War of Resistance

Chapter 651 Lanfeng Battle

Chapter 651 Lanfeng War ([-])

Ever since, it was like this. Under the order of Kenji Doihara, the head of the No.14 Division of the Japanese Army, the No.14 Division, a division with a large number of enhanced fire support troops, began to go south.

With infinite killing intent!
On the south bank of the Yellow River, on the endless alluvial plain, a large number of mechanized Japanese troops belonging to them are advancing rapidly, galloping on this slightly loess plain, rolling up waves of smoke and dust!

This Japanese army, not other troops, is the No.14 division of Kenji Doihara.

Just like those filmed in those anti-Japanese TV dramas, this unit used motorized infantry to open the way, and then used trucks to pull these Japanese infantry forward one by one.

What's more, there are artillery guns hanging on the back of these trucks, many of which are heavy howitzers!
Not all the Japanese soldiers were loaded in the back compartment of the truck, and there were also a lot of shells, which were heavy artillery shells and Qiwushan artillery shells!
The No.14 Division, as the unit that the North China Front Army wanted to use for assault operations and rapid operations, even equipped with heavy artillery and tanks, naturally there is no shortage of these trucks.

Many military trucks in the North China Front Army were directly attached to the No.14 Division, for the sake of four words - the speed of soldiers!
If there were not so many trucks for arming, how could the No.14 division of Kenji Doihara be called a mechanized force in history?
This kind of "mechanized army" may be somewhat different from the "mechanized army" defined by later generations, but in this era, this army is a veritable mechanized army, without any moisture!

The rapid advance of the Japanese army obviously caught one of the No.20 Seventh Army, which was in charge of defending Kaocheng, by surprise.

The flames of war have already ignited in Kaocheng not far from Lanfeng!
And Kenji Doihara, who is in Heze, made another very bold absolute, that is to lead the No.20 Seventh Brigade directly to Neihuangji, trying to win the Lanfeng in the fastest time, so as to seize the right-wing stage victory!

The person in charge of guarding Kaocheng is the first brigade of Ling Zhaoyao's Eighth Division under the No.20 Seventh Army. After all, the number one main force of the No.20 Seventh Army—the No.20 Fourth Division has been ordered to go to Dangshan to accept Huang Jie's command In order to fill the vacancy of the No.20 Third Division of the Eighth Army who suffered heavy losses in Heze and was unable to participate in the war.

The remaining troops, the Second Brigade of the Eighth Division and Dai Quanmin's No.40 Fifth Division followed the commander Gui Yongqing to defend Lanfeng.

Of course, Gui Yongqing was in charge of defending Lanfeng, and he still transferred some troops to garrison outside the city. For example, a regiment of the second brigade of the Eighth Pre-Division was deployed in Neihuangji, like Hongmiao, Yifeng, etc. These places are garrisoned by other units of the Eighth Division.

But at present, Gui Yongqing has the strongest combat force that can be commanded - the No. 40 Fifth Division is mainly placed in Lanfeng City, and a small number of troops are safely guarded in places such as Maoguzhai.

There is no way. Comrade Lao Gui has experienced the defense of Nanjing. He knows the strength of these Japanese troops. With the strength of the troops he taught before, he is no longer the opponent of the Japanese army, let alone now.

So, since Gui Yongqing doesn't have a division of troops in his hands, he will naturally feel uneasy.

To be more precise, it's that I can't even sleep at ease!

The camera pans to Cowtown.

Kaocheng, this is not considered a big city, on the contrary, it is a very small city.

Not to mention anything else, just a regiment of cavalry battalions can just be stationed, how big can a city be?No one believes this anymore.

Therefore, the First Brigade of the Eighth Division did not place too many troops in the city. Instead, one regiment was in the city, and the other regiment and the brigade directly under the brigade were outside the city.

After all, if the Japanese army comes, here will be the first to bear the brunt.

Sure enough, as the brigade commander Zheng Anzhi expected, the Japanese army came, and it really hit the test city directly!




The Japanese artillery shells were as dazzling as meteors across the day, and they hit the city wall of Kao City densely like raindrops. Unfortunately, the city walls of Kao City were not as strong as those of those big cities. Under the bombing, it suddenly became shaky!




Looking at this terrifying scene in the telescope mirror, Zheng Anzhi couldn't help clenching his fists tightly.

It should be noted that the national army is not as well-equipped as the Japanese army, let alone a second-rate army like the Eighth Division, and it is even more difficult to defend.

Like the No.40 Fifth Division, the Pre-Eighth Division is composed of one part of the No.30 Seventh Army and one part of the No.30 Ninth Army. It's just that after Gui Yongqing took office, in order to quickly regain the combat effectiveness of the troops , the proportion of veterans is tilted to varying degrees towards No.20 Fourth Division and No.40 Fifth Division.

The No.20 Seventh Army has the strength of one army, and its resources are only so much. Some troops have more troops, and some troops have naturally decreased to varying degrees.

Obviously, the troops of the Pre-Eighth Division belonged to the latter. After experiencing the horrors of the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Nanjing, a certain army commander has no sense of security.

So, among the three divisions, the eighth division with the worst combat effectiveness took on the most difficult task: guarding the outer positions of Lanfeng!

Like the No. 20th Division, although it was transferred to Dangshan to accept the command of Huang Jie, the commander of the Eighth Army, at least there were troops from the two armies there. No matter what, there was a support.

But it's different like the Eighth Division of the Pre-Eighth Division. Kaifeng's troops are too far away, and Lanfeng's troops may not be able to support them. The Japanese army that is about to go south.

It is conceivable how much pressure the Eighth Division is under!
Although Zheng Anzhi is the brigade commander, he is not generally helpless - quite helpless!
The city wall to the north of Kaocheng was bombarded by Japanese artillery fire like a long string of firecrackers, densely packed.

At this time, there was nothing to be seen on the top of Kaocheng City, except gunpowder smoke, dust, and the flames from the explosion.

Seeing this scene, can Zheng Anzhi still not know how powerful the enemy army is facing right now?
This Japanese army is not inferior to the Japanese army on the Songhu battlefield!
It should be noted how the No.20 Seventh Army was formed—this army was formed by the remnants of the No.30 Seventh Army and the No.30 Ninth Army. Those who were disabled on the Shanghai battlefield were directly withdrawn from the Songhu battlefield to Luoyang for rest. Later, the No.20 Seventh Army was formed, with Gui Yongqing, the former captain of the teaching corps, as the commander of the army!
Seeing the artillery fire above Kaocheng City, and then looking at the densely packed Japanese army outside Kaocheng, Zheng Anzhi knew: the designation of the First Regiment of the First Brigade of the Eighth Division of the Pre-Eighth Division disappeared from today.

This number will disappear forever in the long river of history.

Thinking about it, Zheng Anzhi clenched his fists even tighter, but the unwillingness in his heart turned into a tear, which slowly fell from the corner of his eyes!

PS: The second update is here, and everyone has been waiting for a long time.Sorry ah ah ah...

(End of this chapter)

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