War of Resistance

Chapter 801 New Actions

Chapter 801 New Actions

"The two big arrows of the Japanese army pointed at Wuhan. The only thing they wanted was to take Wuhan as soon as possible. Now our army has nearly a million troops deployed on the north and south fronts. Of course, our army also has a weakness. And it is fatal, that is, our army's combat effectiveness is weak, and we say that our territory is vast and there are many places to defend. In terms of actual combat strength, it should be similar to that of the Japanese army." Zhang Tianhai's speech was very organized and logical , The so-called follow-through induction is to teach these two comrades who are not as strong as him in theory.

I saw that these two people were listening to Zhang Tianhai's random performance. Zhang Tianhai's advantages of strong theoretical ability and stronger practical ability are no longer a secret in the eyes of everyone.

"What's more deadly is that the Japanese army has powerful firepower of the three armed forces. If our army fails to defend the relevant defense line according to the predetermined plan, then the Japanese army will definitely drive straight in. Therefore, our troops must be ready to be attacked at any time. Prepare to go to the battlefield." As he spoke, Zhang Tianhai tapped the map lightly with the baton in his hand, with a teacher-like expression on his face, and said, "When it comes to this, do the two comrades understand?"

"I probably understand. What you mean is that we don't have much time to prepare, so we have to end the training of the squad leader's training company early, right?" Guo Qiliang said calmly. For him, he Regarding the relationship with Zhang Tianhai, there is no need for secretive questions.

"That's right. We don't have that much time to prepare. If our training results fail to reach the grassroots troops, it will be useless." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Regimental Commander, do our battalion-level troops need to conduct a comprehensive exercise?" At this moment, Chief of Staff Li Yinglun put forward a more feasible proposal.

After Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, he said: "Our comprehensive exercise at the battalion level is absolutely necessary. Now it is mainly for the cadres at the company commander level to be mobilized. It is best to train them. Only when it reaches this level Only then can we raise the combat effectiveness of the whole regiment to the highest level."

Li Yinglun wasn't just waiting around, he felt something when he heard Zhang Tianhai's words: Commander Zhang, this is a big deal...

As for what the big deal is, you don't need to think about it—the training method of the squad leader's training company has already been developed, and the company commander's training platoon is not impossible.

So, Li Yinglun had guessed what Zhang Tianhai was going to do.

In Li Yinglun's view, Zhang Tianhai is not the kind of person who sticks to the rules, and in terms of doing things, he is a type of person who is slanted and bold in reform and innovation. Therefore, Zhang Tianhai can see these actions , that is quite normal.

"Yes! Sir! I understand!" After Li Yinglun replied, he stopped talking.

"By the way, I want to create a training class for these company commanders again. Besides, all these company commanders will be taught by the staff officers of the regiment headquarters. What do you two think?" Zhang Tianhai looked at the second man in front of him and said asked the man.

"The humble job promises to obey the order!" Guo Qiliang responded, as a statement of opinion.

"Humble posts also obey the orders of the head of the group." Seeing that Guo Qiliang had already stated his position, it would be inappropriate for him not to express his position, so Li Yinglun agreed.

"All right! Chief of Staff Li will be the chief instructor of this training platoon. That's the initial plan. Do you have any other opinions from Chief of Staff Li?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

After thinking about it for a while, Li Yinglun agreed: "I have no other opinions, except that I want the head of the regiment to be one of the instructors. Is this request reasonable?"

"Okay, this is naturally no problem. I will be the relevant tactical instructor! I think I should still be competent in this regard." Zhang Tianhai smiled and said very modestly.

"Regimental Commander, you are being modest. If you are not qualified to be an instructor when it comes to tactical attainments and battlefield acumen, I don't think there are many officers in our entire police regiment who can hold such important positions?" Li said. Ying Lun smiled, but didn't say much more.

"Okay, then let me be the tactical instructor! If there are special circumstances, Liu Houming, the commander of the secret service company, will guide you!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile. After all, this scene is too serious, and it seems to be Not so good.

"Then next, when should our company commander's training platoon be held?" Li Yinglun asked Zhang Tianhai.

"For things like this, it's best not to delay, the sooner the better, the enemy won't leave us with too much time!" Zhang Tianhai directly concluded.

"Yes, sir! I understand!" With Li Yinglun's answer, this meeting was not formal, but also very short, and the important meeting was declared over.

For Zhang Tianhai, this kind of training class is not the first time, but for Li Yinglun, it is still a novelty.

Under repeated operations by Zhang Tianhai and others, after the first regiment directly under the third war zone came to become the first guard regiment of the ninth war zone, it finally carried out the first major rectification-this kind of rectification can almost be said to be top down.

Zhang Tianhai had high hopes for this series of new actions—he urgently hoped that through this series of reforms and reorganizations, the combat effectiveness of the troops could be greatly improved.

Then, is it really so easy to improve the military quality of the troops?Not necessarily!First of all, there must be time for the troops to digest the content of these reforms and updates, and then they can really greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the troops and other aspects.

But no matter what, the road ahead still doesn't know how to go. What Zhang Tianhai has to do is to do his best. No one can say what will happen in the future. Anyway, he should do it first.


The birds were singing freely. For Zhang Tiannan, today is a special day—today is his first day of admission to the military academy.

Central Military Academy No.15, this is the issue Zhang Tiannan is in.

With the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the casualties of teachers and students in Huangpu on the front line can be described as very heavy. The No. 15 period, which was originally enlisted in January [-], expanded its enrollment half a year later, in order to increase the number of officers to join the army. .

If it weren't for this, Zhang Tiannan wouldn't be able to get it, and this is a good time to join the army.

"Stand at attention!!!" The instructor standing in front of the queue roared, his sharp eyes fixed on the new students in front of him like eagles.

Like most military academies for training, after the instructors recruit new students into the army, the first thing they need is to bring them to familiarize themselves with the rules of the army. Only after they are familiar with the rules can they start formal lectures and teaching.

Since he had received the "extra meal" training from the police regiment's special agent company, in Zhang Tiannan's view, almost all of these trainings could be called "playing house".

The training intensity of the secret service company is not comparable to these military academies.

No matter how you say it, the spy company generally conducts training in accordance with the training requirements of later generations. The only difference lies in the training equipment and teacher resources.

But in any case, the officers and soldiers of the special service company can still keep up with this training intensity.

Looking at the military rank of the instructor who was training the soldiers in front of the team, Zhang Tiannan clenched his fists lightly, and secretly swore in his heart: no matter what, my military rank will catch up to that of my elder brother in the future of.

That's right, in Zhang Tiannan's eyes, his elder brother is his idol, if he can reach the level of his elder brother, it is already a big dream.

The day is still so sunny.

In the old and warm courtyard of the Zhang family, Yu Zhiyun and Zheng Man, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, were doing housework while chatting for a while: "Xiaoman, you said this Yulin is also very I haven't been home for many days, and I don't know what he is doing. Isn't it too shameful?"

Yu Zhiyun is not a soldier, she doesn't know what's going on in the army, but Zheng Man can't understand, she also knows that the Japanese army on the front line is pressing every step of the way, and Zhang Tianhai's pressure is not ordinary.

"Mom, don't mutter. Yulin is not the kind of person who doesn't have the concept of home, but the front line is a little tight after all, so maybe he is training troops!" Zheng Man hurriedly explained to Yu Zhiyun a bit.

"Hey... I don't know when this war will end...According to that boy Yulin, Wuhan is unstoppable. Let our family go to Chongqing to buy another house and live in it. Actually Well, this kid's suggestion is quite good, but we have lived in Wuchang for so long. We people, how could we be willing to leave so easily..." Yu Zhiyun sighed for a long time.

"Mom, you don't need to worry about the next thing. If you really can't stand the match, then it doesn't matter if we retreat to Chongqing and buy a house. After all, we ordinary people live here Life is the most important thing in this world." Zheng Man finally expressed his opinion.

Indeed, she, Zheng Man, believed in her husband's strength. No matter what, Zhang Tianhai's mistakes on the front line were almost rare.

More importantly, Zhang Yulin's judgment on the general situation is definitely not wrong--besides, at this time, the Japanese army is coming in menacingly, and the goal must be to take down Hankou. Zhang Tianhai's judgment is very likely of.

If you don't believe me, let's look at the Madang Fortress. If you obey the law like this, if the Japanese army can hit the city of Wuhan soon, then there will be ghosts.

Zheng Man never thinks how good she is or how great she is. After marrying Zhang Tianhai, she also thinks about living a life where her husband is the guide and the sky. It's just her identity. It made her seem unsuitable for this kind of life.

Whether it is from the perspective of Miss Zheng's family or from the identity of the "swallowtail butterfly" of the military commander, this is the case.

"The peach leaves are pointed up, and the willow leaves cover the sky. That brother Ming on the bridge..." Zhang Fuhan's figure did not appear, but his singing came from the Nanluo alley.

Obviously, Master Zhang's family is in a good mood today.

When the master of the Zhang family entered the door, he was carrying a bottle of shochu in his hand and a chicken wrapped in lotus leaves. His blushing expression proved that he was really in a very good mood.

"Dad, why are you in such a good mood today? Did you find money?" Zheng Man stepped forward and asked.

"No, no, how can this be compared with money? Besides, can the happiness that this money can bring me be happier than I am now?" Zhang Fuhan laughed, and then didn't say anything else, just said Walked into the hall.

"This poor old man does not do anything serious every day. He just listens to ditties, drinks two cups of soju, and eats two roast chickens, so he will be happy." Yu Zhiyun "gouged" fiercely A look at the figure that had already entered the house.

"Oh, mom, don't talk about it, this dad is old and has a little hobby, isn't this quite normal." Zheng Man chatted, and didn't notice what Zhang Fuhan was doing after he entered the house.

After entering the house, Fu Han took out a note from the roast chicken, glanced at it roughly, and then burned it in front of the candle.

In the light of the fire, where does Zhang Fuhan's face still have the usual kind of joking and cynical happiness?This is clearly a serious face.

Yes, it was exactly the same as what Zhang Tianhai saw in his predecessor's memory when he was a child. That serious face was full of righteousness and awe-inspiring as always.

On the frontline battlefield, the news that the Japanese army is approaching every step of the way has reached him. As a patriotic teacher, Zhang Fuhan feels helpless, but he also wants to do something for the country.

Zhang Fuhan once led his students to respond to the May [-]th Movement. Although he did not go to the front line, he elected student representatives.

Although Zhang Fuhan is getting older, his patriotism has not diminished in the slightest.

He is old, but he also has ambitions for thousands of miles!

The situation on the front line is becoming more and more urgent day by day, and Zhang Tianhai can't be too idle. After the meeting, he immediately made a military plan to prepare for the company commander's training platoon.

After the loss of the Madang Fortress, the No.16 Army Headquarters also launched several counterattacks under the leadership of Li Yunheng, the commander of the army, and Xue Weiying, the commander of the [-]th Division. However, their counterattacks did not work. Even Changshan The ground was also lost.

With the loss of the main position of the Changshan position, the Madang Fort was also lost.

Li Yunheng's state at this time was like ants on a hot pot. This was the tenth time he had walked around in the same place.

"It's over, if we don't take back the Madang Fort this time, we will be finished." Li Yunheng sighed, and then looked at Xue Weiying who was waiting for his order, with despair in his eyes.

From Li Yunheng's point of view, Xue Weiying was born in the direct line of Huangpu after all, and although he was born in the Baoding line, after all, he is not comparable to the status of the direct line. If someone is really going to be shot, he may be the one who will be shot.

When it comes to regret, after sobering up that day, Li Yunheng has endless regrets in it, but what can he do, who told him to do the graduation ceremony of the so-called "Anti-Japanese Military and Political University".

In the final analysis, it was Li Yunheng's fault. If it wasn't for his request, officers at all levels of the army would have to participate in this ceremony. How could the Japanese army take advantage of the Madang Fortress?
Li Yunheng accounted for 90.00% of the responsibility for the loss of the Madang Fortress V!
Thinking of the fact that the chairman's knife is very sharp, it can kill Han Fuqu and Long Muhan, how could it not be able to kill Li Yunheng?

You must know that in terms of official position, Li Yunheng is not as good as Han Fuqu, and in terms of clique intimacy, he is not as good as Long Muhan. How could it make him not panic?

How could it be possible to stay in place with a calm mind?

PS: let's make two chapters and one chapter!

Thank you all for your continued support!
Thanks to Qidian book friends Xiaobai who is in a trance, I am a sheep in wolf's clothing, and God Wutrace qaq each rewarded 100 points!

(End of this chapter)

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