Chapter 803
Hao Mengshu's not-so-strong body fell heavily on the way to the charge, but there was a smile on his slightly handsome face as if he was relieved.

In Hao Mengshu's view, it is the fate of soldiers to return the corpse wrapped in horse leather.

It is an honor to be a soldier to be able to sacrifice on the way of charge!
"I, Hao Mengshu, don't have any other skills. I can't make great achievements in war, and I can't be outstanding in leading troops. Only this spirit of not fearing death has supported me to the present. Farewell, Yang Shi. I have already sacrificed Brothers, just wait for me." Muttering, Hao Mengshu finally lost all his strength, died of exhaustion, and finally left the still beautiful world that was full of wars.

In troubled times, the world is a purgatory. Although it is bitter, it also has its wonderful places.

This chaotic world is a place where many heroes linger.Didn't they give their lives to defend this piece of land that belongs to them?

There is so much suffering in the world, but there are still people who love them.

The military chiefs were all killed. Although the following spring breeze was still inherently passionate, the tide-like offensive stopped very quickly.

Seeing Hao Mengshu fall, Xue Weiying knew that the counterattack was a failure.

It would be quite difficult to organize such a large-scale counterattack.

Seeing Hao Mengshu's fall, Xue Weiying seemed to see her own head on the ground.

The counterattack troops had rushed to the middle of the mountain, but they were actually swept down by the firepower of the Japanese army. More importantly, a capable person like Hao Mengshu was also killed in front. Who else can support this beam?
Therefore, Xue Weiying's heart beats wildly every time he thinks of this. No one can better understand this feeling of hope being ruthlessly wiped out as soon as it comes out.

If it is really impossible to take back here, he will be blamed.


Different from the previous company commander training platoon, Zhang Tianhai organized this training platoon. Apart from drawing these company commanders from the original reorganized battalions, he also made a decision: that is, from the supply battalion, A few company commanders who had received formal training were selected and went to the second, third, and fifth battalions to temporarily serve as training instructors.

In other words, during the training period of these company commanders, the operation of the troops did not actually stop, but instead operated at a higher speed.

The Wuhan war is imminent, and it is no longer up to him to take any willful measures.

The slogan of defending Greater Wuhan is by no means just talking!

Zhang Tianhai's work of preparing the army for war is only for the future, and it will no longer be so easy to be countermeasures by the Japanese army.

If there is a chance, Zhang Tianhai still wants to try to fight against the Sixth Division, the culprit of the Nanjing Massacre. He is ready for poison gas warfare and the like.

Whether it's the Bo Tian Detachment or the Sixth Division, in short, if there is a chance, even if these two are living tigers, Zhang Tianhai will also stroke a few tiger whiskers on them!
All in all, he wants to appear on the battlefield in Wuhan with the strongest posture, and with the most shining posture, to face these enemies who have caused deep damage to the Chinese nation, a head-on attack!

Moreover, Zhang Tianhai also believed that under his leadership in the future, the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone would eventually leave a strong mark on the stage of history.


The camera turns back to the battlefield on the south bank of the Yangtze River.

Since Hao Mengshu's sacrifice, the attack of the [-]th Division has become weaker and weaker.

Of course, it can't be said that it is very weak. In short, it is true that the combat power is not strong, and there is no such fierce officer as the leader to charge all the way up.

In the face of the strong firepower of the Japanese army, the No. 16 Army's [-]th Division, after repeated defeats and defeats, did not gain the slightest advantage but lost a lot of troops.

"Xue Weiying! What did you do? Why hasn't the Madang Fortress been restored yet?!" This time, Li Yunheng no longer urged Xue Weiying on the phone, but came to the scene.

To be precise, Li Yunheng is not an idiot, he just occasionally made some mistakes that shouldn't be made, and he can naturally feel the growing dissatisfaction with the superiors.No, didn't he come here himself to urge the progress of the war?

"There is nothing we can do about the military seat. The firepower here is too fierce. Our army has already been killed and wounded, and we still can't take this place. If the Japanese reinforcements arrive, our army is likely to be in a disadvantaged position." Xue Weiying said bluntly.

Of course Li Yunheng knew that Xue Weiying was telling the truth, but could he say the retreat?It must not be said that once he said it, he might really lose his head!
No matter how stupid Li Yunheng is, he won't be so stupid as to want to be Han Fuqu's second, right?It is said that it is better to live than to die, isn't that the truth?

"Wait! I'll assign some more troops to you, and you attack again as soon as possible! Fight for two more times before we talk! If we don't fight, both of us will die!" Li Yunheng's tone was very serious, He knew very well how Generalissimo Jiang treated these generals who delayed their military planes and fled without authorization.

People are valuable and have self-knowledge. Li Yunheng is a cultural person, so he naturally understands this truth.

"Yes! Military seat! I understand the humble position." Xue Weiying responded, but there was no morale in his expression.

Obviously, he had already lost all confidence in this battle.

But for the sake of my dog's life, I still have to continue fighting...

However, life is so wonderful, before Li Yunheng transferred the troops to Xue Weiying, he received an order to retreat.

This order was personally issued by Chen Cheng, the commander of the Ninth War Zone. It was an order requiring all troops under the No. 16 Army to withdraw to Pengze Town near Madang Town.

It is Chen Cheng's personal decision not to take back the Madang Fortress - since the Madang Fortress has fallen into the hands of the enemy, and the enemy has the firepower from the river to support them, if they are obsessed with fighting for it, the end will be only one.

That is the price paid for the annihilation of the No.16 army!
An army of more than 2 to [-] troops was wiped out. Who can bear this responsibility, like Chen Cheng, he can't bear this heavy responsibility.

More importantly, after the fall of the Madang Fortress, the town of Madang is already in danger!

All in all, the national army has no other better choice than retreating to Pengze Town to stand by and wait for help.

Doing any other result may face the consequences of annihilation of the entire army. This result is too heavy and no one can afford it!

Therefore, apart from giving this order, Chen Cheng had no other choice!
At any rate, Pengze Town still has some fortifications, and there are also its own troops there. As long as some fortifications are built, they can still be blocked.


PS: The update can finally be delivered now. I am very sorry for making everyone wait for so long.

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(End of this chapter)

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