War of Resistance

Chapter 646 Soldiers surround Xuzhou!

Chapter 646 Soldiers surround Xuzhou!

Zhou Fangjie left.

To be precise, he left after the meeting of the main cadres of the whole regiment.

After Zhou Fangjie left, Zhang Tianhai's work suddenly became very busy - the training business that Zhou Fangjie was in charge of was also handed over to Zhang Tianhai for handling.

Although Zhang Tianhai's business ability is quite strong in the training business, but it is quite trivial to deal with, so Zhang Tianhai is not willing to do it.

Hence, Zhang Tianhai could only hope that Guo Qiliang could quickly and fully accept Zhou Fangjie's staff, and then he could continue to be lazy.

There is no way, who made Zhi Yituan extremely lack of talents now...


The pace of the war is gradually approaching. In the next few days, Zhang Tianhai has not been idle, and he is busy training the troops.

But what everyone didn't expect was that after Zhou Fangjie took office as the head of the Heze Security Corps, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government immediately issued a document about the reorganization of the Heze Security Corps into No.70. The command of the regiment directly under the army department.

What is even more surprising is that after the Heze security regiment was reorganized into the No.70 regiment directly under the First Army, it immediately expanded!
Song Xilian used a very simple and crude method-stuffing more than 70 veterans into the No.[-] First Army regiment as the skeleton backbone, and then filled it with a large number of cadres.

Ever since, Zhou Fangjie's regiment is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is beyond everyone's expectation, including Zhang Tianhai.

This can't help but make people sigh: after all, it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and it is difficult to grow under the name of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

Of course, in the past few days, Zhang Tianhai is also working hard to restore the size of Zhiyi Regiment to its pre-war state.


No.70 First Army Military Headquarters Compound.

It is still the compound with all the buildings, terraces and waterside pavilions, and the scenery is too beautiful.

No.70 Song Xilian, commander of the First Army, was sitting behind his desk smoking a cigarette, and Chief of Staff Zhong Bin was standing in front of him, watching him smoking.

"Military seat, I have a proposal." Zhong Bin said.

"What suggestion? Tell me?" Song Xilian raised his head, his eyes no longer staring at the documents on the desktop.

"Military seat, there are already two regiments directly under our army's battle order. I think that the two regiments are too small. Would it be more appropriate to combine them into one brigade?" Zhong Bin asked.

Song Xilian shook his head and said, "No, this proposal is absolutely not acceptable. If these two directly subordinate regiments are combined into a field brigade, sooner or later this brigade will not belong to our No.70 Army."

"Oh? What do you say?" Zhong Bin asked. He was Song Xilian's chief of staff, and the two were classmates at the same time. Naturally, they could ask some questions.

"The reason lies in this Zhang Yulin. If you want to form a field brigade, who do you think is suitable to be the brigade commander besides Zhang Yulin?" Song Xilian breathed out a puff of smoke and tapped his index finger on the table.

After thinking for a while, Zhong Bin shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Except for this Zhang Yulin, it seems that no one is really suitable to be the brigade commander."

"Isn't that right? Zhang Yulin has been in the position of regiment leader for nearly half a year, and he has made a lot of military exploits during this period, but it's just that there is no suitable opportunity to promote him. Just wait and see, if Zhang Yulin Yulin will go up to serve as the commander of this brigade, and sooner or later the war zone will draw this brigade out." Song Xilian smiled slightly, and the complacency in his words was evident.

"Yin Guo, to be honest, I'm really puzzled. Logically speaking, this piece of Yu Lin is your old subordinate, and he's also a junior of our Huangpu. Why do you just block him?" Zhong Bin I was really puzzled, after all, he and Zhang Tianhai were really unfamiliar, let alone understood.

"Zhang Yulin is deeply loved by the head of education, and Li Zongren, the commander of the fifth war zone, regards him as a genius in combat. After he takes office, the people in the chief department will naturally want to transfer him away from the No. 70 army, and It's very likely that his troops were also transferred away, wouldn't that be a big loss?" Even though Song Xilian usually looks easy to talk, the small calculations in his heart are crackling.

It is not easy for a person to be a high-level official in this era.

"Understood, hey, it's no wonder you are one of the first group of classmates who became army commanders in the same period. It's really extraordinary..." Zhong Bin nodded and smiled.

"Okay, you and I don't have to brag to each other anymore. By the way, this matter is settled now!" Song Xilian said with a smile.


The progress of the situation in the past few days has not been so fast. Generally speaking, the national army is still retreating steadily.

During the fierce battle in Heze on May [-]th, Li Bifan, the division commander of the national army, died in the line of duty, as well as Huang Qidong, the division chief of staff, and Liu Guanxiong, the regimental commander.

On the same day, the enemy troops in western Lu gathered in Jinxiang and Yutai, and part of them fled to the north of Cao County.

Also on May [-]th, the main force of the Japanese army stormed Dangshan, where the main force of the Eighth Army was stationed, in an attempt to break through the Longhai Road; Yanglou, Xiaoxian County, [-] miles away from Xuzhou, found the enemy. At the same time, more than [-] Japanese planes violently bombed Xuzhou .

The flames of war have raged to Xuzhou!
On May [-]th, Xuzhou was in an emergency, and a Japanese plainclothes team was found at Xiguan!
After asking about this news, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi moved to the Duanjia Garden outside the city to work in order to prevent the Japanese army from besieging Xuzhou!

On May [-], the enemy forces in Fengxian invaded and occupied the Helizhuang and Huangkou stations on the Longhai Line.

So far, the Longhai Railway has been completely occupied by the Japanese army, and the encirclement of the Japanese army has gradually taken shape!

On the evening of the [-]th, the front artillery positions of the Japanese army had been set up, and a large-scale bombardment of the city of Xuzhou began!

For a time, the city of Xuzhou was engulfed in flames, and citizens fled to the countryside one after another.

On May [-], Xuzhou was in an emergency again, and the national army immediately changed the evacuated combat forces to fight outside Xuzhou.

On the same day, Pei County in the northwest of Xuzhou was captured by the Japanese army, and the main force of the enemy immediately rushed to the west section of Longhai Road in an attempt to encircle Xuzhou City from the west section of Longhai Road!
Also on May [-]th, the Japanese army along the Weishan Lake invaded Bawang Mountain, and Xiao County in the southwest of Xuzhou was captured!

At this time, except for the east and north of Xuzhou, which were still under the steadfast defense of the national army, all other directions had fallen into the hands of the Japanese army!

In order to buy time for the army to retreat, the national army troops on both sides of Longhai Road are still sticking to their strongholds and resisting desperately, causing heavy casualties!


On May [-]th, everyone knew that the encirclement circle of the Japanese army was slowly closing, but the defenders in Xuzhou did not give up.

At this time, Xuzhou had already become an empty city. The walls of the city were full of craters left by the explosion of Japanese artillery shells. The city was burning with raging fire, and there was a piece of beacon smoke all around!
Except for the east and north, the Japanese army has surrounded Xuzhou in different directions!
"Mr. Liu, retreat! Our troops are almost exhausted. Brothers, there are not many left. If we don't leave, we will all be unable to leave..." A regiment leader ran to Liu Ruming and reported.

All that remained on the face of the head of the regiment were the traces of black ash after the gunpowder smoke flowed through. Those red eyes and two very obvious marks under those eyes proved that he had just shed tears.

"We have to defend for a while, and if we stay for a while, the army in the theater will be able to retreat." Liu Ruming's voice revealed a determination, and no one could dissuade him from stopping this kind of thinking.

"But... Commander, the troops are really about to be wiped out..." The tall regiment commander couldn't help but trembled slightly, and two lines of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

"No but!" Liu Ruming said in a deep voice, his attitude already represented everything.


On May [-], Xuzhou was abandoned on the evening of the [-]th after fierce resistance from Liu Ruming's troops.

The Battle of Xuzhou, which lasted for several months, officially came to an end, ending with the loss of Xuzhou by the national army...


PS: The first update is here!The second one will be delivered before twelve o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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