War of Resistance

Chapter 641 The Fall of Heze

Chapter 641 The Fall of Heze

After giving all these instructions, Zhang Tianhai finally breathed a sigh of relief: Only after finishing all these tasks can he have a clear conscience.

The army continued to move south, and Zhang Tianhai also knew that the Heze side might not last long.

He Zhang Tianhai is doing his best to annihilate the Japanese army, but now it seems that it is still a drop in the bucket, he still can't stop the Japanese army from invading south.

The key at this stage is to choose the focus.

It is necessary to plan the limited strength to the key places.

Besides, Zhang Tianhai was already planning to reorganize the Heze security regiment.

The Heze Security Regiment lost almost half of their losses in the battle of Yangzhuang, and half of those who lost ran away.

In this situation, how could Zhang Tianhai bear it?At present, the Heze security regiment is still under his jurisdiction, that is, his army.

Zhang Tianhai definitely couldn't bear to have such a scumbag army under him, but at this stage, he didn't have time to rectify it.

This is the annoyance of not having a fixed base.

As long as there is a fixed base, Zhang Tianhai can train a strong fighting force.

It's a pity that the sky doesn't follow people's wishes.

Zhang Tianhai wanted to expand the army appropriately, but this army cannot be expanded blindly. If the troops are all like the Heze security regiment, then it is meaningless to have a division.

It's really a long way to look back east...

A long way to go!

One morning was enough for the Japanese army to completely collapse the city wall. The Japanese infantry troops began to rush into the city, and started a fierce hand-to-hand battle with the troops of the No. 20 Third Division of the Eighth Army of the National Army.

The killing sound is shocking!
At this time, the former Heze City Defense Command was the headquarters of the No.20 Third Division.

"The Japanese army has already entered the city, burn the documents! Don't let these documents fall into the hands of the little devils." Li Bifan told his adjutant.

"Yes, teacher seat." Adjutant Chen replied.

"Bifan, don't you order the troops to retreat now? If it's later, I'm afraid we won't be able to retreat. The Japanese have already entered the city, and they will attack our headquarters." Chief of Staff Huang Qidong persuaded One sentence.

The slightly dim light shone on Li Bifan's face, but Li Bifan waved his hands calmly and said, "No hurry, if we also withdraw, the army will definitely collapse. If we don't withdraw, the army may still be able to survive." For a while."

"But if we don't withdraw, we really won't be able to withdraw." Huang Qidong reminded Li Bifan again in a deep voice.

Li Bifan smiled and said: "Brother Xiahe, I understand what you mean, but the order we received was to delay the pace of the Japanese army as much as possible to buy time for the rear army to gather. If I can hold out for one more day , the army in the rear will have one more day to prepare, and our chances of winning will be one more point."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll really sacrifice my life to accompany the gentleman today. Gain time and opportunity for our national army's rear army to gather and win the battle." Huang Qidong gritted his teeth and said harshly.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is extremely skinny——

The gunfire outside is getting closer and closer, that is to say, the advance speed of the Japanese army is not generally fast!
Don't forget, the Eighth Army at this moment is not the Eighth Army when it was reorganized from the Tax Police Headquarters.

When the Tax Police Headquarters was first reorganized, these soldiers had been trained for a long time, well-trained, and more importantly, well-equipped, and there was a group of elite soldiers who were carefully "collected" by Song Ziwen.

At that time, the Eighth Army was at its peak state—but it is different now. After the Eighth Army experienced the Battle of Songhu, it had already suffered heavy casualties, and there were basically a large number of recruits under the army.

Naturally, the combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened, so the troops of the No. 20 Third Division simply cannot withstand it for so long.

As for the Japanese troops, they naturally rushed towards the City Defense Command.

Don't ask why these Japanese troops know the address of the City Defense Command—their intelligence agency is not a vegetarian. As early as a week before the Japanese army entered the city, there were various spies active in the next attack direction of the Japanese army. up.

You don't need too many spies of this kind, just two or three, which is enough to outline the approximate location of a city within two days.

As for why Zhang Tianhai didn't cultivate some talents in this area...

Keke, probably don't need to ask.

With Zhang Tianhai's current state, it is already very good to be able to revive the troops and maintain their combat effectiveness.

As for others, it would be pretty good to be able to survive and linger, let alone reorganize a powerful and well-equipped army.

How to describe Zhang Tianhai's state at this time?Probably only good steel is used on the blade.

The current state of being in a group is already considered good. If there is another battle like soup, it will only make the combat effectiveness worse.

If it wasn't a particularly important battle, Zhang Tianhai didn't even want to send out a large force to fight head-on.

That's right, for Zhang Tianhai, what he most wants to play is the great integration of guerrilla warfare and special warfare, in exchange for the greatest results at a relatively small price.

However, such operations often require the cooperation of large enemy forces.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai had no choice but to carefully plan a battle.

Well, if you can't fight head-on, try to avoid head-on conflict, and use the power of a lion to fight a rabbit to eliminate one of the main enemy forces.


The camera turns back to Heze.

Ozawa version three is a squadron leader of the Japanese army. He personally led the troops to break through the gap in the corner of the city.

The time to make contributions is coming, and at this moment he also has a city defense map of Heze in his arms, and his goal is the city defense command!

Apart from the City Defense Command, there is no other place more suitable as the enemy's headquarters!
"Ha Youku!! Go, go!!" Ozawa Bansan's command sword was raised high, and the direction his sword was pointing was the division headquarters of Li Bifan's No.20 Third Division!
As an assault force, the squadron of Ozawa version [-] is equipped with a large number of mortars, in order to smash the defense line of the national army and smash the defense of the national army very quickly!

As a member of the No.14 Division, he knows very well that this battle is not only their first day, but also most likely the most glorious day of the No.14 Division.

Just imagine, the Tenth Division, which is known as the elite of the "Imperial Way School", turned its back on its back in Taierzhuang, while the Fifth Division of the "Steel Army" under the command of Lieutenant General Seishiro Itagaki, known as the "Star General of the Army", did not Was a brigade wiped out in LY too?

Under such circumstances, if the No.14 division can win several battles, it will be absolutely glorious.

Only when the development prospect of the division is good, can these grassroots officers rise quickly!
Therefore, the officers of these No.14 divisions are full of fighting spirit. They just want to take Heze, and then the army will point directly at Kaifeng, and defeat the main force of the national army head-on!
Of course, this is not only because they have fighting spirit, but also because they have the confidence and strength!

PS: The first update is here!

Tonight is still working overtime until very late, tomorrow will be better, after all, the day after tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday.

But the old man advises everyone again, please subscribe after 12:30!The old man was helpless in order to keep himself safe. . .

(End of this chapter)

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