War of Resistance

Chapter 647 Death Will!

Chapter 647 Death Will!

The end of the Battle of Xuzhou does not mean that the war will end.

After the Japanese army occupied Xuzhou, they wanted to march westward. Therefore, Dangshan, guarded by the Eighth Army of Huang Jie and the Fourth Army of Guo Chan's No.90, became the focus of the audience.

Speaking of the No.90 Fourth Army, it can be traced back to its predecessor as the Chen Tiaoyuan Department of the Fifth Front Army of Sun Chuanfang's "Five-Provincial Allied Army". The 30th Seventh Army, but due to various battles and the intentional compression of the national government, the department was finally reduced to the fifth division, which was under the appeasement office in Jiangxi.

Later, during the Nanjing Defense War, the battle became tense, so the Fifth Division and the Wuhan Garrison Brigade formed the No.90 Fourth Army. Guo Chan, the deputy commander of the Wuhan Garrison Commander, served as the commander of the No.90 Fourth Army. It is slowly developing, and there are more than 2 troops under its command.

However, the two main divisions under Huang Jie's command, together with the two divisions of Guo Chan's No. 90 Fourth Army, were still not enough for the main force of the Japanese army.

Therefore, when Xue Yue's First Corps faced the critical situation of the absolute main force of the enemy forces in the direction of Xuzhou, the commander of the Corps, Xue Yue, immediately issued an order for the entire Corps to enter a combat state.

Soon, the "war behemoth" of the First Corps came to life and began to show its fangs!


Of course, the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone, as a combat force under the No. 70 First Army under the jurisdiction of the First Corps, naturally also received a combat readiness order.

No, the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater is busy.

Zhang Tianhai never imagined that without Zhou Fangjie as his right-hand man, the regiment would be in such a mess.

Yes, yes, it is "chaos".

To be more precise, it was panic chaos!

The meeting was in a hurry, and the training was also in a hurry. Fortunately, Zhang Tianhai's professional quality was excellent, so Zhi Yituan didn't hold back in the training.

In short, after Zhou Fangjie left, Zhang Tianhai began to feel a little uncomfortable.

As for the officers transferred from No.80 Seventh Division and No.80 Eighth Division, Zhang Tianhai first supplemented the staff of the staff department, and then threw the rest directly into the teaching platoon to serve as the teachers of the teaching platoon. As a reserve officer and cadre force for the next stage of the Zhiyi Regiment!
Soon, all the officers and cadres of the Zhiyi Regiment arrived. In addition to the school-level officers who Zhang Tianhai regarded as the backbone, the officers of the regiment directly under Liu Houming and others were also present.

Looking at the crowded situation, anyone can see the difference in this meeting. This is a meeting where the group members are mobilizing for war!

This is Zhang Tianhai's habit. Before each battle, the military chiefs of the main troops of the Zhiyi regiment must be assembled to give lectures.

Only this time, the one sitting on Zhang Tianhai's left was no longer Zhou Fangjie, but Guo Qiliang, and the one on the right was Gu Shi'an.

This time, the Big Three of Zhiyi Tuan have all been replaced by students from the seventh phase of Whampoa!

The officers seated in the two rows are still rehearsing in order. Li Chunfei, commander of the first battalion, Lu Shaojie, commander of the second battalion, Wang Ziqing, commander of the third battalion, Han Xingle, commander of the fourth battalion, Wang Yongcheng, commander of the cavalry battalion, and Wang Yongcheng, commander of the artillery battalion. Zhao Chengge, Chief of Political Training He Jiye, Special Agent Company Commander Liu Houming, Engineer Company Commander Li Chengjie, Mortar Company Commander Huang Daji, Small Cannon Company Commander...

The military chiefs of the eighteen military combat units, together with the three military chiefs of the Zhiyi Regiment, made the small meeting at the side slightly crowded.

"Everyone, I believe everyone is aware of the current situation. Yesterday, Liu Ruming's No. 60 Ninth Army had withdrawn from Xuzhou. Xuzhou has been declared to have fallen." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, very direct, without beating around the bush at all. .

After hearing the news, all the officers present had a serious look on their faces: They all know what the Tuan Zuo meant when he said this?This means that the top military officer of the Zhiyi Regiment is ready to fight the Japanese invaders to the death.

"Everyone, you are all old people who have followed me Zhang Yulin for a long time. I can tell you so clearly that this battle is more dangerous than any battle we have experienced before. It is a group of people below us. Maybe all They will all be buried in the battlefield." Zhang Tianhai's voice was still extremely low, but anyone could hear his firmness.

The people present were silent, only the birds outside the window were chirping.

Zhang Tianhai glanced around the crowd, only to see that everyone in front of him had serious expressions on their faces. His expression moved slightly, and then he got up and said loudly: "You are all old people who have followed me for a long time. Logically speaking, I, Zhang Yulin Even if you want to die, you should never drag everyone to the end. Now, I will give you two ways, one is to fight the Japanese army with me in this battle; the other is to withdraw from my third party. The theater is directly under the First Regiment, and I, Zhang Yulin, can assure you that he will not receive any punishment!"

When Zhang Tianhai said it, it can be said that it was so loud that no one would question his determination, because he was always a person who could do what he said, and all the officers and soldiers in the Zhiyi regiment knew this!
But what Zhang Tianhai never expected was that as soon as he said this, all the officers present stood up and shouted almost in unison: "The humble officer is willing to follow the regiment to kill the enemy!" Get rid of the invaders and fight the Japanese invaders to the death!!"

What Zhang Tianhai didn't expect was that He Jiye, the Chief of the Political Training Section, who had always shown "ignorance of world affairs" and just followed the rules, was among this group of people who stood up, and his expression was also very excited.

The lectures at this meeting were not the same as in the past. It was not the previous meeting where Zhang Tianhai encouraged everyone to build up confidence and fight the Japanese invaders.

But this time, Zhang Tianhai really has the will to die!

He wants to go crazy for the millions of people in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River!
Any group or individual that hinders him from achieving this goal must be eliminated. This time, there is no room for mistakes!
This meeting is not only a meeting where Zhang Tianhai wants to show that he will fight to the end, but also an inoculation for all the officers of the Zhiyi Regiment—a heavy blow for his next crazy move. Vaccination!
To stick to a city, or to follow him to disobey the order of the whole regiment, this kind of thing will lose his head.

Zhang Tianhai didn't expect that everyone would fight to the end to keep the Yellow River embankment like him.

Because people at this time are different from him, a time traveler. From the perspective of people in this era, the future is confusing, and anything can happen.

Only Zhang Tianhai knew best what would happen next. Originally, Zhou Fangjie, a person who knew what he wanted, was staying at the Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters, and Guo Qiliang, a close friend, old classmate, and old comrade-in-arms, gave full support, and everything would be no problem.

But now it's different, Zhou Fangjie has been transferred, now Gu Shi'an is the chief of staff, Guo Qiliang is the deputy head, and the leadership team has been replaced, which means that Zhang Tianhai may not be able to change as before. It became his word.

Therefore, he must be fully prepared!

"Very well, I, Zhang Yulin, am here, so I would like to thank everyone first, and thank you for the millions of people on the south bank of the Yellow River. This battle, including my regiment leader, Zhang Yulin, has been very difficult. Be optimistic. But I am a Chinese, and I have pure Yanhuang blood! I am willing to shed my blood for this piece of China. Everyone, after this battle begins, no matter what happens, you must do it Forbidden! Even if you follow me, Zhang Yulin, to die, can you do it?!" Zhang Tianhai roared loudly.

"Yes!!!" The officers of Zhiyi Regiment responded in unison, with a murderous look.

Only He Jiye frowned slightly: There is something wrong with this wind direction...


PS: The second update is here.

Hey, I can't catch up again, I can only play a little clever, it's too difficult for me...

(End of this chapter)

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