War of Resistance

Chapter 639: Humans Are Swordsmen?

Chapter 639: Humans Are Swordsmen?
"Hey, to be honest, Lao Zhang, your brain is still easy to use. I don't know how your head is long, but it's easy to use." Zhou Fangjie said.

"Why, you still want to open my head and see what material it is made of?" Zhang Tianhai smiled, but two faces appeared in his eyes.

One belongs to Zheng Man, and the other belongs to Shen Wei.

To be honest, he didn't know why he was so bothered?Could it really be that his conduct is not appropriate?

"It's okay! Actually, I can't figure it out. You and Guo Qiliang are just classmates in the next class, and the teachers are also from the same group. Why do you train different people?" Zhou Fangjie was a little puzzled.

"It's a matter! It still depends on talent." Zhang Tianhai smiled, but the appearance of the two people in front of him was a bit lingering.

I don't know what happened to the little lady Zheng Man in Wuhan at this moment, and whether their child will be a boy or a girl in the future.Zhang Tianhai murmured secretly in his heart, but he still couldn't come up with a correct answer.

These answers will always have to wait until later to know.


In the early morning of the next day, the Japanese army completed the siege of Heze, and the final battle was imminent!
"Brother Xiahe, I didn't expect it to be a prophecy... We really don't have any reinforcements!" Li Bifan said to Chief of Staff Huang Qidong with a wry smile on his face.

"Now the officers of the Corps Department are thinking that we will stick to Heze to gain time for the army to assemble. It is too late to withdraw now." Huang Qidong said with a wry smile.

After a wry smile, Li Bifan gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, since it is a final effort to gather the army, we must fight to the death! Even if the city is about to be destroyed, we will stick to it to the end."

After finishing speaking, Li Bifan suddenly grinned and said, "Yao Ziqing is my student. As a teacher, I can't do worse than the students, right?"

Huang Qidong also knew that what Li Bifan said was true—Li Bifan was the chief of the colonel training department of the sixth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy, even if he had taught Yao Ziqing, it would not be surprising.

"That's it! Now we are the troops stationed in the city, and there is only one brigade left. I'm afraid it won't last long." Huang Qidong kindly reminded that this is his duty as the chief of staff.

"I can't control that much anymore, so I will issue an order to continue. Anyone who leaves the city without approval will be punished by military law!" Li Bifan said harshly, his determination is beyond doubt!
"Yes! Sir!" Huang Qidong replied in a deep voice, he must be serious when he should be serious, because this is the decision of their division!
Even if there is only one brigade left, you must stick to it until the last moment!
It's not that Li Bifan didn't know how powerful the enemy army was in front of him - tens of thousands of troops of the National Army retreated steadily under their oppression, and nine out of ten were the main force of the Japanese Army's North China Front Army!

This battle has been reported to death!

Now that he has entered the anti-Japanese battlefield, Li Bifan is ready: In his opinion, China has spent the past few decades in the civil war, and too many good men have been killed and injured. It is the most regrettable thing to die in the hands of one's own people instead of sacrificing on the battlefield of unanimity.

Returning the horse leather shrouded corpse is the ultimate destiny of a soldier, and he has already looked down on all of this!
"Where is Liu Guanxiong? I want him to come and see me immediately!" Li Bifan said.

"I'll arrange someone to notify him!" Huang Qidong responded.

Not long after, Liu Guanxiong, already in military uniform, appeared in front of Li Bifan.

"Reporter's seat, humble Liu Guanxiong, I'm ordered to report to you!" Liu Guanxiong stood at attention and saluted. He was originally a regimental commander, and now the division commander directly bypassed the brigade commander to find him. This must be taken seriously.

"You lead a battalion of troops to follow the division headquarters, and the other troops will be handed over to your deputy regimental commander as an agent, and will be directly responsible to your brigade commander!" Li Bifan ordered directly.

"Yes! Master seat!" Liu Guanxiong responded.

In fact, Liu Guanxiong is not a stupid person. Since the division commander has already issued this order, the battalion he leads is also the last guard unit of the division headquarters.

The division's guard battalion had already lost more than half of it before withdrawing to guard Heze, otherwise the division would not have deliberately dispatched troops from their infantry regiment to garrison it.

At the same time, this also indicates a signal-Mr. Li Bifan also has no confidence in keeping Heze!
A battalion of troops following the troops is very likely to break through at the last moment, or to stick to the division headquarters to the end!

"Let's just arrange it like this! You must do a good job in the handover work, and there cannot be a rout because the troops are not led by you!" Li Bifan said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Teacher seat!" Liu Guanxiong responded, the resoluteness in his eyes was no secret!

It didn't take long before the Japanese army began to attack the city, and their goal was the city wall in the northwest corner.

A large amount of artillery fire bombarded the corner of the city wall, and for a while, the whole city was already shaken.

At this time, the people in the city are already avoiding disasters in the countryside. If the city is destroyed, it can be rebuilt, and the house can be rebuilt if it collapses. But if this life is gone, it is really gone.

On this point, the common people can see quite clearly.

"Quick! Plug the gap!!"

"Come on! There are a lot of little devils here!!"

The officers at the grassroots level were yelling, and soon, the infantry reinforcements of the No.20 Third Division arrived at the gap, risking artillery fire, desperately trying to plug this damn gap!

The machine guns are emitting long tongues of flame, and the national army is using their lives to resist this terrible gap!

Behind them is Heze City.

Heze City was destroyed, and no one could survive. Instead of dying under the butcher knife of the Japanese army at that time, it would be better to fight the Japanese army to the death here.

Anyway, it won't become a fish on someone else's chopping board and be slaughtered by others!

When the early morning light shone into that unknown village, Zhang Tianhai barely woke up in the car.

The residents in the village are enjoying this precious time of peace.

"Sir, did you withdraw from Heze?" A commoner ran over and asked Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai smiled, asked back, and said, "So what if you are? So what if you are not?"

The commoner looked about forty years old. Looking at the clothes he was wearing, they didn't look like the clothes that poor people could wear. He probably escaped from the city of Heze.

That's why Zhang Tianhai asked this question.

"Let's be honest, sir. The villain is from Heze. There is a lot of fighting in this city. I am afraid that the city will be smashed. At that time, what should we do?" said the commoner.

"Living is the best thing. How can there be such a luxury? If you don't want to be like the hundreds of thousands of people who died in Nanjing, then take up arms and resist!" Zhang Tianhai said, also Didn't say anything else.

"Sir, you must not withdraw. If you withdraw, Heze will really be hopeless..." The middle-aged man suddenly burst into tears.

"We also want to stay. We have done our best. The army in front is fighting fiercely. If you want to live, you can only go to the rear." Zhang Tianhai responded, and he was not so rude.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and a total of two will be owed.

(End of this chapter)

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