War of Resistance

Chapter 643 The deployment of the 1st Corps!

Chapter 643 Deployment of the First Corps!
The fall of Heze shocked Kaifeng.

After the fall of Heze, the front of the Japanese army must have been directed at Lanfeng, and the headquarters of the First Corps of the First Theater of the National Army immediately began to mobilize troops to defend.

The main force of the Eighth Army that was originally stationed in Dangshan continued to guard Dangshan, and the troops of the No. 20 Third Division immediately withdrew to Kaifeng for rest after they withdrew from Heze.

The No.20 Ninth Army Corps (that is, the Li Hanhun Corps, which has a No.60 Fourth Army under its jurisdiction), and the No.70 Fourth Army stationed in Shangqiu, responsible for the defense of its vicinity.

At the same time, due to changes in the current situation, the first war zone called the National Military Commission to ask for the command of Sun Tongxuan's third army distributed on the front lines of Heze, Dingtao, Dongming, and Kaocheng.

Considering that the fifth war zone is almost out of control on the front line in the northwest of Shandong at this stage, and that the Japanese army is now pointing directly at Kaifeng, the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government waved its hand and let the commander-in-chief of the first war zone take over directly. Command of the Third Army.

The No.70 First Army is responsible for stationing in Kaifeng to cope with changes in the war situation.

Ever since, just like that, the first regiment directly under the third war zone also received an order to withdraw to Kaifeng to prepare for the war.

However, what Zhang Tianhai didn't know was that in addition to bringing the Third Army headquarters of the Fifth Theater into temporary jurisdiction in the First Theater, it even seconded the No.20 Army Headquarters of Shang Zhen from the Second Theater from the Jinsui Army. As a supplementary force, it will support operations in the first theater at any time.


Two days later, Kaifeng.

The troops directly under the First Regiment of the Third War Zone have successfully entered Kaifeng, the city at the center of the Eastern Henan Battle. The Eastern Henan Battle was centered around defending Kaifeng and Zhengzhou.

To tell the truth, Zhang Tianhai was indeed a little emotional when he entered this city again: it seemed that every time he entered this city, he entered in a different state.

The first time I came here to cooperate with the arrest of Han Fuqu, I received a lot of tasks when I came.

The second time, he was transferred to the first war zone to supplement those waiting for the battle, and he also received the task of defending Lanfeng.

But this time, he came in after fighting a battle on the front line, but this time, I don't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

The Battle of Lanfeng must have an ending. If there is a full stop to this ending, Zhang Tianhai hopes it will be perfect.

The city of Kaifeng was already in sight, and his troops were already lined up in two rows, slowly entering the east gate of Kaifeng.

The guy Shier is indeed very good, but the last troops to enter the city seem to have a different mental outlook from the big troops, and they are relatively lazy.

Zhang Yulin said slowly: "Another big battle is about to begin. The role of our troops in this battle still needs to be considered..."

"What else can we do? The fight is over. Let's fight together. It's not like we haven't fought tough battles. We've gnawed down such a hard bone like soup. What are we afraid of? Besides, with our straight-up equipment , even if you carry it hard, you can handle this wave, right?" Zhou Fangjie said.

"I don't think so. After all, in this battle, we have to fight with brigades, divisions, and even armies. Our regiment is too small, and the number of people is limited. If we fight, we will be attacked by friendly forces like these." If the officers trick you, then it's over." Zhang Tianhai said slowly, in fact, he was inoculating Zhou Fangjie, and he had to be prepared to be tricked.

People like Gui Yongqing and Huang Jie are all cheats...

Huang Jie and the Eighth Army were far away in Dangshan, hundreds of miles away, so they ignored him.

But Gui Yongqing is different, he is really cheating...

If you don’t believe me, let’s look at the Lanfeng battlefield in history. If it wasn’t for Gui Yongqing, a bastard, who took the initiative to retreat and let Long Muhan take the lead, and then Long Muhan was unwilling to stand up to the thunder, so Long Muhan led his troops to disobey the order and fight overnight. Withdraw from Lanfeng.

Rather than withdrawing, it would be better to say fleeing.

Compared with Gui Yongqing, Long Muhan suffered a disadvantage because Gui Yongqing was the commander in charge of No.20 Seventh Army and No.70 First Army before the war——

Gui Yongqing's retreat can be said to be a retreat, because he has ordered Long Muhan to guard Lanfeng. From a legal point of view, he only made the No.20 Seventh Army retreat, and did not let the No.70 First Army retreat.

It is judged from this point, so Long Muhan was executed by shooting, while Gui Yongqing was politically "distributed to the frontier", and he was directly transferred from the front-line combat troops to the rear to do logistics.

"It's a trick? It's not enough, right? The troops in the fifth theater are mostly motley troops from various places, and they have never collapsed. Everyone is working hard to resist the Japanese. Why is it our Central Army's turn to attack them? Is that so? Old Zhang, your thinking is wrong..." Zhou Fangjie pointed to Zhang Tianhai with a smile and said.

"If you don't believe me, let's just wait and see! Anyway, just be mentally prepared. The officers of the Central Army in Kaifeng, Lanfeng, Dangshan, and Guide (that is, Shangqiu) are all from Huangpu like us. The good thing about being born in Huangpu is that most of the officers are of high quality; but the bad thing is also obvious, not everyone is wholeheartedly fighting against Japan and not afraid of death." The military vehicle was walking forward slowly, and The soldiers in the first group were distributed on both sides of the road, walking slowly, and slowly entered the city.


An hour later, No.70 First Army Military Headquarters.

At this time, Kaifeng was still calm and had never been "visited" by Japanese aircraft, so the headquarters of the No. 70 First Army was located in a relatively large compound.

Inside the compound, there are all kinds of buildings, terraces and waterside pavilions, and the environment can really be called beautiful, suitable for people to take care of their lives.

It is estimated that this is some "sighted person" who "loaned" the mansion to the national army as the establishment of the high command after learning about the current tense situation on the front line.

Of course, can a lower-level headquarters be qualified to enjoy such an environment as a headquarters?nonexistent.

Zhang Tianhai, with his adjutant Wang Liang, was striding towards Song Xilian's headquarters under the leadership of soldiers from the military headquarters.

"Report to the military seat! The humble Zhang Tianhai, fortunately, did not disgrace his life, and led his subordinates back to the first regiment directly under the third theater! Please give instructions to the military seat!" After walking to the door of Song Xilian's office, Zhang Tianhai immediately stood at attention and saluted.

Song Xilian glanced out and said, "Come in!"

"Yes! Military seat!" Zhang Tianhai responded.

"How about it, is the harvest great?" This was the first sentence Song Xilian asked Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai scratched his head, and said rather embarrassedly: "It's not bad, after all, we wiped out a brigade and harvested a brigade's equipment."

"Be honest! How many casualties?" Song Xilian looked at Zhang Tianhai, and there was a gleam of wisdom in those not too big eyes. Based on what he knew about Zhang Tianhai, this kid was as slippery as a loach. How could you be so honest.

"Cough cough cough... To be honest, no more than three hundred... More than 200 of them belong to the Heze Security Corps..." Zhang Tianhai said with a guilty conscience. After all, he couldn't hide it from Song Xilian.

"No more than 300 people, and you told the Corps headquarters that the loss was heavy?!" Song Xilian's eyes widened. He thought Zhang Tianhai would be very bold, but he didn't expect this kid to be so courageous!

PS: The first update is here, and the third update is today!
I had something to do yesterday, so I asked for a day off...

(End of this chapter)

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