War of Resistance

Chapter 635 Victory?

Chapter 635 Victory?

To be honest, it's not that Xue Yue can't force the first regiment directly under the third theater to join, but it's not justified.

People have already said in the battle report that there are heavy casualties, not to mention the record of annihilating a brigade, which is enough to shut his mouth.

"This Zhang Yulin, I've heard that he is a thorn. Now it seems that he is still a cunning. According to my opinion, they probably lost a lot in this battle with the little devil. At least they lost nearly three points. One of them." Xue Yue analyzed.

What Xue Yue never expected was that Zhang Tianhai did not lose such a large amount of one-third, not even one-fifth!
Thanks to the existence of the Artillery Regiment and the Heze Security Regiment, the Zhiyi Regiment suffered no more than [-] casualties in this battle.

Even counting the casualties of the Heze security regiment, the casualties of the national army are only more than 300 people, and the Japanese army has a full brigade, but it has reached more than 800 people.

If it is calculated according to the standard of war, this is definitely a standard victory. Unfortunately, in the face of the general trend of Japanese soldiers going south, such a small victory is really not on the table.

"But sir, from the humble point of view, for a regiment-level troop, and one that was withdrawn from Xuzhou, it is already very good to have such a record." The staff officer said something fair .

The other troops more or less rested in the rear for more than a month or two. Only this regiment was pulled directly to Heze after only half a month of rest.

"Indeed, what you said is quite reasonable. Let them take a good rest and recuperate. Just evacuate to Kaifeng." Xue Yue let it go, but he still kept an eye on it.

"Yes, sir." The combat staff officer responded.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi regiment was let go just like that.

In view of the fact that the large army had not yet completed crossing the river, Sakai Takashi almost unexpectedly did not send troops to support out of prudent considerations, so Zhang Tianhai and his party left unexpectedly and smoothly.

This result was not even thought of by Zhang Tianhai himself. After all, it is very rare for a little devil to swallow his anger so much.

"Tuan Zuo, this battle was fought beautifully. It's a pity that those good brothers from the fourth battalion and third company fought so fiercely. They can still hold on under the attack of the little devil." Liu Houming rode away. Said next to Zhang Tianhai, his figure was faintly half a body behind.

"Third Company, that is the most capable unit of the Fourth Battalion." Zhang Tianhai said.

"The best unit in the fourth battalion? Isn't it the best unit in the first company?" Liu Houming was a little surprised.

"That's in the past. When the first company was fighting in Tangtou, it was almost wiped out. There was only the third company, which was the company with the most veterans. Otherwise, why do you think the fourth battalion would send the third company to fight the blocking battle?" Zhang Tianhai smiled. , but there was no hint of happiness on his face.

Looking at the thousands of miles of fertile land on the south bank of the Yellow River, Zhang Tianhai frowned even deeper - after the next month, this place will be a swampy country, but whether it can be saved or not depends on them.

I don't look forward to anything else, but I hope that the chess left over from the past few days may still be useful.

The Yellow River roared several kilometers away, and thousands of soldiers from the Zhiyi Group and the Heze Security Group walked on the ground like a line of ants.

It was desolate.


Wuhan countryside.

Compared with the desolation on the Yellow River side, this side is more green and warm.

It was the end of the spring season, warblers were flying and grass was growing, and rapeseed flowers were in full bloom all over the hills and fields, and there were children playing among them, as if the battles thousands of miles away had nothing to do with them.

A young man in a rather loose Chinese tunic suit is pushing an old bicycle on a country road. The occasional pimples on his face prove that he is still very young.

The clothes are actually not too big, they can only be considered medium, but the man's figure is too thin, so it looks a bit big.

Walking, maybe a little tired, the young man got on the bicycle, and then rode forward on the bumpy dirt road, with ups and downs all the way.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang!"

"Hello, Teacher Zhang!"

After entering the village, countless villagers greeted the young man.

Obviously, the young man still has a certain prestige in this not-too-poor village. Although he is not highly respected, he still has some reputation.

Faced with greetings, the young man just smiled, then nodded, and said: "How are you..."

It's just that the face somewhat similar to Zhang Tianhai's is still full of youthfulness.

He is Zhang Tianhai's younger brother, Zhang Tiannan.

As mentioned above, Zhang Tianhai's younger brother did not choose to join the army like Zhang Tianhai, but chose to inherit his father's career.

The school Zhang Tiannan worked for was a middle school in the countryside, by the way, he was one of the only two teachers.

As for why Zhang Tiannan didn't need to be an elementary school teacher, it was only because his father was a middle school teacher, so he also wanted to be a respectable teacher like his father.

Just like his father used practical actions to secretly support the "May [-]th" Movement.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhang Tiannan lit the kerosene candle, and the small room was instantly filled with light.

After lighting the kerosene candle, Zhang Tiannan took out a small notebook and wrote on it with a pen: Today, when I came back from home, my sister-in-law, whom I had never met before, came to live in the house. She doesn't show anything, but it can be seen from her words and deeds that she is not a simple woman.

Compared with Zhang Tianhai's handwriting, which looks good but is full of typos, Zhang Tiannan's handwriting is very neat, vigorous and powerful. Most importantly, there are no typos...

After finishing this sentence, Zhang Tiannan did not stop the pen in his hand, and continued to write: Sister-in-law is no longer a simple person, and my elder brother, who I haven't met for a long time, must have become very complicated. Listen to my sister-in-law, elder brother I am leading the troops to fight the enemy on the front line, but it is a pity that I am just a scholar, and I cannot stand up to serve the country like my elder brother. It is said that a scholar who is useless is a scholar, and I think I am also a leader among them.

The pen is still vigorous and powerful, but no matter how you look at it, there is more helplessness in it.

Obviously, the life in front of him is not what he wants, at least, it is not the life he wants when the country is in crisis.

After writing this sentence, Zhang Tiannan looked up at the roof, but unfortunately, there was only a black hole in the roof, but nothing else.

A sense of melancholy filled Zhang Tiannan's heart, but there was no way to resolve it.

"Regimental commander, and the commander of more than 4000 troops, I, Zhang Tiannan, when will I have the power and prestige of my elder brother? Sweeping the enemies in front with thousands of Yuejia that can swallow Wu land?" Zhang Tiannan murmured. Unfortunately, there was still silence all around, and no one heard his inner voice.

Outside the window, the birds are still singing, and there is a scent of birdsong and flowers.


PS: Make up for the second update last night, and send the first update later!
The day of working overtime every day, I really hope that it will end soon, and then I can write this novel, which is not as rushed as it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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