War of Resistance

Chapter 654 Lanfeng Battle

Chapter 654 Lanfeng War ([-])

When Kaocheng fell, Lan Feng became the first to bear the brunt.

The No.20 Seventh Army was standing in battle near Kaifeng, and took Dai Minquan's division as the garrison to defend Lanfeng with all its strength.

However, what shocked everyone was that the Japanese army only rested for one night after taking Kaocheng. !

At the same time, the commander-in-chief of the first theater of the national army finally received information from the rear——

Zhengzhou, Commander-in-Chief of the First Theater Command.

Compared with the old site in Kaifeng, this place is much older: after all, the old site is more glorious, after all, this place was temporarily relocated, and Kaifeng was originally planned to develop, so it is naturally different.

The war room of the headquarters is almost twice as small as the war room in Kaifeng, but it is not crowded.

It can only be said that the combat hall in Kaifeng is much larger.

"Junzao, the exact military information came from the rear. The unit that took down Kaocheng and pointed directly at Lanfeng is one of the No. 14 divisions of Kenji Doihara. To be precise, it is a brigade. It’s just that the Ministry has strengthened two heavy artillery wings, and the artillery wing of the No.14 Division has also been strengthened there.” An adjutant took a telegram and went to Cheng Qian’s side to report.

After receiving the telegram, Cheng Qian took a rough look at the translation on the telegram, then crumpled the note in his hand into a ball of paper and held it together heavily: "A mere brigade has strengthened three artillery Alliance, you dare to stroke my tiger's beard in the first theater? These little devils are too rampant!"

Before everyone could speak, Cheng Qian slammed his fist on the map stuck on the wall, and said in a harsh voice, "This enemy army that is so arrogant and dares to go deep alone must be wiped out in the Lanfeng area!"

After Cheng Qian moved his hand from the map, everyone found out that the place where Cheng Chang's official fist was punched was Lan Feng.

"Yes! Sir!!" Everyone immediately stood at attention and saluted, with a murderous look.


Naturally, Cheng Qian's decision was not just talk, and the senior staff of the minister's department immediately began to plan a battle plan.

Cheng Qian, of course, also participated in the formulation of the battle plan.

Not long after, Cheng Qian picked up a draft and announced: "The purpose of the Lanfeng operation is to annihilate the Dohihara Division of the No. 14 Division of the Japanese Army, which is protruding in the direction of the Eastern Defense Line, on the front line of Lanfeng and Minquan. The battle plan is as follows:
In addition to commanding the No.20 Fourth Army under his command, Li Hanhun, head of the No.60 Ninth Army Corps, the No.70 Fourth Army of Tianyu Jishi was under his command, which was the East Route Army, and marched westward from Guide (Shangqiu);
At the same time, Gui Yongqing, commander of the No.20 Seventh Army guarding Lanfeng, was ordered to command the No.70 First Army of Song Xilian to advance from Lanfeng to the east;

Order Sun Tongxuan's 20rd Army Headquarters and Shang Zhen's No.[-] Group Army Headquarters to form the Northern Route Army and cut off the Japanese army's retreat to the North Bank of the Yellow River near Dingtao, Heze, Dongming, and Kaocheng (now Guyang, northeast of Lankao) path!

At the same time, Huang Jie, commander of the Eighth Army, was ordered to command the Eighth Army under his command, the 90th Division of Guo Chan's No.20 Fourth Army, and the No.20 Fourth Division of Gui Yongqing's No.[-] Seventh Army. Stick to Dangshan and Guide, and stop the Japanese troops advancing westward from Xuzhou along Longhai Road. You must not abandon your position without receiving orders! "

Cheng Qian eloquently read a lot of combat orders, which also means that this plan to annihilate one of the No.14 divisions of the Japanese Army under Kenji Doihara's command in Lanfeng is already in execution!

It didn't take long for the combat plan of the Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone to be distributed to all armies.

Similarly, this order also reached the regiment headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater through the No.70 First Army Headquarters.

"Tuan Zuo, now that the command of the commander of the theater has come down, why do you still look a little unhappy?" Adjutant Wang Liang asked Zhang Tianhai cautiously.

Indeed, Zhang Tianhai's mood was indeed not very beautiful - because the command of the army was about to fall into the hands of the idiot Gui Yongqing.

The No.70 army, even if they can fight, is it really that easy to save Lan Feng from defeat?
You are timid because you are close to your hometown, but if you really want something that you are afraid of, it will happen soon, and it is impossible to say that you are not nervous!

The third war zone is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, and all preparations have been made for a deadly battle, and the rest depends on God's will: after all, it is up to people to plan things, and God to make things happen!
"Wang Liang, if you were in my position, maybe you would understand me." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

Wang Liang also smiled and said: "Isn't it just to continue fighting? The big deal is to give up this life. In the past, it seems that the group seats have never been so nervous. Now we make the decision in person, but it is just a brigade group." , plus its reinforced troops are actually only more than 2 people, this is not your style..."

"Sometimes, I'm afraid not only because of the strength of the enemy, but also because of the teammates." Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of the same opponents, but the teammates who are like pigs."

"Aren't you afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs? Tuan Zuo's words are really incisive." Wang Liang admired, then changed the subject and said: "However, Tuan Zuo, you also There is no need to worry, now we have been united as one, even though there are only four thousand people, if we really want to do something, we can do it."

The implication of Wang Liang's words is very clear. It is probably that as long as you give an order, the leader of the group, more than 4000 people in the Zhiyi group will surround you to carry out your order!
Zhang Tianhai patted Wang Liang on the shoulder and said: "I probably understand what you mean. Don't worry, if this moment really happens, I will take everyone to the battle. It is fate for our soldiers to be shrouded in horse leather." .”

After speaking, Zhang Tianhai clenched his fist lightly. The last sentence seemed more like what he said to himself.

"Understood. Group seats!" Wang Liang responded.


This day was the early morning of May 27 in the 22th year of the Republic of China.

The 27th year of the Republic of China, that is, [-].


This day is destined to be extraordinary. For the Eastern Henan battlefield, it has almost become one.

With its very fierce firepower, the Japanese army successively captured Hongmiao, Yifeng, Neihuangji, Ximaoguzhai and other places on the periphery of Lanfeng within one day.

The Japanese army can have such a strong confidence, in addition to the fact that the No. 20 Eighth Brigade has a very strong combat effectiveness, and it is even stronger with the reinforcement of several artillery regiments. What is more important is that the division commander Lieutenant General Kenji Doihara has rushed to Kao City with reinforcements from the No.20 Seventh Brigade, that is to say, they have a stronger backing!

This is the most fundamental confidence in Major General Takashi Sakai’s heart, and it is also the confidence that supports him to provoke the main force of the 10,000+ troops of the National Army—just kidding, the division chief of the fifth division has even faced China with half a division Why can't Takashi Sakai not accomplish the feat of an army of 20?

For Takashi Sakai, this is definitely an excellent opportunity to make meritorious service, and it is also an excellent opportunity for him to be promoted to lieutenant general and division commander. There is such a number one figure as Takashi Sakai, and he is a figure with a very good record!
Yifeng, the former enemy headquarters of the No.20 Eighth Brigade of the Japanese Army.

At this time, Major General Takashi Sakai, head of the No. 20 Eighth Brigade of the Japanese Army, was listening to the ballad sung by a Japanese singer on the phonograph, whistling constantly in his mouth—his mood was not so good what……

There are frequent good news ahead, and almost all the villages on both sides of Longhai Road have been occupied by his troops. The very important first link of the plan has been completed, so the next step is Lanfeng County!
In Takashi Sakai's view, Lan Feng is like a girl who has been stripped to the ground, waiting for his ravages.

Thinking about it, a smile appeared on Sakai Takashi's fleshy face.


PS: The first update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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