War of Resistance

Chapter 652 Lanfeng Battle

Chapter 652 Lanfeng War ([-])

Under the high-intensity artillery bombardment of the Japanese army, the city wall of Kaocheng began to crumble, and it collapsed after a few minutes!

It's not because the city wall of Kaocheng is a "tofu dregs project", but because the artillery fire of the Japanese army is too fierce-you should know that nearly 150 artillery pieces fired at the same time, that is, nearly 150 shells, and most of them They are all 120mm howitzer shells!

This can be said to be full coverage of firepower in the true sense!
It's a pity that the nearly 200-year-old blue brick city wall in Kaocheng was not blown up in the infighting, but it collapsed under the fierce bombardment of Japanese artillery...

This is not a very humiliating history!

"Order the troops to launch an attack on the flank of the Japanese army. They must be entangled here!" Zheng Anzhi said in a deep voice. He has also seen the intensity of the Japanese artillery fire. The possibility of defending the position is not high. Lost under artillery fire.

There are not many choices left in front of Zheng Anzhi, he can only choose to launch a strong attack, otherwise, the first regiment in this city will be finished...

If you work hard, you may still have a chance. If you don't fight hard, it will really be over.

"Yes, brigade seat!" The combat staff officer next to him responded, and then hurried to issue the brigade commander's military order.

Seeing the leaving figure of the combat staff officer, Zheng Anzhi's eyes flashed a glimmer of gloom, and then he said to the communication staff officer beside him: "You, call the division headquarters immediately and inform the division seat that our brigade encountered the enemy in Kaocheng. Ferocious firepower attack, the enemy's firepower in Kaocheng is very fierce, the scale of artillery is no less than 150, and many of them are large-caliber howitzers. Our brigade has tried our best to delay the enemy's advance. Please be vigilant, Inform the Corps Command of the situation!"

"Yes, traveler!" The communications staff responded.


Following the telegram from the front line of the [-]st Brigade of the [-]th Division, it passed through the headquarters of the [-]th Division, reported all the way, and finally reached the Corps Headquarters of the [-]st Corps in the [-]st Theater.

In the operation hall of the First Corps Headquarters, there was depression.

Xue Yue stood in front of this huge military map. At this time, the arrows on the map had been updated—from four arrows pointing directly at Xuzhou, and several blue arrows leaving Xuzhou from four sides, they became several red arrows pointing to Xuzhou respectively. Dangshan, Kaocheng and Mengcheng.

The people around did not dare to breathe, for fear of disturbing the commander's thoughts.

After receiving the front-line battle report from the First Brigade of the Eighth Division, Chief Xue called a meeting with the senior staff of the First Corps.

It's just that this meeting was a bit monotonous, more precisely, boring.

The reason is that Chief Xue didn't look at him when he arrived in the battle hall, and the people around him stared wide-eyed and didn't dare to make a sound.

Chief Xue's temper is tough, and it's not a secret in the Corps Department that he has the ability and means.

"News, do you all know?" Xue Yue turned his head and looked at the surrounding senior staff, including the chief of staff.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was going on. Only a few of the two or three high-ranking officers who were on duty knew what was going on.

Seeing the confusion on the faces of most people, Xue Yue knew what was going on. He shook his head and said, "The Kaocheng side has entered a state of battle. We have encountered an unprecedented situation. Such a powerful enemy."

Xue Yue spoke slowly, word by word, very clearly.

Seeing the very serious expression on Xue Yue's face, everyone knew that the battle in Kaocheng was probably very tragic.

In the combat hall, it was terribly quiet, which could be described by the four words "needle drop can be heard".

It should be noted that the combat hall of the Corps is not small. After all, this is the combat hall used by the commander-in-chief of the first war zone before, so the area of ​​this hall is naturally not small.

Apart from the breathing of the high-level participants, there is no other frequency here.

Xue Yue continued: "The enemy army in the direction of Kaocheng now has no less than 150 artillery pieces, many of which are heavy howitzers!"

This news is not a very heavy news: there are no fewer than 150 artillery pieces, and many heavy artillery pieces have appeared. What does this mean?This shows that the main force of the Japanese army has already appeared in the Kaocheng area, and their next goal is very likely to be Kaifeng!
The artillery wing attached to a division of the Japanese army is only 48 pieces, and some artillery drawn up from below are added together, and there are only [-] to [-] pieces in total.

This shows what?This shows that this direction may have the strength of three divisions!

Why do you say that?Because in order to ensure that the Japanese army has sufficient combat power at the wing level, it is impossible for them to deploy artillery from the wing level, so the greatest possibility is that this situation is still possible.

Everyone didn't speak, just quietly waiting for Officer Xue's next words.

I saw Xue Yue continue to use his heavy tone to say: "Everyone, Kaocheng seems to be in danger, what suggestions do you have?"

"Reporting sir, I believe that it is absolutely impossible for the enemy to use such a large force to attack only one Kaocheng." One of the emaciated colonel's staff said.

"Let's just say it's okay." Xue Yue looked at him, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes: Obviously, this idea probably coincides with his idea.

"Sir, Kaocheng is just a small town on the outskirts of Kaifeng. It is absolutely impossible to attack a small town with such a large force. If I were the commander of the Japanese army, with the reinforcement of three divisions Next, I dare to attack Kaifeng directly, and there is no need to expend such a huge amount of force to pull out a small city." The thin staff officer calmly analyzed, and a flash of wisdom flashed through the eyes behind the pair of gold-rimmed glasses.

"Reporting sir, I also agree with Fang's analysis. After all, with the arrogance of the Japanese army, if there is such a huge force, it would have been opened long ago. There is no need to shuttle around the periphery. There is only one possibility. They are the reinforcements of the Japanese army. , as an assault force to cooperate with the enemy's large forces to encircle and annihilate our Xuzhou breakout army." Another relatively burly staff officer said, which formed a sharp contrast with the Fang staff officer.

Indeed, this analysis hits the nail on the head, but not only the Fang staff and this "strong" staff think so, everyone thinks so.

After a heated discussion, the First Corps made the following decisions: the first point is to report the situation and conclusions to the commander of the theater; the second point is to immediately conduct reconnaissance on the frontline enemy situation, and it is necessary to understand the real situation of the enemy The third point is to order Song Xilian No. 70 First Army and Yu Jishi No. 70 Fourth Army to gather quickly and prepare to go into battle at any time.

Once these three decisions were implemented, all the departments of the First Corps had entered a complete wartime state.

The cloud of the great war had already shrouded the sky above Lan Feng, and even the surrounding air had gradually begun to condense.

The atmosphere is not generally heavy.


PS: The first update is here.This update is finally early, I will continue to work hard to see if I can make the third update today.

Continue to code first, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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