War of Resistance

Chapter 640 Arrangement

Chapter 640 Arrangement
"Escape? Where can we escape? We don't have any food, so we might have some money and things. But we can't get through the rear area at all..." The middle-aged man had a bitter look on his face.

Zhang Tianhai really wanted to help him, but his abilities were limited, and it was already pretty good for him to be able to retreat with a whole body.

The main force of the Japanese army is advancing at a very fast speed. Soon, the village where he is located will also be occupied by the enemy.

It's pretty good to be able to keep the people around you safe...

Wait, how thoughtful are the people around you?As soon as Zhang Tianhai thought of this matter, he thought of Wei He, and as soon as he thought of Wei He; Zhang Tianhai remembered that he seemed to have a promise owed to Wei He that he had not fulfilled.

As for what kind of promise it was, Zhang Tianhai naturally remembered it clearly - to take good care of his parents for him.

The point is that Wei He is from Henan, but because of the busy schedule of preparations during this period, he almost forgot about it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai broke out in a cold sweat: If the Yellow River's embankment cannot be stopped, wouldn't Wei and his family all drown?
Even if they were not drowned, they would definitely die after the famine after the flood.

If this is the result, I am afraid that Zhang Tianhai will regret it for the rest of his life.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai directly said to Wang Liang who was beside him: "Wang Liang, you boy, call me the spy company commander Liu Houming immediately, immediately!"

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Wang Liang replied.

"Sir, are you still the head of the regiment?" The commoner, who was about 40 years old, asked.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. If you ask too much, it's not a good thing." Zhang Tianhai said lightly, with a strong sense of warning in his tone.

"Yes... yes, I understand." The middle-aged man responded, fearing that he would bring disaster on himself by making the chief unhappy.

In troubled times, these people with guns are the big bosses. If you offend these big shots with guns, it's not a matter of killing yourself?
There are many crimes such as collaborating with the enemy or treason. As long as you die, these crimes must be put on your head with all your might.

"Go back!" Zhang Tianhai issued the order to evict the guests, because it was a critical period of the war, and he didn't want some military secrets that should have been kept secret to be revealed from his mouth.

"Yes, yes, sir." The middle-aged man hurriedly nodded and said, not daring to vent his anger.

Not long after, Liu Houming arrived in front of Zhang Tianhai's car.

"Reporter, the humble Liu Houming is ordered to report to you!" Liu Houming stood at attention and saluted.

It has to be said that Zhang Tianhai has done quite well in terms of military etiquette.

"Okay, it's good if you come. I have a task for you. You may have to send a few smart and capable people to carry it out. Also, this task must be a confidential task. No one but you and me can I know." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Tuan Zuo, just say it! Go up the mountain of knives, go down into the sea of ​​fire, as long as the Tuan Zuo gives an order, if I, Liu Houming, frown, I won't be a leader." Liu Houming swore.

"This matter is not as difficult as imagined. You don't need to go up the mountain of swords, and you don't need to go into the sea of ​​fire. This matter is purely my personal matter." Zhang Tianhai said.

"In this case, it's okay for the group seat to say, Hou Ming will definitely live up to the high expectations of the group seat and try his best to complete the tasks assigned by the group seat." Liu Houming assured again.

"What, Wei He's hometown, do you remember where it is?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"Reporting to the group seat, I will remember it naturally. Wei He is the best brother of the group. Where does he live in Henan, and the point is naturally never forgotten..." As soon as he said the words, Liu Houming suddenly knew what the task was to be arranged by the group seat.

So, Liu Houming looked at Zhang Tianhai almost with disbelief, as if he didn't know him before.

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai just smiled: "Well, Wei He is the same as you. We are not only a superior-subordinate relationship, but also good brothers who were born together."

Upon hearing this, Liu Houming's eyes turned a little red: not only because he remembered Wei He who died on the Nanjing battlefield, but also because of the word "brother" that Zhang Tianhai said from the mouth of the regiment leader.

"Tuan Zuo, but Wei He and I are both your bodyguards. It is our duty to protect your safety." Liu Houming said after sniffing.

Don't know that men don't flick their tears lightly, but they haven't reached the place where they are sad!

Zhang Tianhai had no expression on his face, but said with infinite sigh in his tone: "Actually, in many cases, we should compare our hearts with each other. If you were not by my side, I, Zhang Yulin, would have already been on the Songhu battlefield or the Nanjing battlefield. .Moreover, the reason why Wei He died on the battlefield in Nanjing was entirely because I made the decision to stay in Nanjing.”

Before Liu Houming could speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "Wei He died because of my decision, and led the last army to be in charge of the rear. If it hadn't been for their sacrifice, I would have died on the Jiangnan Railway. Wei He Before I sacrificed, I promised him that I would take good care of his parents and be filial for him. But after being so busy, I almost forgot about it, and I am ashamed to say it.”

"No, in fact, it is a blessing for the humble to have an officer like Tuanzuo. In fact, the humble understand that this is a national war, and it is a fight to protect our great Chinese nation from peril. Even if you died in battle and returned the shrouded body of horse leather, that would be very honorable. It’s just that I didn’t expect the Tuan Zuo to remember it so clearly.” As he spoke, Liu Houming scratched his head in embarrassment.

Seeing Liu Houming's expression, how could Zhang Tianhai not know what he meant?
Therefore, Zhang Tianhai cursed angrily: "Damn you, you clearly remembered this, but you didn't remind me, which made me almost forget about this mess? If I die in battle in the future, how will I deal with it?" Wei He!?"

To be honest, Liu Houming has been scolded countless times by the team leader, but this time is the only time when he feels the most comfortable in his heart.

Because he knew, Tuan Zuo actually had them in his heart, but Tuan Zuo was too busy, so he forgot.

In Liu Houming's opinion, it is worth dying for an officer who cares so much about his subordinates.

You treat me as a gentleman of the country, and I will repay you with a gentleman of the country!

This is Liu Houming's idea, very simple and rude.

"Hey, Tuan Zuo, I understand, I will tell you the address of Wei He's home so that you can make arrangements." Liu Houming laughed.

"I asked you to arrange manpower, why did you report to me?! What are you doing in a daze? Just send five people from your spy company, and the gap will be taken from the Heze security team!" Zhang Tianhai wished he could kick him. On Liu Houming's ass.

Well, this bad habit is probably infected by Head Hu Jiaji and Hu.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Liu Houming responded with a playful smile, and ran away in a short while, extremely fast!


PS: The second update is here, sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long.

Sometimes, it's just a ten-minute difference.

Hey, it's so hard for me.Good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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