Chapter 637

In the evening of this day, Sakai Takashi's brigade and the team directly under the No. 14 Division Division Headquarters had completed crossing the river.

An organized Japanese army appeared on the south bank of the Yellow River and went straight to Heze.

At this time, it also heralds the Battle of Lanfeng, the lead actor of the show is already on stage, and he is just waiting for the big show to start.

Compared with the hurrying journey when I left, because I was more prepared when I left, the speed of leaving was not so fast...

In just over a day, the vanguard of Zhiyi Regiment arrived at Lanfeng City.

At this time, the main force of the Japanese army had already approached Heze, and had already started fighting with the No.20 Third Division of the Eighth Army on the external battlefield, and the artillery fire was not so violent.

With their powerful firepower, the Japanese invaders are gradually compressing the living space of the national army, and the strongholds in the outer villages have been pulled out one by one.

Oh, I forgot to mention the situation in the past two days.

On May [-], the enemy soldiers from Luxi divided into three groups and attacked Heze, and Jinxiang and Heze fell one after another.

The Lizhuang railway bridge in the west of Xuzhou city was blown up by the Japanese army's outflanking troops. The Japanese invaders hid under the bridge with tanks, making it impossible for the national army to repair it. The traffic on the Longhai railway has become paralyzed...

In addition, due to the interruption of the Longhai Railway, 72 locomotives and hundreds of wagons near Xuzhou could not be transported out.

On this day, the vanguard of the enemy army equipped with tanks and mechanized troops attacked the south of the Dangshan Mountain guarded by the national army in an attempt to capture the southeast gate in the direction of Kaifeng!

A part of the Eighth Army of the defenders calmly responded to the battle. When the enemy approached the trenches, the group threw grenades at the enemy tanks, and then jumped out of the trenches to launch a violent attack on the enemy infantry, blowing up the enemy tanks. Twelve vehicles killed hundreds of enemy troops.

In the direction of Nanyang Lake, a group of about [-] Japanese soldiers forcibly boarded the west bank, and a part fled to Pei County, trying to get a glimpse of Feng County.

In addition, the enemy air force attacked Xuzhou again, dropping more than 280 incendiary bombs, killing and injuring more than [-] nationalist troops.

Compared with the gloomy and rainy northern section of Jinpu Road, the southern section of Jinpu Road is not so difficult. It can be said that the cloud has seen the sun——

The national army conquered Quanjiao and Chao counties and besieged Hefei.

The news was reported by the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth War Zone. Once it reached Wuhan, the Military Commission of the National Army Government immediately replied to the telegram. The Huainan Army was greatly boosted by the victory in Chaoxian County. Troops, as a whole, order rewards.


At ten o'clock in the evening on the same day, the location is Kaifeng.

At this point, it was supposed to be time for sleep, but the office building of the First Corps Headquarters under the First Theater was brightly lit.

Xue Yue and others are still working inside.

"Yin Country, the battle on the front line has become increasingly fierce at this time, and it will soon reach Lanfeng. What do you think about this?" Xue Yue looked at Song Xilian, commander of the No. 70 First Army.

With Song Xilian, there are No.20 Seventh Army Commander Gui Yongqing, and No.70 Fourth Army Commander Yu Jishi.

By the way, there is also a new No.30 Fifth Division commander Wang Jinzai.

As for Huang Jie, the commander of the Eighth Army, he was still leading his army to fight fiercely with the Japanese invaders in Dangshan, hundreds of miles away.

Obviously, this is a meeting of the military chiefs of the troops directly under the First Corps.

"The Japanese invaders have invaded the southeast gate of Kaifeng and surrounded Heze, an important town in the northwest of Kaifeng. Although the Eighth Army is still in the middle of the battle, there should be no problem with Dangshan, an important town in the southeast, but Heze, the northwest gate of our army, will be It's hard to say." Song Xilian said bluntly, expressing his thoughts directly.

"Oh? Yin Guo, why do you have this opinion? Please tell me directly." Xue Yue asked. Obviously, he still valued Song Xilian, the commander of the army.

After all, no matter what Song Xilian said, he was promoted to the army commander step by step by relying on his own military exploits.

It's not like Gui Yongqing and Yu Jishi, one is relying on flattery and the other is relying on relatives.Yes, Yu Jishi is a relative of Chairman Jiang.

As for Wang Jinzai, it is because he is a veteran of the Northwest Army, and the national army continues to use troops at this time, otherwise he would not be so easily made a division commander.

Well, don't take the head of the new division as a cadre...

"Heze is dead here. According to the report of Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone under the humble position, the troops crossing the Yellow River this time are the No.14 division of Kenji Doihara. This department has a large number of troops. The heavy artillery unit has at least two regiments of heavy artillery, and the enemy of Luxi is determined to win Heze, I am afraid that Heze is in danger." Song Xilian's thinking logic is very clear, and he said everything he could think of at once.

Before Xue Yue and the others could speak, Song Xilian continued: "Different from Heze, where the Japanese invaders are determined to win, Dangshan can still be fought with our corps as a strong backing. This is one; the second is that the Japanese army wants to take Dangshan The reason is nothing more than wanting to cut off the rear of our army in the fifth war zone. Now that they have taken Huangkou and Lijiazhuang west of Xuzhou, in a certain sense, they have completed their combat goals, and they may not go all out just to seek Take Dangshan."

After thinking for a while, Xue Yue said, "What Yin Guo said is very reasonable. Everyone, what do you think about the crisis we are facing this time?"

With that said, Xue Yue looked at the crowd, and there was still a lot of earnestness in his eyes.

It seems that they want them to come up with some good ideas to see if they can save the current crisis.

After all, in many cases, a person's head is limited.

"Mr. Xue, I have no suggestion for my humble position. I will go all out to cooperate with the commander's battle, and bloody the battlefield with the enemy, so as to promote the military prestige of our army!" Gui Yongqing said in a deep voice, very impassioned when he said it.

Regarding Gui Yongqing's words, Xue Yue seemed to appreciate his fighting spirit, but in his heart there was a lot of disdain: the words were nice, but unfortunately they were all empty words, and when it came to specific measures, they just didn't say a word up.

In fact, Xue Yue looked down on Gui Yongqing in his heart. Apart from his flattery, it was also because the news that Gui Yongqing left his troops and fled in Nanjing reached his ears.

Let me ask, what kind of hero is a man who is an officer but leaves countless officers and soldiers who died for him, and ran off alone on a small ferry?
Of course, this also involves the famous "Gui's Escape" in history.

Song Xilian was different from Yu Jishi. Song Xilian was ordered to retreat after receiving the order from the Minister's Ministry, while Yu Jishi was ordered to retreat after being ordered by Tang Shengzhi, the commander of the Seventh War Zone, to stand firm for a period of time.

This is naturally different from the nature of Gui Yongqing who took the lead as a deserter.

"Commander Gui's words are very reasonable, and his spirit of bravery is commendable. Liangzhen (Yu Jishi's name), what do you think of this battle?" Xue Yue looked at Yu Jishi, but called the latter's name, and treated him differently. The job title Gui Yongqing called was quite different.

Gui Yongqing naturally saw this, but he was a little upset in his heart, but he couldn't say it—it seemed that after he came to the First Corps, Chief Xue looked down on him quite a bit, and he didn't know why. why?

PS: Make up for the second update last night. I thought I would ask for a day off today and work overtime until ten o'clock.

But think about it, it's better to change it, although the pace is slower.

(End of this chapter)

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