War of Resistance

Chapter 633 Battle of Yangzhuang

Chapter 633 The Battle of Yangzhuang ([-])
Takashi Sakai thought about sending troops who had already crossed the river to support Akisaku Shimamori's first brigade, but he hesitated again.

Because the enemy troops on the opposite side are not those enemy troops with poor equipment and weak combat effectiveness!

If there are fewer troops sent, I am afraid they will be eaten up again. If more people are sent, there is still a problem of insufficient troops.

Of course, for the current Takashi Sakai, the most important question at present is whether he can go for reinforcements!

Thinking about it, Takashi Sakai began to feel anxious, even if he had passed half the brigade, he would not be so hesitant.

The most taboo thing in war is to fight for the sky, and Takashi Sakai knows this.

Sometimes ignorance is fearlessness, and it is precisely because you know the consequences that you have to choose cautiously.

Finally, in the fierce ideological confrontation, Takashi Sakai made a decision: to send two squadrons to explore forward, and to withdraw immediately in case of a powerful search by the enemy.


When the Japanese search troops hit the road, the battle in Yangzhuang was drawing to a close.

The troops of the Central Army of the National Army have surrounded the remaining ten or so Japanese troops in the middle, and those who squeezed the latter could not move.

Surrounded in the middle was Lieutenant Commander Akisaku Shimamori of the First Battalion of the No.15 Regiment of the Japanese Army!

At this time, Akisaku Shimamori's face was already pale, obviously he had no hope.

The battle has been fought to this point, is there any room for redemption?

Therefore, the Japanese soldiers did not report any hope of surviving, but quietly waited for the moment when their lives would end.

Akisaku Shimamori never imagined that there was such a big trap waiting for him—speaking of the battle that really convinced Akisaku Shimamori that there was no trap, it was precisely because of the moment when the first battalion of the Heze Security Regiment fled desperately. a battle.

Who would have thought that such a troop with poor physical strength, poor combat effectiveness, and poor in every aspect would have such a big trap hidden behind them.

This trap is precisely waiting for their Japanese army to enter.

"Battalion Commander, what should these little devils do?" A cavalry soldier from the cavalry battalion asked Wang Yongcheng for instructions.

"What can we do? Follow the order of the regiment to shoot and kill! No one needs any prisoners!" This is the most heroic sentence Wang Yongcheng said. This sentence expresses the old Northeast Army's hatred for the Japanese devils.

If you are happy and healthy, who would like to be displaced and have no peace for the rest of your life?
Who is it that makes them wander here and there without a fixed place? It's these damned invaders!

Many officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army were unable to return to their hometowns when they died in battle, to see the old and young at home again, and to see the gray hair buns of their parents again.

Now, when he has the opportunity to take revenge on these brutal invaders, Wang Yongcheng will not be merciless, let alone the big tree Tuanzuo standing behind him.

If there was no order from the group seat to keep no prisoners, maybe Wang Yongcheng still had some scruples in his actions, but it is different now, this is carried out according to the orders of the superiors, and there will be no worries in it!

A burst of gunshots rang out, and these Japanese soldiers who tried to kill after they set foot on the south bank of the Yellow River fell into a pool of blood and had no chance to get up again.

The guns in the hands of these Japanese soldiers were taken away by the officers and soldiers of the national army, and they wanted to use these guns and bullets to hit the Japanese soldiers back!

At this point, the battle in Yangzhuang was officially declared over.

and many more……

It didn't seem to be over yet, because on the side of Zhuang Zhuang's position, the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment were digging hard to rescue their comrades.

The artillery fortifications that Zhiyi Group spent so much effort to manufacture are naturally not inferior products.

The point is that the entrance has been covered by collapsed buildings, so they have to rush to rescue their comrades before the main force of the Japanese army arrives, and then retreat back to Lanfeng together!
Zhang Tianhai just stood on the periphery of Yangzhuang, quietly watching everything around him, and didn't say anything.

The bloody smell in the air drifted into his nose, and he suddenly felt a little disgusted with this feeling, and he didn't seem to be so eager to fight.

As for the most important motivation for him to continue fighting, it was the 30 Nanjing people who died in front of him. People who have not experienced war will not understand the importance of peace. Do not understand the importance of health.

For Zhang Tianhai, he hopes that the peace will continue like this, and there will be no more wars. He doesn't want to look at his subordinates and his compatriots like this, and lose his life under the butcher's knife of the Japanese army.

But is peace really that easy?impossible!

Behind the peace and prosperity are countless corpses, just like the great republic of later generations, where does their peace come from? Their peace is the death and injury of millions of patriotic soldiers on the anti-Japanese battlefield and countless volunteers on the Korean battlefield. In exchange for the lives of the martyrs, the perseverance on the Qingyuan of Gaozang, and the lives of countless PLA martyrs who were killed and injured in the great counterattack against Vietnam!

Just like the popular saying on the Internet - someone is going to carry the weight for you!

If he could be promoted to be the head of the regiment in peacetime, then Zhang Tianhai would be ecstatic, but at this time, he didn't feel happy at all.

He is also very willing to remove him as the head of the regiment in exchange for the happiness, well-being, and peace and contentment of countless Chinese people.

A truly patriotic person would not want his country and his home to be in the flames of war. The great power of war will destroy everything including his own home, as well as a happy and healthy life!

"Reporting to the commander, the No. [-] artillery fortification has been excavated. The brothers inside are all well and have been rescued now." A soldier ran to Zhang Tianhai and stood at attention and reported.

"Okay, nothing is better than nothing, save them, and then we retreat, remember, bury the dead brothers well before leaving, don't let our brothers be lonely even if they die Ghosts and ghosts. Don't leave behind the weapons and equipment of these little devils, take them all away!" Zhang Tianhai said very solemnly.

"Yes! Commander!" The soldier responded, and then hurried back to report to their commander.

"Tuan Zuo, do we really want to do this and leave all of them?" Wang Liang asked Zhang Tianhai.

"No withdrawal? Then is there any better way out?" Zhang Tianhai asked rhetorically.

Wang Liang was at a loss for words for a while, because he didn't know what to do.

As the saying goes, if you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government. This sentence is actually very good.

Zhang Tianhai wanted to evacuate, so there were naturally irresistible factors in it, not because he was willing to give up the great rivers and mountains of the motherland!

Rather, he wanted to "keep the green hills and not be afraid of running out of firewood" instead of dying with some of the Japanese troops. That would be of little significance.

The large forces of the Japanese army have already outflanked them. The Luxi Corps is so powerful that it can't resist the Japanese invaders' strong attack, let alone his regiment of 5000 people?
"We will be back, but not now." Zhang Tianhai said firmly.


PS: Make up for the second update last night!It was originally planned to be updated at 2:00 last night, but I was too sleepy to bear it, and then fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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