Chapter 636

After a lot of hard work, Takashi Sakai finally crossed the Yellow River with the main force of the No.20 Eighth Brigade of Infantry under his command, and two heavy artillery regiments. At the same time, there were still chariot troops. !
A fierce tiger has slowly stretched out its fangs on the south bank of the Yellow River.

"Now, we are waiting for the division commander's troops to cross the river. After the division commander's troops cross the river, we will avenge the brothers of Yu Sui, the first brigade of the No.15 Regiment!" Sakai The anger in Long's eyes could no longer be concealed.

The news that the main force of the No. 15 Wing's No. [-] brigade was wiped out by the Chinese army had already reached his ears. A brigade was wiped out just after crossing the Yellow River. It's a shameful humiliation, and one that can't be insulted any more.

Moreover, this is still a well-made trap!
"It's coming soon, the division commander's troops must be on their way to the crossing point. In a short time, we will be able to avenge this enmity," said the chief of staff next to him.

"I can only hope that's the case. As subordinates, we can't urge the head of the division to lead the troops across the river as soon as possible." Thinking of this, Takashi Sakai felt very uncomfortable. The news that the troops crossed the Yellow River was announced half an hour ago. Even if they were given a few more hours, they would dare to lead the troops to Heze.

In Takashi Sakai's view, apart from the troops stationed in Heze, which other troops have such strength?

If it is the Chinese army coming from the direction of Kaifeng, that is impossible. Kaifeng is so far away from here, it is impossible to deploy troops on the south bank to set up an ambush for them in the first place.

More importantly, this army that ambushed them actually had artillery!
According to reports from the Japanese army east of Heze, the Chinese army is preparing to defend Heze to the death. That is to say, apart from the Heze army, no other army has a greater suspicion.

Facts proved that Zhang Tianhai's judgment was not wrong - but what Zhang Tianhai never expected was that Huang Jie's troops actually came to defend their position.

To put it bluntly, the No.20 Third Division under Huang Jie's Eighth Army unintentionally carried Zhang Tianhai's big pot!
In short, the big knife in Sakai Takashi's hand has been sharpened very sharply, just waiting to slash towards Heze.

Sakai Takashi's humiliating history of being wiped out of a brigade when he first crossed the Yellow River must be washed away quickly.

And the best way to wash away humiliation is to wash with the water of victory.

Obviously, Sakai Takashi understands this truth, so he is already preparing for the troops to do their best to take down the city of Heze!

Heze County.

At this time, Heze County will no longer be as peaceful as it used to be. Walking troops are everywhere. Teams of Central Army officers and soldiers in goose-yellow military uniforms are carrying bombs in the city, and they are already trying their best to strengthen the fortifications.

There is no way, now the Japanese soldiers are gradually approaching Heze.

The troops of the No.20 Third Division fought against the forward troops of the No.14 Division once on the front line, but unfortunately they all ended in failure, which shows how fierce the enemy's combat effectiveness is.

Li Bifan, commander of the No.20 Third Division, attached great importance to this battle of defending the city, and even personally served as the commander of the city defense.

Because they knew that as long as they strengthened the city a little more, they would have more hope of surviving and kill one more Japanese invader.

Everyone knows the ferocity of the Japanese invaders. The key is whether they dare to face such a ferocious Japanese army and win a breathing space for the reproduction of the Chinese nation.

Heze City Defense Command.

Since the troops of the first regiment directly under the third theater were withdrawn, this place has become the division headquarters and city defense command of the No.20 third division.

It can be said that this is the highest military command in Heze!

The division commander Li Bifan is discussing the defense of the city with his chief of staff.

This is an isolated city, and it is an isolated city without reinforcements!They must guard this place well, so as to buy time for the transfer of the army, and kill and injure the enemy as much as possible, that's all.

"Brother Xiahe, in your opinion, can our plan for defending the city last for a while?" Li Bifan looked at Huang Qidong, the chief of staff beside him. To be honest, Li Bifan's level is still relatively high, after all, he is also He once served as the head of the colonel training department of the sixth phase of Whampoa.

Those who can take up this position are not those low-level people who just fill in the number.

It's just this battle, he really has no idea, they have never encountered such a powerful enemy.

It is precisely because the enemy army is strong that he wants to be foolproof and minimize the casualties of his own troops when formulating a plan, so that he can have more hope!
"Master, this plan is already very good, are you still worried?" Perhaps seeing Li Bifan's hesitation, that's why Chief of Staff Huang Qidong asked this question.

"That's right. It's a little bit!" Li Bifan said with a sigh.

Before Huang Qidong could speak, Li Bifan went on to say: "Brother Xiahe, you are the person who knows me best. We are all students who graduated from the first phase of Baoding Military Academy, but you are from the cavalry department and I am from the engineering department. It’s been decades, you and I have finally entered the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War, and it’s a long-cherished wish. I’m afraid you and I won’t be able to get out of this battle..."

"Why treat the country? Why treat the nation? But it is better to fight dead ghosts than to be subjugated slaves. You and I are both soldiers. It is the ultimate destiny to return the corpse shrouded in horse leather on the battlefield. Even if there is such a day, it is really normal. Today's Japanese army Pushing forward, Longhai Road is at stake, and Xuzhou is also in danger. If you and I die in battle, it’s a good idea to give the nation a chance to breathe.” Huang Qidong patted Li Bifan on the shoulder and said, the relationship between the two of them is not It's as simple as going up and down.

A classmate, a comrade-in-arms, and a life-and-death brother!

This time, they are ready to live and die together!
The main force of the Eighth Army is gathering in Dangshan. Except for their No.20 Third Division, the other troops have already moved to Dangshan.

The Eighth Army's troops, formerly the Tax Police Headquarters, can be regarded as the elite of the national army in terms of combat effectiveness. The Tax Police Headquarters carefully trained by Song Ziwen is not that simple.

It's just a pity that they suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Songhu, so they were withdrawn to the rear to make up for it.

Although the troops below have changed two or three times, the backbone of the Eighth Army is still the original group!

In other words, the spirit of the Eighth Army is still there, it just depends on how brave the officer is.

As the saying goes, a raging soldier, a raging nest, a big knife in front of a fool, I'm afraid it won't have much effect.

If Zhang Tianhai were here, he might be close friends with Li Bifan, Huang Qidong, who can be said to be the teachers of the previous owner of his body.

Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity...


PS: The first update is here.Never thought of that.

I procrastinate again, I can't take it anymore, I'm going to sleep.Good night everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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