War of Resistance

Chapter 648 The Position

Chapter 648 The Position
Indeed, the current political trend within Zhiyi Group is not quite right.

To be more precise, Zhang Tianhai took advantage of Guo Qiliang's trust in him, and Gu Shi'an had just taken office, and his position was not stable enough, and with the prestige he usually established, he was cultivating personality.

There are good and bad things about this thing. On the good side, in terms of combat command, those who work under him will obey his orders unconditionally; the downside is that once the superior finds out, he may not be the head of the regiment for a long time up.

But special times can only be dealt with specially. It should be noted that if the whole regiment does not follow his orders, how can he save this crisis?

So, there is this place.

As the chief of the Political Training Section, He Jiye, who also came from the Military and Political Department, was naturally very sensitive to this aspect, but he didn't say anything on the spot, but after the meeting, he did find Zhang Tianhai to talk about it.

The street was still busy, Zhang Tianhai and He Jiye just walked side by side, and the latter didn't say to step back half a body.

"Tuan Zuo, I don't understand something, but I hope the Tuan Zuo can enlighten me so that I can give you a satisfactory answer." He Jiye said.

Zhang Tianhai is a smart man, and he also knew that what He Jiye was talking about was the speech he had just given at the meeting of the main military and political cadres of the regiment.

But Zhang Tianhai didn't answer this question directly, he just smiled and said: "Jiye, I won't say anything else, do you believe that I will do such a thing as defecting to the enemy and treason?"

He Jiye thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I believe you won't, other people may have the possibility to do such a thing, but you won't."

"Why do you know?" Zhang Tianhai smiled, as if he already knew the answer.

"If you were really one of those people who defected to the enemy and treasoned the country, you wouldn't have stayed in Shanghai for so long, and you wouldn't have stayed in Nanjing by yourself. Moreover, you were the most active in fighting the little devils. If you say that among the whole regiment, You are the officer with the toughest attitude towards Japan, if you will also treason, I think there are not many real men in the entire national army. I am afraid that 90.00% of them are traitors, right?" He Jiye smiled and said, trust in Zhang Tianhai is gone It is vivid.

"Since this is the case, you should choose to trust me. You can just wait and see everything. I have no reason to treason, and I don't need to. Behind us are our relatives." Zhang Tianhai said meaningfully Said, but did not say what to do.

"Tuan Zuo, I believe in you. You have always led us to win battles. All of us who are subordinates can see this. If you need help, just ask." Although He Jiye was right It's more cryptic, but it has made its position clear.

He will spare no effort to support Zhang Tianhai!This was He Jiye's position, and he even did not hesitate to send a telegram to his clan uncle He Yingqin and Minister He!

"There is no need for this, I, Zhang Yulin, since I have the ability to pierce the sky, then I should have the ability to make up for it, otherwise, if I am drowned by the flood from the sky, I will deserve it. "Zhang Tianhai said confidently.

"Haha, Captain. To be honest, because you are relatively young, I really didn't trust you when I first came here. Later, I found out that your style of behavior still doesn't match your age. , but they are too mature." He Jiye laughed, after getting along for so long, the two of them can be regarded as old comrades-in-arms, and many things can naturally be dealt with honestly.

"How to say?" Zhang Tianhai also laughed, everyone likes to praise, and he is no exception.

Although he knew that Zhang Tianhai might be asking questions knowingly, but He Jiye didn't care too much, and said: "You are a man, you can shine brightly if you give it some sunshine. If you don't say anything else, your personal charm is still good. If you take the lead in battle, you will be able to fight again." Pay attention to strategy. Our group is full of dragons and snakes. I think it will be difficult to turn around without you."

Although He Jiye didn't want to admit it, he still had to admit that this was an established fact.

"Haha..." The two looked at each other and smiled.


Zhiyituan's belt is tied tight, and they are waiting for the Corps Command to issue combat orders. All aspects of preparations have been carried out in advance, so it can be said that they are not fully prepared.

Zhang Tianhai's side is making intensive preparations, but Zhou Fangjie's side has encountered difficulties——

As far as Zhou Fangjie is concerned, he has gotten used to Zhang Tianhai's way of doing things: the general direction is well controlled, and the specific matters are left to him and Guo Qiliang.

More importantly, Zhang Tianhai's prestige in the Zhiyi group was quite high, so when it came to doing things, the people below did not dare to be uncooperative.

But it's different now, everything needs to be checked by Zhou Fangjie himself.

Fortunately, the squad leaders of this group of Heze security regiments also transferred when they were transferred, and became the grassroots cadres of the regiment directly under the No. 70 First Army. These people are still very willing to listen to him.

But now the regiment directly under the No. 70 First Army is not only facing the problem of the 420 veterans, but also the [-] soldiers transferred from the Heze Security Regiment, as well as the [-] newly recruited soldiers.

That is to say, the No. 70 regiment directly under the First Army has real combat effectiveness, that is, the 420 veterans, plus some members of the Heze security regiment.

But still counting these things, Zhou Fangjie's regiment directly under the military headquarters only has five or six hundred soldiers capable of fighting. With such combat power, how can he not make him frown?

Don’t forget that the No.70 regiment directly under the First Army’s headquarters is an ordinary infantry regiment with more than 2000 soldiers, but it is not as good as the “trench” of more than 400 directly under the First Regiment in the third theater angry...

There is still a gap between being the deputy head of a reinforced regiment and rashly becoming the head of an ordinary infantry regiment.

After all, Zhang Tianhai's regiment, strictly speaking, is a brigade, and he, Zhou Fangjie, enjoys the power of the deputy brigade commander no matter what.

"Li Yinglun, come here. What's going on? There's something wrong with the battalion's battle reports." Zhou Fangjie called out to his chief of staff.

Li Yinglun was not born in Whampoa, but he was also a military student who had studied abroad. He once studied in West Point in the United States.

After returning to China, he changed his name to a more foreign style. According to him, his ambition is to build China into a country as powerful as England, and the capital of China to be as prosperous as London!
Like many people who have returned from overseas, he has also been awarded some moderate official positions. Before that, he served as a major combat staff officer in the No. 70 First Army, and this time he was promoted.

After all, no matter what, this regiment-level chief of staff is also the rank of lieutenant colonel, isn't he?

"Team seat, please clarify." Li Yinglun approached Zhou Fangjie and asked.

Li Yinglun's appearance is fairly standard. After all, most of the children from rich families are not too bad-looking-well, the genetic modification project still played a major role.

With a height of 1.7 meters [-], coupled with a well-proportioned figure, if in later generations, he would be regarded as a very standard handsome guy.

It's a pity that they are all men in the army now, and there is no chance for the big girls to appreciate them.


PS: Chapter 1 will be delivered, and Chapter 2 will be delivered before twelve o'clock!
Time is tight, and there are always things that can't be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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