Chapter 638

"Reporting to Chief Xue, I believe that since our army can no longer defend Heze, we should focus on defending Lanfeng. As long as Lanfeng is not lost and Dangshan is not lost, Kaifeng can sit back and relax." Yu Jishi said loudly, That thin face looks very energetic.

Especially those eyes look piercing and bright, and it looks like a person who is awake.

"This statement is justified, we should also hold the last line of defense in Kaifeng..." Xue Yue sighed, the speed of the Japanese army's advance was unexpected.

"Report to Chief Xue, I would like to lead the No. 70 First Army to defend Lanfeng to the death, and not let the enemy's advance troops take a step towards Kaifeng!" Song Xilian promised.

"Report to Chief Xue, I am also willing to lead the No.20 Seventh Army to guard Lanfeng to the death. If the Japanese army is allowed to go further west, the chief can hang Gui's head on the west gate as a warning to others!" Gui Yongqing He vowed to promise that it seemed that he really wanted to fight the Japanese invaders to the death.

Well, look at that expression, anyone present would not believe it.

"Very good, since the two army commanders have such determination, I am very pleased. Now besides you army, Li Hanhun's No.60 Fourth Army has also been incorporated into the battle sequence of the First Corps." Xue Yue announced a major news.

Everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay after hearing the words - the establishment of the First Corps is not so huge now, the Eighth Army, the No.20 Seventh Army, the No.70 First Army, the No.70 Fourth Army, and one No.60 The Fourth Army and the new No.30 Fifth Division are directly under the troops, with a total strength of more than 14.

More than 14 troops, what kind of concept is this?
The most important thing is that this 14 army is still dominated by the troops of the Central Army!

It can be said that this is the largest combat command unit other than theater units!
"Everyone, don't be nervous. The vanguard of the Japanese invaders is still not approaching Lanfeng. I have sent a telegram to the No. 20 Third Division to defend Heze to buy some time for our army to gather." Xue Yue said in a deep voice.

"Defend Heze..." the crowd murmured, obviously they all knew what would be the consequences of defending Heze?Apart from imitating Wang Mingzhang's Sichuan Army's [-]nd Division, are there other results?
No matter how you look at it, it is destined to be a battle of either death or injury.

"Heze must be guarded. If Heze is not guarded, then our next plan will be meaningless." Xue Yue said.


Everyone glanced at each other, and they all understood that the plan that Chief Xue said must be a very huge plan, how huge is it?I don't know.

According to everyone's opinion, there is not a single division as a combat target, which is a shame for the appetite of the superiors.

10,000+ troops are assembled, and the main attack direction of the Japanese army is still Xuzhou. That is to say, the main energy of the Japanese army is still in the fifth theater. If it works well, it is not impossible to bite off a large piece of meat from the Japanese army. of!

The 10,000+ army will fight 4 to [-] people, and the troops mobilized are all the most elite central army. Thinking about it this way, it is absolutely possible!
The officers present here are all high-ranking officers, and they are also those with high EQ. It is not like this situation that they don't understand what Chief Xue wants to express.

In short, this time, there will be a big show!

"Yes, it is a plan, but there is no plan to implement it yet. After all, the enemy's situation is changing rapidly. We don't have the initiative on the battlefield, so we can only take one step at a time. As for you, let the troops prepare for battle. Forget it, when the opportunity to fight emerges, wipe out the enemy's army one step ahead and show off our army's prestige!" Xue Yue said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Sir!!" Everyone responded loudly, and for a moment, the small meeting room of the headquarters was filled with battle clouds, full of murderous aura!

On the way back from Yangzhuang to Lanfeng, the army did not stop for a moment.

For example, it was night at this time, and the troops had to seize the time to rest for an hour or two, and then continue on their way to Lanfeng.

The enemy will not give them too much time.

In the words of later generations, that is - "Go fast, good world."

At this time, the night sky is already full of stars, dotted like a sky, very beautiful.

Zhang Tianhai just lay there in the grass, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, the shredded tobacco was slowly burning, Zhang Tianhai didn't say anything.

The little devil's plane will not be dispatched at night, so this is why Zhang Tianhai smokes at night.

The main reason is that you can’t do it during the day. If you smoke during the day, it is very likely to attract enemy artillery fire or bombing from planes.

At this time, the beard on Zhang Tianhai's chin had grown back. Obviously, the beard was like a grass.

The wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again...

"Old Zhang, I heard that you won a big victory in Yangzhuang, I was wondering, how could you think of setting such a big trap in Yangzhuang, you really expected the enemy thousands of miles away..." Lying next to Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie said something.

"There is no other reason, but there are good actors..." Zhang Tianhai exhaled a puff of smoke, and his red eyes indicated that he had not rested well.

"A good actor? You mean...the Heze security team?" Zhou Fangjie asked in a low voice. After all, if these words spread, it would definitely be bad.

"That's right! This army is poor in combat effectiveness, and even the combat awareness is not very strong. The only thing that may be top-notch in terms of escaping skills. It's not that they attract the attention of the enemy, so why would they make us a group of direct descendants?" In the army? That would be a waste." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, after all, there was no one else around at this time, just the two of them.

"Are you really underestimating the Heze security regiment?" Zhou Fangjie was very puzzled. It seems that the Heze security regiment is not that bad. Over time, it can still become a good army.

"Do you still need me to look down on you? These people, who are gangsters, don't have the temperament of some regular soldiers. Look at them, they must bully the common people a lot, and letting them serve as bait can be regarded as making the best use of them." It's gone." Zhang Tianhai smiled.

In war, people always die. If you have to choose one among the people who will die, the answer is absolutely obvious.

Except for the Heze security regiment, it is impossible for the Zhiyi regiment to take on this task.

All the troops in the regiment are elite, even if they die, there is no one who is afraid of death!
More importantly, the Zhi Yi Tuan was brought up by Zhang Tianhai, but the Heze security team was brought up by a bandit called Han Yiwen.

Only such troops can truly show what a rout looks like.

As for why Liu Houming was appointed as the commander, in addition to rest assured of Liu Houming's commanding ability, he was also afraid that the Heze Security Corps could not withstand the pressure and fled everywhere.At that time, it will really be empty to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

So Zhang Tianhai would absolutely not allow this to happen!

It is all a lie to say that the enemy is thousands of miles away. In fact, Zhang Tianhai still considered that the enemy army had just crossed the river and was eager to make meritorious deeds.

As long as you tease them, and give them a look that they are easy to overcome, they will definitely flock to——

Nonsense, tens of thousands of troops crossed the river, plus so many heavy artillery units for blessing.Is this to scare people?Of course it is for meritorious service!
That's why Zhang Tianhai was able to take advantage of the very likely arrogance of the Japanese army crossing the river, and gave the vanguard of the Sakai Takashi brigade a sap.

Indeed, this sap is not so cool to play...


PS: The first update is here. In order to keep full attendance, the old man spared no effort. I'm sorry everyone.Apologies in advance, I'm sorry.

I will make it up after the second update, and I fell asleep.Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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