War of Resistance

Chapter 642 The Fall of Heze

Chapter 642 The Fall of Heze

Outside the house, the sound of killing shook the sky.

Li Bifan was quietly watching the staff officers busy burning documents, and after a short while, he finally said to the officers waiting at the side: "Everyone, the enemy army has broken the city now, Heze has become a dangerous city, and it is in danger!"

There was silence around, no one spoke, only the smell of burning paper was left in the small room, they were waiting for the teacher's next words.

"The battle of my division's defense of the city has reached the last moment, but I still want to retreat with a few little devils. We Huangpu people, there is not a single coward!" Li Bifan said in a deep voice. They came back from studying abroad. Apart from that, there are still some officers from the Whampoa Department.

These words, Li Bifan not only spoke to those present, but also to himself!
"Liu Guanxiong!" Li Bifan called Liu Guanxiong's name.

"The humble job is here!" Liu Guanxiong replied loudly, and then strode forward.

"Our division must hold on to the end, but not blindly. Liu Guanxiong, you and I, hold on until the last moment before retreating. Other personnel, immediately follow the division's organization and move out of the city, retreating in the direction of Lanfeng!" Li Bifan ordered directly in a very serious tone.

"Yes! Master seat!" Liu Guanxiong responded, while the others looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Everyone, I know, you are all very confused, why do I have to be the master in person. Let me tell you, first, because as long as I am here, our Heze City will not be lost! What you have to do is to preserve my master's The last bit of strength is waiting for the continuous war of resistance in the future!" Li Bifan said loudly, full of energy.

"Second, I want to set an example and tell us officers and soldiers of the No.20 Third Division that you are a heroic unit and we must fight to the end! The whole division must take the anti-Japanese war as the top priority and fight to the end! Execute the order !" At the end, Li Bifan's tone became very decisive.

"Yes! Sir!" All the officers saluted Li Bifan with a military salute. This military salute came from the heart!


Soon, all the officers left, except Huang Qidong and Liu Guanxiong.

"Brother Xiahe, what's the matter? You should leave quickly. It's enough for me to stay here alone." Li Bifan looked at Huang Qidong.

I saw Huang Qidong smiled, and a free and easy smile appeared on that slightly vicissitudes of face: "Brother Ziqi (Ziqi, Li Bifan's name), don't forget, I am not only your classmate, It is your chief of staff, where the division commander is, the chief of staff should be there."

Li Bifan laughed, and his rather joyful face showed a touch of emotion. He patted Huang Qidong on the shoulder and said, "Brother Xiahe, having you as my confidant is enough to comfort me for the rest of my life!"

"You and I, brothers, don't say such polite words!" Huang Qidong said.


It has to be said that the advance speed of the Japanese army is not so fast. Under the powerful firepower of the Japanese army's vanguard, the Japanese army is gradually approaching the city defense headquarters.

Some of the bullets even flew to the brick wall of the city defense command, and then hit a trace of sparks and craters!
The last reserve team reserved by the No.20 Third Division of the Eighth Army also came in handy-yes, it was the battalion in Liu Guanxiong's regiment!
"Quick! Come on, fill in the position of the machine gunner immediately!!" Liu Guanxiong was yelling, he was already taking over the position of battalion commander from the front line, and his battalion commander had just died, so he could only take over. There is no better way.

The rest of the people have no command experience at all. If they are allowed to "command blindly", the position will only fall faster!
At this time, since the city defense headquarters had become the primary target of the Japanese attack, Li Bifan simply did not hide in the headquarters, and went directly to the front line, at least he could command some firepower, right?
In the past, the road leading to the city defense headquarters was already full of corpses, including those from the Japanese army and the national army.

Bright red blood stained the entire street, and even the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

The quaint bluestone streets in the past have already been pitted and uneven by Japanese artillery shells.

Buildings on both sides of the street were on fire, and plumes of black smoke slowly drifted into the sky.

The officers and soldiers of the national army hid in the bunker on the street leading to the city defense command. This bunker passage was naturally made of sandbags.

At this time, holes were also broken in these sandbags-these holes were all left by the bullets of the Japanese army.

The flames of the machine guns of the national army are extending outward, and bullets with hot and high temperature are flying in the air and attacking the Japanese army.

It's a pity that the cunning Japanese army had already hid behind the bunker, which did not cause them much casualties.

In fact, it wasn't that the Japanese army was intimidated or couldn't move anymore, but because they were preparing small shells for grenadiers, and they had to rely on strong support firepower to smash through the national army's defense line!

"Commander Liu, tell the machine gunners to stop firing and get the grenades ready!" Li Bifan told Liu Guanxiong. He is a teacher at the Whampoa Military Academy, and he is naturally well-versed in combat. More importantly, they also often study the Japanese army. weapons and tactics, etc.

"Yes, teacher seat!" In front of the teacher commander, Liu Guanxiong must of course obey orders, not only from the perspective of superiors and subordinates, but also from the perspective of tactical attainments.

"In a while, transfer all our people here, and try to give this Japanese vanguard a heavy blow head-on!" Li Bifan said, he has already seen that this Japanese vanguard has definitely strengthened its firepower!
"Yes, Master!" Liu Guanxiong was deploying according to Li Bifan's order.

Sure enough, the Japanese army quickly launched the next round of offensive, and it used dense grenades as a support offensive, and the firepower was not so fierce.





The small shells were exploding, and the Japanese invaders had already rushed out of the bunker!

But soon, they were greeted by grenades from the national army, and dense explosions resounded throughout Heze City!

The dilapidated bluestone streets are even more overwhelmed!

Of course, the explosion effect of the grenade was quite effective, and the fighters who rushed to the front of the Japanese army were immediately blown to death!
After this round of grenades, it does not mean that the Japanese army will stop their attack. They will rush up to fight hand-to-hand with the national army, and then fight with bayonets!

This is the national quintessence of Little Japan, and they want to play it to the end!

Soon, the Japanese army rushed to the front of the national army. After firing a single shot, many national army officers and soldiers could only be forced to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army.


"Little Japan, I'll fuck your ancestors!!"

Amidst the shouts of anger, the national army has already begun to fight the Japanese army.

But what everyone didn't expect was that during the fierce battle, a Japanese sniper had already climbed onto the roof of a house, and his target was these officers wearing national army uniforms!
After firing two consecutive shots, the two company commanders of the national army fell down. Soon, the Japanese sniper locked his target on Li Bifan, surrounded by two or three officers.

This is definitely a high official!
The Japanese sniper was thinking, and then slowly pulled the trigger...

On this day, Heze fought fiercely for a whole day. After all, because of being outnumbered, and the division commander Li Bifan, chief of staff Huang Qidong, and regimental commander Liu Guanxiong died in three battles with the Japanese invaders, the leaderless national army was finally forced to withdraw from Heze. ...


PS: It’s not easy to send the second update, but I finally caught up, the handicapped party asks for your understanding...

Tomorrow is Saturday, I will make up the chapters that can be added, there is no way.Since being transferred to the agency, things have been so bad...

(End of this chapter)

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