Chapter 645
Why do you want to slap yourself a few times?It's not because of the cheap mouth...

Tell me, it's all right, what are you talking about?The big deal is to swallow the Heze security group in one gulp, but this time it's all right, let me tell the military seat...

Well, fetching water from a bamboo basket is in vain... To be more precise, it's not worth the money.

But since the superior officer wants someone from him, and he wants to swallow the Heze security regiment, there is no way...

Who made Song Xilian the chief?One level of official rank crushes people, Song Xilian's official position is not only one level higher than him.

But many levels...

No matter what, this loss has to be eaten up, and it must be pretended to be very happy.

"Yes, Military Seat. The humble job promises to complete the task!" Zhang Tianhai really pretended to agree with a cheerful face.

But before the voice of that sentence fell, Zhang Tianhai said with an old face: "What, the military seat, when the Heze security regiment was rectified before, a large number of cadres were transferred from our regiment. Now Our regiment is facing a shortage of cadres. Can the military seat please solve it?"

Song Xilian originally accepted Zhang Tianhai's "gift" very happily, but as soon as he said the next sentence, his mood immediately deteriorated at a speed visible to the naked eye - he has never seen such a shameless subordinate, and The superior officer has something to do, and he started bargaining?
Zhang Tianhai is not a good guy, so is Song Xilian a good bird?
So Song Xilian smiled and said, "Of course there is no problem with the cadres. I can gather a dozen good cadres for you from the No. 80 Seventh Division and the No. 80 Eighth Division, but there is one condition, that is, The more than 800 rifles you seized must be handed over to the Heze security regiment in full. In addition, for the few people you lost, I can recruit you from these two divisions to replenish them!"

What is the turn of the day, this is called the turn of the day, losing a Zhou Fangjie and a brigade of Japanese equipment, in exchange for a dozen cadres and more than 100 elites, this deal is barely worthwhile, but it is still a small loss.

Zhang Tianhai really didn't like the Japanese equipment of this brigade. The only thing he liked was the grenade, which was tasteless.Tasteless to eat and a pity to discard.

But Zhou Fangjie is different, this is definitely a proper talent, even if he is asked to be the head of the Zhiyi regiment, he is absolutely qualified, and it is indeed a bit inferior to let him be the deputy head.

But from Zhang Tianhai's point of view, this must be a blood loss...

And those grenade launchers can't be detained anymore - after all, it's a brotherhood, so these grenade launchers shouldn't be detained, that would seem a bit too petty, Zhou Fangjie is not someone else, he is one of his own.

No matter from the point of view of future political alignment or past brotherhood, Zhou Fangjie is one of his own, not others.

Parting always comes suddenly, and this time is no exception.

When Zhang Tianhai left the No.70 No. [-] Army Headquarters, he felt a little heavy: Anyway, in the view of Army Commander Song Xilian, the troops directly under the Army Headquarters must be implemented, since their third theater is directly under the First Regiment Unwilling to merge in, then Song Xilian had no choice but to start with the Heze security group.

The Heze security regiment is not big or small, but it is still a regiment-level unit. As long as the number and organization are preserved, won't it be a matter of minutes to expand the troop in the future?
The No.70 First Army is not comparable to a small unit like the First Regiment directly under the Third Theater. The former needs people, guns and guns. Expanding the strength of a battalion is already barely enough, let alone expanding the strength of a regiment.

Even if it barely expands the shelf, what about the quality of the army officers?What about the proportion of veterans?Can it still be balanced?This is a big problem.

There is still a qualitative difference between a small unit and a large unit—after all, quantitative changes cause qualitative changes!
On the way back to the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai looked at the sky and let out a long sigh: "I will send you off for thousands of miles, and I will have to say goodbye at the end. There is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. Maybe for Lao Zhou, I am really a bit of a loser here!"


The temporary regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment is located in a compound, but the compound where the Zhiyi Regiment is located is far less luxurious than the compound where the No.70 First Army headquarters is located. It is in the big courtyard of an ordinary small rich family.

At this time, because the regiment headquarters had just moved in, everything seemed very busy, and everyone was busy with their own affairs.

"Did you see Deputy Commander Zhou?" Zhang Tianhai grabbed a soldier and asked.

"Reporting to the regiment, deputy head Zhou is arranging things inside." The soldier replied.

"Okay." After Zhang Tianhai responded, he let go of the soldiers and hurried in to find Zhou Fangjie.

When Zhang Tianhai saw Zhou Fangjie, Zhou Fangjie was sorting out some documents he needed.

"Old Zhou, come out now, I have something important to tell you." Zhang Tianhai stepped forward and said to Zhou Fangjie.

"What's the matter? You seem to be in a hurry..." Zhou Fangjie was a little puzzled, as if he had never seen Zhang Tianhai in such a hurry.

"It's urgent." Zhang Tianhai directly pulled Zhou Fangjie to go out, and at the same time signaled Wang Liang to keep others away.

"Tell me! What's the matter?" Zhou Fangjie was not polite to Zhang Tianhai, and asked directly.

Zhang Tianhai bit his lip and said, "Well, there are two things, one is about your promotion, and the other is about handing over work."

"Huh? I'm going to be promoted? Why didn't I hear the news before?" Zhou Fangjie frowned slightly, obviously the news came very suddenly.

"It's a long story at this time, so let me tell you in a nutshell! The military seat intends to absorb the Heze Security Regiment into the No. 70 First Army's battle order, but in view of the current situation of the Heze Security Regiment, The military seat is also afraid that the designation of the Heze security regiment will be cancelled, so I asked you to serve as the colonel's head." Zhang Tianhai was already trying his best to speak briefly.

"That is to say, the Heze Security Regiment will turn around and become the No. 70 First Army's military headquarters? And I want to be the head of this regiment?" Zhou Fangjie has already cleared his mind.

"Yes, no matter how you say it, old brother is here to congratulate you on your promotion. In addition, the batch of Japanese equipment seized by our regiment in Yangzhuang before will follow you to the Heze security regiment. These equipment , I will give it to you intact." Zhang Tianhai patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder and said, obviously very reluctant to let the deputy head leave.

"I took over as the head of the Heze security regiment in the past, what about Gu Shi'an?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"After you left, Guo Qiliang was promoted to the position of deputy head of the regiment, and Gu Shi'an was promoted to the position of chief of staff of the regiment." Zhang Tianhai didn't hide anything, just said it directly.

"Okay, since it's an order from above, then I can only obey. But, I still have to thank you, Lao Zhang, I know you like bomb launchers, but you're still willing to give them to me, that's good too Yes." Zhou Fangjie also patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder and said, these two have been working together for so long, so why don't you know what they are thinking?
"Okay, we brothers don't have to talk about each other. Now the situation is tight. After the regiment headquarters is settled, you can hand over the work and then go to the Heze security regiment to take up your post! Your letter of appointment is still with me. Here, after the regiment headquarters is settled, I will immediately hold a meeting of the main cadres of the whole regiment!" Zhang Tianhai didn't talk nonsense, and explained clearly directly.

It was a foregone conclusion that Zhou Fangjie would leave, it would be better to hand over the work earlier, so that the next step would be less hasty.


PS: The third one is sent!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend Dangkong Haoyue for the reward of 100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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