War of Resistance

Chapter 653 Lanfeng Battle

Chapter 653 Lanfeng War ([-])

It wasn't just the First Corps that was tense, even the First War Zone became tense.

Kaifeng is the last barrier of Zhengzhou, and now the First Corps is also undertaking the task of covering the retreat of the army in the fifth theater. If there is a possibility of being surrounded by the enemy with an army of 10,000+, it is very dangerous if this possibility is realized.

In view of the crisis in the direction of the First Corps, Cheng Qian, the commander of the First Theater, immediately made several decisions: the first was to transfer Hu Zongnan's No.17 Corps to the east, ready to support the First Corps' operations at any time; The second is to ask the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government for the temporary command of Sun Tongxuan's Third Army and Shang Zhen's No.20 Army.

And this command right is directly given to Xue Yue!

On this day, after receiving the emergency mobilization order from the Corps Headquarters, Song Xilian not only issued the order to each unit, but also personally led a group of staff to inspect the preparations of each unit.

First, the No.80 Seventh Division and No.80 Eighth Division. After inspecting the two divisions, Song Xilian took Shen Fazao and Long Muhan, the commanders of the division, to the first regiment directly under the third theater to inspect the situation.

Only he knew in his heart that apart from inspecting the troops, it also had a sense of standing up - not to mention anything else, just saying that the military appearance and military discipline of the first regiment directly under the third war zone were indeed very good. Well, let them both come over to see the difference.

In fact, it's not that Song Xilian doesn't know that these two teachers have "experienced the world". After all, they are also from Huangpu, one in the first period (Long Muhan) and the other in the second period (Shen Fazao).

The inspection this time can be said to be very impromptu, a bit similar to the "just go" inspection method.

Ever since, the shortcomings of No.80 Seventh Division and No.80 Eighth Division in terms of war mobilization have been magnified.

And Song Xilian knew Zhang Tianhai very well, and knew that this guy had been preparing for the battle a long time ago, so he specially brought Shen Fazao and Long Muhan here.


This was the first time Zhang Tianhai met Long Muhan in the regiment headquarters of Zhiyi Regiment.

In history, Long Muhan became "famous" because of abandoning Lanfeng without authorization. Zhang Tianhai is naturally very familiar with his name. After all, he also has a part of the "credit" for the Yellow River's embankment burst. share.

Ever since Long Muhan appeared in the Zhiyi regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai looked at Long Muhan with a look similar to looking at a monkey carefully after entering the zoo.

I saw that Long Muhan was thin and not handsome or ugly. He was just an average person, and his height was around 1.7 meters. Because he was thin, he looked taller, but he looked like 1.7 meters. It's eight.

"Head Zhang, what's the matter?" Long Muhan finally couldn't help asking after being stared at for a while.

"No...it's nothing." Zhang Tianhai suddenly felt a little embarrassed by this question - after all, Long Muhan was not only his old senior at this time, but also his chief.

Indeed, it is really impolite to stare at people like this.

But Zhang Tianhai still couldn't help but took a second look at this unlucky guy who was going to die under the order of the principal. Well, the roots are short and the hairline is a little high. It really doesn't look like a long-lived person...

Zhang Tianhai was flirting secretly, but he didn't dare to speak.

"Zhang Yulin, what the hell are you doing, kid? Now that the brat's troops are here, you're still playing dumb? See if I won't beat you to death." Song Xilian saw that Zhang Tianhai's expression was not right. He reminded Zhang Tianhai with a smile and scolding, what he was afraid of was the sudden embarrassment of the atmosphere...

"Report to the military seat, the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater is ready to fight at any time, and can go at any time, please give instructions from the military seat!" Zhang Tianhai, who came back to his senses, immediately gave a military salute to Song Xilian, Then he said loudly.

As a qualified subordinate, you must know how to guess what your boss means.

Zhang Tianhai is one of them. He already guessed why Song Xilian brought these two teachers here. Didn't he let his old subordinate give him some face?If it's really an inspection, it's enough to bring a team of entourage, and there is no need to bring Shen Fazao and Long Muhan.

"Come on, look at the preparations of your troops. If you really want to fight, I will call your troops at any time, and you must be ready at any time!" Song Xilian said in a deep voice. These words seemed to be addressed to Zhang Tianhai, but they were actually Speaking to Shen Fazao and Long Muhan, after all, these two have relatively old qualifications and hold real power. If it is too straightforward, it is not good to be obedient at critical moments.

"Yes, the military seat, the lowly position will definitely live up to the high expectations of the military seat. If you use me to fight, you will win the battle!" Zhang Tianhai shouted loudly. Indeed, he also spent a lot of energy on preparing for the battle during this period And time, in order to be able to deploy to the battlefield at any time, the key is to be able to meet the lack of a thin teacher who escaped in front of him.

Song Xilian inspected the troops also very quickly. He probably asked a soldier casually, went to a barracks to check the situation, and found that the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment were ready to leave at any time. gone.

On this point, Song Xilian highly praised Zhang Tianhai, and also said it to Long Muhan and Shen Fazao next to him.

Shen Fazao is actually okay, after all, he has been in the No.80 Seventh Division for a long time, so he is not worried about execution ability, but Long Muhan, not necessarily--this point, Shen Fazao observed Long Mu Han's expression already felt that something was wrong, it was an uncomfortable expression.

In fact, it is understandable when you think about it. Long Muhan and Song Xilian are both students of the first phase of Whampoa, and Long Muhan is 11 years older than Song Xilian. Therefore, it is normal for him to be a little bit dissatisfied with Song Xilian.

It's just that Shen Fazao saw all this and didn't say it directly. He is not very good at offending people.


The camera turns back to Kaocheng.

At this time, the battle in Kaocheng had reached a fierce stage. The officers and soldiers of the Second Regiment of the First Brigade of the Eighth Pre-[-]th Division were engaged in street fighting with the Japanese army, and the sound of gunfire and explosions was endless.

The officers and soldiers of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]st Brigade of the Pre-[-]th Division were supporting the defense of the [-]nd Regiment from the outer line of defense, and the casualties of both troops gradually began to expand.

Of course, under the absolute advantage of the Japanese army, the casualties of the national army were even greater.

Zheng Anzhi's heart was bleeding, but he couldn't help the troops continue to resist—is it because the enemy is strong that he should give up resistance, give up resisting these damned invaders, and then give up the great rivers and mountains and fertile land of the motherland? ?

Zheng Anzhi asked himself that he couldn't do it, no matter how heavy the casualties were, he still had to stand up and buy time for the army of the corps to gather—Kaocheng, absolutely must stick to the end!

The guns of the battle rang out for a whole day, and the troops of the First Brigade of the Eighth Division of the Pre-Eighth Division, which had stood firm for a long time, finally withdrew from Kaocheng. When they left Kaocheng, they had gone from a full staff of more than 600 people to only [-] people now Not anymore.

Moreover, these officers and soldiers who came back alive were all wounded, and they lived to death, which is nothing less than heroic!

PS: The second update will be delivered, the third update may not come, I will try to save some drafts!
(End of this chapter)

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