War of Resistance

Chapter 644 Cut power?

Chapter 644 Cut power?

"Well... this matter, in fact, there is a reason for being humble..." Zhang Tianhai frowned tightly, this nonsense must be rounded up...

"Tell me! I'd like to see what your difficulties are?" Song Xilian said angrily and amusedly, thankfully he wasn't Hu Jiaji, otherwise this big-footed brat would have kicked Zhang Tianhai's ass again.

"Yes, military seat!" Zhang Tianhai immediately changed his expression and said, "The main force of the No. 14 Division of the Japanese Army is going south, and one division of the No. 20 Third Division can't hold Heze, and a division commander and chief of staff have been left behind." , Even the head of the regiment was sacrificed. What do you think will happen to the Heze security regiment, which is a mere regiment with a humble job, and the combat effectiveness is really scumbag?"

Zhang Tianhai asked back, only in this way can Song Xilian understand him.

Song Xilian naturally understood Zhang Tianhai's meaning. Indeed, this regiment plus the Heze security regiment, with a strength of only 5000 people, went to Heze City, and it was nothing more than death.

The main force of the tens of thousands of Japanese troops was encircling Heze, and the national army had no reinforcements, so they would die if they went there, and at most they would only hold there for one more day.

It's not very useful, but Zhiyituan's army is gone, and it will be difficult to replenish it.

So, Song Xilian thought for a while, and the anger has calmed down a bit.

"Okay! I understand you this time, and I won't be an example. In addition, I intend to incorporate your regiment's number into the No. 70 army's battle sequence. After all, your regiment has not really been the first since it was formed. I have been in the third war zone, if you merge your regiment into my No.70 army, I think it is quite hopeful. What do you think about this?" Song Xilian dropped a heavy bomb.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and said: "Report to the officer, I think the harm outweighs the benefits."

"Oh? What do you mean by doing more harm than good?" Song Xilian looked at Zhang Tianhai with great interest and said, after all, Zhang Tianhai's brain is quite clear.

Zhang Tianhai stroked his train of thought, and said: "My humble opinion, if the number of the subordinate's headquarters is the first regiment directly under the third theater, in an administrative sense, it is directly under the theater, and you are in charge of it now, military seat." The humble office."

Zhang Tianhai's words were very meaningful. Before Song Xilian could speak, he went on to say: "If it is a low-ranking army that is directly under the theater, it is easy to talk about people and equipment. If it is merged into the No. 70 Army If so, I am afraid that a group of personnel and weapons and equipment will be selected from the No.70 First Army to come to this humble regiment..."

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Song Xilian couldn't help laughing all of a sudden, and said, "Hu Jiaji is really right, you are just as slippery as a loach. Your brain is just so easy to use. Alright, let’s stick to the status quo for now!”

"Thank you for the military seat!" Zhang Tianhai paid a very serious military salute. His words came from the heart. With the name of the troops directly under the theater, it is convenient to ask for things in many cases...

As the saying goes, the ones who are close to the water are the first to get the moon, and that is the case. Judging from the designation, they are all troops directly under the theater, and they are closer.

"By the way, what do you think of the current situation when you are stationed in Kaifeng this time?" Song Xilian asked.

Zhang Tianhai wanted to say something, but the words changed when he got to his lips: "Just wait and see what happens! I don't have any better suggestions from the humble job."

As for why he changed his tone, no one knows better than Zhang Tianhai himself, because he doesn't want to change history, at least the history of the early days of the Lanfeng Battle. If there is something to say, then this battle will be even more confusing.

Because Song Xilian trusted him, if he said bad things about Long Muhan at this time, it would probably be seen by the former as slandering Shangguan, and he would have other thoughts about him.

If it is to reveal the possible direction, Song Xilian will also make some adjustments in troop strength. In that case, will history repeat itself?If it changes, how much will it change?

"Okay! That's the only way to go. By the way, let's report the current situation of your army!" Song Xilian said.

"Army, to be honest, the casualties of our regiment are only over a hundred people. The biggest problem now is the management of the Heze security regiment. After the battle in the past few days, the current strength of the Heze security regiment has only eight soldiers left." There are more than a hundred people, and they are basically facing the problem of lack of combat effectiveness, and it is impossible to form an organizational system to form combat effectiveness." Zhang Tianhai reported truthfully.

Hearing this, Song Xilian frowned slightly, and said, "Then who is the head of the Heze security team now?"

"Army seat, I have taken down Han Yiwen, the former head of the Heze security regiment, and now the acting head is Gu Shi'an, the chief of staff of our regiment." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Gu Shi'an, is this person also a graduate of our Whampoa?" Song Xilian asked.

"Yes, the military seat. He graduated from the seventh batch of Whampoa, as well as the humble class." Zhang Tianhai nodded yes.

Song Xilian lightly tapped the back of his hand with his index finger, and then said: "I remember that Zhou Fangjie, the deputy head of your regiment, is from the sixth phase of Whampoa, right? How about this, I will adjust the order of positions in your regiment, and temporarily appoint Zhou Fangjie as the security guard of Heze Head of the regiment, the chief of staff of your regiment will take the place of Zhou Fangjie, and Gu Shi'an will take the place of Guo Qiliang. Let's leave it at that for now!"

After hearing Song Xilian's decision, Zhang Tianhai's mood was not ordinary. Zhou Fangjie is his right-hand man this week. If he is transferred away like this, wouldn't it mean that one of his arms will be broken?

"Military seat... I would like to ask, what is the purpose of this arrangement?" Zhang Tianhai's face turned pale.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai's face, Song Xilian couldn't guess what he was thinking, so he smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking, why I want to move your personnel rights, right?"

After speaking, Song Xilian walked towards his desk.

Song Xilian's office is naturally located in the study of the original owner of this mansion, which looks antique and has a scholarly charm in it.

Zhang Tianhai did not answer Song Xilian's question, but followed Song Xilian silently.

After Song Xilian sat down, he pointed to the chair in front of his desk and said, "Sit down!"

After Zhang Tianhai sat down, Song Xilian said: "The adjustment I made to your regiment this time is not to cut your power, but to keep the number of the Heze security regiment."

After hearing Song Xilian's words, Zhang Tianhai was thoughtful, and then asked: "What's the explanation? I'm lowly and dull, and I can't understand what the officer means. I hope the officer can give me some pointers."

"Although Gu Shi'an is in the seventh group of Whampoa with you, he does not have a glorious record. If he is the head of the Heze security group, the group will have to be reduced to a battalion if he fails to keep it. But Zhou Fangjie is different. Zhou Fangjie is the sixth group of Whampoa. It's expected that it's justifiable for him to sit in this position. You...understand?" Song Xilian asked Zhang Tianhai with a smile.

"I understand..." Zhang Tianhai could only nod his head. This was the decision of the chief, but he must not disobey it.

Song Xilian went on to say: "If the title of the Heze Security Corps can be preserved, there is a good chance that it will be reorganized into a field troop, so there is no need to use it as a security troop."

Although Song Xilian didn't finish his sentence, Zhang Tianhai could already vaguely guess what Commander Song meant - besides wanting to bring the Heze Security Corps under his command, what other ideas did he have?
Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai wanted to slap himself a few times...


PS: The second update is here!

There is another update that will probably be later, maybe after eleven o'clock, there is no way...

Thanks to Qidian book friend Pauline Zhizun for the reward of 500 points! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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