had been on the battlefield, and the invisible murderous aura still existed on him.

But is Li Yinglun afraid?He is indeed a kind of high-minded person, and he doesn't think highly of Zhou Fangjie who came up from the grassroots and relied on his Huangpu background to get up.

In Li Yinglun's view, the truly capable people in the Whampoa Military Academy have already been promoted to the position of brigade commander. How could they be promoted to regimental commander only recently?It was just a small deputy head before.

Perhaps, this is a common problem of some cadres working in high-level units-thinking that the level of personnel in grass-roots units is generally low and cannot compare with the level of these leaders in high-level units. I also learned from the leaders of high-level units. Some contempt.

"Reporting sir, I believe that if our regiment is placed in this order, the overall balance of combat power will definitely be greatly compromised." Li Yinglun gently raised his somewhat arrogant head.


Zhou Fangjie slapped the table so hard that even the water in the cup splashed slightly. Obviously, he was not ordinary angry.

"Li Yinglun, I'm telling you, if you don't want to mess around anymore, get out of here—damn!" Zhou Fangjie squeezed out the last two words through his teeth.

Li Yinglun was frightened by this sudden scene, and was stunned for a while.

"Let me tell you, now that the war is about to start, if you don't want to mess around, get out as soon as possible, go back to the military headquarters, and don't take the 2000-odd brothers of the whole regiment to die!" Zhou Fangjie's fists were already clenched, and his hands were all It's the blue veins bursting out, one can imagine how angry he is at this time.

It's just that Zhou Fangjie is trying his best to suppress his anger and prevent it from bursting out, otherwise the relationship between these two people will not be good.

After hearing this, Li Yinglun seemed to understand Zhou Fangjie's intentions—this was sacrificing the combat effectiveness of a large army to ensure the absolute combat effectiveness of a certain army.

This is the only way out of nowhere. Instead of making every knife unsharp, it is better to make one of the knives sharp first. At least one of the knives can be guaranteed to cut the enemy!
"I understand." After Li Yinglun understood Zhou Fangjie's intentions, he didn't have too many unnecessary disputes. This is war, and the lives of the brothers should not be joked about.

Besides, if something goes wrong because of my own stupidity, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape the end of eating peanuts, right?
Most people who have worked in high-level units may be arrogant or make some stupid mistakes, but they definitely have their own expertise in judging people's faces and watching their own future.

"Humble job, let's re-execute the regiment's order!" After Li Yinglun gave Zhou Fangjie a military salute, he went out without looking back.

To be honest, this is not Zhou Fangjie's first time serving as a military chief, but the first time he has encountered a "wonderful" like Li Yinglun who doesn't obey orders.

Yes, it's weird.

In the battle order of the national army, what is emphasized is that "soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty", and it is relatively rare to see those who do not want to obey orders.

After all, the point of obeying orders from superiors had already been established in Whampoa—more importantly, before that, most of the officers of the Whampoa faction were still at the grassroots level, and those who took the lead were just so frustrated.

Therefore, in terms of military discipline, it is still quite good.

As for the late period of the Anti-Japanese War, almost all the elites in the Whampoa Department died nine out of ten, and some of the rest have been transferred to the ace army. Naturally, the remaining troops are not as good as those at this time. Whampoa Department.

Seeing Li Yinglun's leaving back, Zhou Fangjie frowned deeply: "It's just such a thorn, what would he do if it was Zhang Yulin instead?"How to polish this thorn?
Thinking about it, Zhou Fangjie frowned even deeper, and a kind of worry had arisen in his heart: he seemed to be a level taller than Zhang Yulin, but in these respects, he was still far behind that guy. A certain distance...

In other words, some people are naturally suitable to be leaders?
Thinking about this, Zhou Fangjie quickly shook his head: "Impossible, I can't let Zhang Yulin beat that guy, what Zhang Yulin can do, I can definitely do..."


The large forces in the Chinese army are gearing up and want to fight a desperate battle with the Japanese army, but the Japanese army is not idle.

After the Japanese troops occupied Xuzhou, the Japanese base camp believed that the battle of Xuzhou was basically over, but the results of the battle must be expanded!

Ever since, on the afternoon of May [-]th, the Japanese base camp issued several orders to the Japanese invaders.

The first is for the Central China Dispatch Army and the North China Front Army. The order is roughly as follows: expand the results of the Xuzhou Battle, and roughly stop at the east of the connecting line of Lanfeng, Guide (that is, Shangqiu), Yongcheng, and Mengcheng.

The second order was for the Central China Dispatch Army: the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army should make the troops participating in the Xuzhou Battle continue to sweep along the Jinpu line, and must turn to the area south of the Huaihe River (including) as soon as possible. The No.13 Division can be deployed on the banks of the Huaihe River west of Bengbu, and is scheduled to be transferred to the Second Army.

This third order is for the North China Front Army, and it is also the last order given by the Japanese base camp to the Japanese invaders on this day: the commander of the North China Front Army should send troops to follow the transfer of the troops of the Central China Expedition Army, and send the Second Army about two The four divisions as the backbone troops are deployed in the area along the Jinpu line from the south of Xuzhou to the Huaihe River.

After receiving these three orders, the Central China Dispatch Army of the Japanese invaders Hata Shunroku and the North China Front Army of Terauchi Shouichi have begun to move quickly.

They not only want to expand the results of the war, but also if they cross the cessation line of the war, they want to make meritorious service, they want to take Kaifeng, and then take the center point of the Jinpu line-Zhengzhou!
It is not the first time that the Japanese army has done this kind of behavior of crossing the stop line of war. The first time to do this is Matsui Iwane, the first commander of the Central China Expeditionary Army. It can be said that he has not made a bad start!
It can be said that this also reflects a problem in the Japanese army from the side: the following overcomes the above!

And this problem is very serious!

Whether it was September [-], the crossing of the cease-fire line on the Songhu battlefield, or the attack on Nanjing, most of them were done by the people below, and the people above couldn't command them at all.

How do you say it in an old Chinese saying?That is, the general will be outside, and the king's life will not be accepted!

It can be said that this sentence has not been carried forward and developed among the Japanese invaders, and it can be said that the blue is better than the blue!

Ever since, the two supreme commanders of the Japanese invaders joined hands again to advance the front to Zhengzhou!


It was still the former site of Duan Qirui's government, but at this time it was probably because of the light rain just now, so neither the Japanese national flag nor the rising sun flag of the Japanese army continued to flutter, but just hung there quietly, motionless.

The Japanese soldiers standing guard outside may be in a bad mood because of the rain, but now the commander of the North China Front Army of the Japanese invaders Terauchi Shouichi is not in a generally beautiful mood.

Even whistled, it was the song "Sakura Ballad"!

PS: The second update is here!Sorry to keep everyone waiting.

The update is here, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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