War of Resistance

Chapter 802 Fortress Counterattack

Chapter 802 Fortress Counterattack

"No, going on like this is not an option." Li Yunheng was scalded like an ant on a hot pot.

As he said that, Li Yunheng picked up the phone and dialed the number on the front line: "Hello, I'm Li Yunheng, the commander of the army, immediately connect me to the headquarters of the [-]th Division!"

After a while, the call was connected.

"Is Xue Weiying here? I'm Li Yunheng. Ask him to answer the phone right away!" After picking up the phone, Li Yunheng spoke directly in an orderly tone. It was obvious that he was in an unhappy mood.

The person who only listened to the phone said: "Hey, military seat, Xue Weiying is the humble officer. Please give me instructions!"

"Master Xue, listen, those two regiments of yours must launch a fierce attack at all costs! Otherwise, you and I will be responsible for losing the Madang Fortress. If we really investigate it, I'm afraid it's really hard to save our lives." Li Yunheng was very angry. Seriously told Xue Weiying the cruel fact.

"Yes! Military seat! I understand!" On the other end of the phone, Xue Weiying felt a chill in her heart: He knew that Li Yunheng was telling the truth.

Therefore, Xue Weiying has already planned to take back the Madang Fortress at all costs!
The existence of Madang Fortress is already related to their safety.

As far as Xue Weiying's mood is concerned, it is probably the same as Bao Changyi's mood when he was cheated by Li Yunheng. Li Yunheng's relatives have been involved in super-friendship and improper relationships countless times in his heart.

But even if he greeted Li Yunheng's family countless times, so what?Shouldn't you have to bite the bullet and do it?So Xue Weiying gave the two regiments under him a deadly order - take back the Madang Fortress at all costs!

Countless officers and soldiers of the [-]th Division are desperately charging, and they will pay for their stupid two commanders!

The Madang Fortress was built on the mountainside, relying on the natural terrain to command a high position, shooting down the mountain through a narrow machine gun.

"Come on! Let's die! If we die, we will drive these damned little devils out of China!!" An officer who was not considered tall shouted.

The officers and soldiers of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division were charging frantically, but fearlessness of death does not necessarily mean victory.

You can tell by looking at the fallen corpses on the charging road—this road can be said to be full of corpses, with blood flowing like rivers, wisps of dark red blood meandering down the stone mountain, and on the uneven ground, Small puddle-like shapes flowed down, and even the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

In addition to the smell of blood, there is also the smell of gunpowder smoke, other than that, there seems to be not much else.

This is the battlefield, a real and cruel battlefield!

The officer who is not considered tall is called Hao Mengshu. He is a battalion commander of the 16th Regiment. Like all the officers of the No.[-] Army, he also received an invitation from Li Yunheng, the military seat, to participate in the "Anti-Japanese War" Military and Political University" graduation ceremony.

However, even the [-]th Regiment, which was on the front line of Xiangshan and Xiangkou, many military chiefs attended the graduation ceremony, which led to the loss of the Xiangshan and Xiangkou positions.

Unfortunately, Hao Mengshu's troops were also attacked by the Japanese army at that time, but fortunately, his troops were not in the front line of Xiangshan and Xiangkou, so the losses were relatively small.

But this does not completely mean that Hao Mengshu's battalion is abolished. At least after the troops are contained, the combat effectiveness of this army still exists, and it is also quite good in terms of strength preservation.

Now what Hao Mengshu has to do is to take the blame and make meritorious service. He must lead the front line of the army and restore the Madang Fortress.

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is skinny. The troops still suffered huge casualties under the ferocious firepower of the Japanese army.

It's not that Hao Mengshu doesn't want to fight this battle well, but because there is a huge gap between our own troops and the Japanese army in terms of shooting accuracy and firepower.

Seeing his brothers who have been with him day and night fall down one by one, but he is very powerless, and a sense of powerlessness springs up in his heart.

Hao Mengshu clenched his teeth, he wanted to do something for these brothers.

"Machine gunner! Follow up! Aim the firepower at the muzzle of Little Japan's machine gun, and don't let their bullets shoot out unscrupulously!!" Hao Mengshu yelled, because the noise was so loud now that he had to yell loudly.

There were gunshots everywhere, explosions everywhere.

Soon, a machine gunner ran past, and then fired at the narrow machine gun.

It's a pity that this machine gunner seems to have some problems in marksmanship, for example, the compassionate marksmanship, the human body... no, the title of Master of Target Stroke can be placed on him.

Looking at this scene, Hao Mengshu also felt very helpless. Indeed, the No.16 Army had an artillery battalion with six cannons, but the artillery of these artillery was not concentrated here, but placed on the attack of the Madang Fort. direction.

Oh, the attack direction of Madang Fort is the Changshan position.

Enthusiasm is always limited, no one can last long in such a situation, can't they?The national army soon became unable to attack, stagnated in place, and hesitated to move forward.

Behind is Xue Weiying's supervisory team, Hao Mengshu has no way to retreat.

For a student of the eighth period of the Central Military Academy, the spirit of Huangpu is still deeply imprinted in his mind.

Hao Mengshu gritted his teeth, but his heart was entangled like a war between heaven and man.

"Brothers, our supervisory team is behind us. We have no way to retreat! If we retreat again, we will be shot. To rush forward is to work hard for the righteousness of the nation and the survival of China! Follow me Ah!!" Shouting, Hao Mengshu stood up and charged first.

Soon, the officers and soldiers of the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment rushed forward following Hao Mengshu's footsteps: Officials are not afraid of death, what are they afraid of!A person's dead egg is upside down, just one rush is all it takes!

Xue Weiying couldn't help but shine brightly as he looked at the furious army in front of him from a distance. He asked, "The troops from the third battalion of the [-]th Regiment are attacking ahead, right?"

"Reporter, yes, it's the battalion of Hao Mengshu of the [-]th Regiment." The combat staff officer next to him replied.

"This Hao Mengshu is very good. If he can come back alive, I will definitely promote him!" This is Xue Weiying's biggest guarantee. In his opinion, at this time, the most important thing to encourage is morale. Only by stimulating the morale of the troops can he win the battle.

Morale may not be a particularly important part of winning a battle, but it is definitely a necessary condition for winning a battle!

Looking at the charging figure ahead, Xue Weiying's eyes were full of hope. He hoped that this battle would be victorious, that he could successfully recapture the Madang Fortress, and then save his life!
However, what surprised Xue Weiying in the next scene was that a bullet actually penetrated Hao Mengshu's chest.


A stream of blood sprayed out from Hao Mengshu's chest, as if it was going to dye the whole sky red.

Hao Mengshu never imagined that the place where he died would be the Madang Fortress that he had tried so hard to keep!

PS: The first update is here!

Just finished working overtime, I was typing in the office, and immediately went home to take a shower. After taking a shower, I changed Chapter 2.

Please subscribe to Chapter 2 at two o'clock!Thank you for understanding!
(End of this chapter)

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