War of Resistance

Chapter 634 Retreat to Lanfeng?

Chapter 634 Retreat to Lanfeng?
"Tuan Zuo, I understand what you mean, our troops will fight back." As if infected by Zhang Tianhai's emotions, Wang Liang's voice became deep and deep.

"Get ready, our next battle will be even more brutal. Perhaps, the entire army may be wiped out." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

After hearing this, Wang Liang couldn't help laughing. He said, "Tuan Zuo, don't worry! Under your leadership, there won't be a shy ghost who is afraid of death." .If you were really afraid of death, you wouldn’t choose the path of being a soldier.”

"Very good, if the people of the whole country can have your awareness! I don't think it will take long for this little devil to get out of our China." Zhang Tianhai patted Wang Liang on the shoulder and said, indeed he also said something big To tell the truth—there are still many Chinese people without conscience who are willing to be the pawns of the Japanese army, to be the puppet army who killed their compatriots.

Whether it was the battle of Songhu or the defense of Nanjing, there were a large number of puppet troops. They have never been soft-hearted in helping the enemy beat the Chinese. Of course, there are still some puppet soldiers who "curve to save the country" Army officers will find a way to let the national army go.

But most of the puppet army will not be soft. For example, when Zhang Tianhai broke through the siege in Nanjing, it was quite rare for Zhang Tianhai to meet such puppet army officers who were willing to let his own people go. It can only be said that it was his. If you are lucky, you should not die. If you change to a puppet army officer who is ruthless and has certain talents, maybe his end will be worse.

It didn't take long for the clearing to end. The officers and soldiers of the national army who died for the country were taken to be buried by some villagers who came to help spontaneously, while the corpses of the Japanese soldiers were thrown on the side of the road, waiting to stink and rot.

The valuables of these Japanese soldiers who died in battle were searched by the people long ago, and even the clothes of the Japanese soldiers were cruelly stripped off, stripped naked, and then thrown on the side of the road.

This is definitely an insult to the Japanese army. Although it did not directly cause great harm to the Japanese army, it is quite useful in this aspect of mental attack.

The remaining troops of the Zhiyi Regiment and the Heze Security Regiment withdrew very quickly, because this was a retreat plan that had already been planned!

As for the request for instructions and reports on the retreat, Zhang Tianhai just started calling, and he specifically wrote about the fact that he led his troops to fight the No. 14 Division of the Japanese Army on the bank of the Yellow River. Got bad.

The strength of a brigade is not too many, but it is not a lot. If it is calculated according to credit, this is definitely a credit.


The scene shifts to Kaifeng, where the former Commander-in-Chief of the First Theater Command is located, which is now the headquarters of the First Corps.

A telegram from the way of retreat disturbed the busy headquarters of the [-]st Corps in the [-]st theater.

Xue Yue's First Corps Commander's Office.

At this time, Xue Yue had just had a phone conversation with the Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone who had already been stationed in Zhengzhou, probably to report the battle report on the Luxi front line.

Huang Jie's No.20 Third Division of the Eighth Army suffered great casualties in the face of the Japanese army on the Luxi side. Not only that, but also the national army troops guarding that direction also lost a lot.

The First Corps of the First War Zone can be said to be the only large corps that can support the Luxi Corps (that is, the Longhai Corps). It would be a very terrible thing if even they refused to save them.

To save is to save, the key is how to save?
The First Corps has sent two divisions of the Eighth Army to support the Luxi Corps, but it is obviously still in decline.

The task of the First Corps is to defend the Longhai Line, preventing the Japanese troops from threatening Zhengzhou, where the commander-in-chief of the First Theater Command is located!

If Zhengzhou is lost, the hinterland of the Central Plains for thousands of miles will fall into the hands of the Japanese army. At that time, the Japanese army will continue to march westward, or the main force will go south to attack Wuhan, which is no longer a matter for the national army to decide.

While Xue Yue was still worrying about how to support the front-line troops, a combat staff officer ran to the door of Xue Yue's office and reported: "Report to Chief Xue, the No. Here comes the battle report!"

"Huh? The third war zone is directly under the first regiment? Aren't they guarding Heze with Li Bifan and the others? Li Bifan didn't see the battle report, but they did?" Xue Yue frowned.

"Yes, sir. Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, wiped out a brigade of the No. 14 Division of the Japanese Army in the area of ​​Yangzhuang on the south bank of the Yellow River. However, their troops suffered heavy casualties, and the number of Japanese troops No. The 14th Division is already forcibly crossing the Yellow River, so they have already withdrawn to Lanfeng." The combat staff reported according to the telegram sent by Zhang Tianhai.

"A brigade? Or was it wiped out under the noses of the Japanese army?" Xue Yue asked. He already knew the news that the main force of the No. 14 Division of the Japanese Army left Pu County and went south.

In fact, Xue Yue had already guessed that the No.14 Division would forcefully cross the Yellow River with the main force on the line between Lanfeng and Heze, so as to cut off the retreat of the Heze defenders, but what surprised him was that Zhang Tianhai could be so arrogant, Annihilating a brigade and then retreating completely?

"According to what he said, yes. Here is the original translation of the telegram." The combat staff handed Zhang Tianhai's "poor" and all kinds of miserable battle reports to Xue Yue.

The general content above reads: I have already expected that the enemy may cross the river north of Yangzhuang, so I arranged the main force of the Heze Security Regiment and the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone on the front line of Yangzhuang, hoping to be on the front line of Yangzhuang. Being able to withstand the front of the main force of the Japanese army, being able to inflict heavy damage on the enemy, and so on, fortunately not disgraceful, and so on.

Of course, everything in front is foreshadowing, only the latter is the key point——

I saw the words on the back: The Japanese army was very aggressive, and our army suffered heavy casualties. The main force of our regiment and the troops of the Heze Security Regiment have all withdrawn to Lanfeng. I have already retreated to Lanfeng in the south, and I hope the officer will approve it!

After reading this battle report, Xue Yue said helplessly: "This Zhang Tianhai is really a ghost. Now that the troops have withdrawn, why do you ask for instructions? At other times, you still have to ask for instructions." You can just refuse it directly. How old are you, and you still play the trick of intimidating the chief?"

"What does the officer mean, let the first regiment directly under the third theater go back to Heze and continue to guard?" the combat staff officer asked.

"No, no, no, it's not right. Now they have wiped out a brigade of the Japanese army, and they are able to retreat completely. At this point, we can no longer bite into them, and there is nothing we can do about them." Xue Yue shook his head and said, Zhang Tianhai used This move really blocked his mouth, and it was tightly blocked.

"Why did you say that, sir?" The combat staff officer was puzzled. After all, it is still rare for Chief Xue to be so helpless.

"The First Corps is originally composed of the chairman's direct troops, and the first regiment directly under the third theater is so elite, it can be said to be the chairman's heart. If this is the case, I Let them continue to fight, but it is unreasonable..." Xue Yue let out a long sigh.


PS: The first update will be sent, and the second update will be added tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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