Chapter 804

Therefore, Chen Cheng had no choice.

As for the Japanese army, they were much more relaxed. For them, the reinforcements were about to arrive and they could pounce on Peng Ze immediately.

They are gaining momentum!
The powerful posture of the Japanese army attracted the main force of countless national army troops on the south bank of the Yangtze River for a while.

Looking at the north bank of the Yangtze River, after the Japanese army took down the buried hill, there was no movement, but no one dared to underestimate this army composed of wild beast soldiers. This army was stationed in the area around the buried hill. It is to prepare for going eastward at any time.

If it wasn't for a team of wild beasts, how could they have done such an outrageous thing?
This shows that it is coming straight to Wuhan.

The south bank of the Yangtze River is already in a tense state of war, and the direction of the north bank is to guard against the attack of the Sixth Division. In addition, the preparations for the national army have not yet been completed, so the fifth theater and the ninth theater are the same. A state where the rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building.

Wuhan, Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth Theater.

At this time, the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone is no longer as busy as it was when it was first established, but has a bit of dignity in its busyness.

Chen Cheng's eyes were staring at the map tightly, and those tightly frowning brows seemed to never let go.

The Japanese army pressed on every step of the way, and the Madang Fortress was lost. Even Peng Ze might not be able to stand it. Once Peng Ze fell, the Japanese army would be able to directly attack Jiujiang!

This is not good news. Generalissimo Jiang has scolded him more than once for the matter of the Madang Fortress.

The battle on the south bank of the Yangtze River has turned into a disadvantageous state, so he couldn't help but be careless!

"Brother Xiqi, the battle ahead is tight, and our army seems to be unable to keep up with the pace in all aspects. Now the enemy on the north bank of the Yangtze River has brother troops from the Fifth Theater to help support the battle on the south bank, but our army is struggling." Chen Cheng Turning his head to look at the Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi next to him, he said.

"There is no way around this. Now the enemies on the South Bank are planning to take down Jiangxi and other places. I guess their goal is still Wuhan. If the troops in the fifth theater can't stand it, then our army will be in trouble. It will be very big..." Wu Yizhi analyzed, his face was always calm, it seemed that the current predicament could not have too much influence on him.

"Brother Xiqi, that is, you can still be so calm now. The chairman is very angry now, and is very dissatisfied with the result of the matter of not being able to take back the Madang Fortress. If we can't take it back in time, I'm afraid we will There is trouble." Chen Cheng looked at Wu Yizhi and said.

"Officer Cixiu was joking. In fact, no matter how much the fire burns, it won't be able to burn us. You are too modest. Now our troops have followed the order. Besides, the one who lost the Madang Fortress The primary responsibility should be Li Yunheng and Xue Weiying. If there is trouble, it must be the two of them who have trouble first, right?" Wu Yizhi smiled, still maintaining that very calm look.

Chen Cheng took a serious look at Wu Yizhi, and then said, "Brother Xiqi, I've already expected you to be such a striking person. You really are an old expert."

"Mr. Chen, if you want to say this so clearly, it would be meaningless." Wu Yizhi said with a smile, what he said was very clear—probably they are all thousand-year-old foxes, let alone Liaozhai.

"It's interesting, but I still want to get some truth out of Brother Xiqi's mouth, specific views on the current situation and so on." Chen Cheng's eyes were normal, and he didn't have the intention to ask questions or ask questions. How about accountability? He asked Wu Yizhi seriously. Anyway, in his opinion, he might not be able to bear these responsibilities alone. Someone must stand up to help him share some things or break down some of them. The pressure on the shoulders.

"Actually, in my opinion, our current goal is to prepare the army for battle. Although we must first ensure that a large number of troops can be invested in combat on the south bank, there is no way out of this matter. We must restore the army as soon as possible. Many of our troops have been withdrawn from the front line, and their combat effectiveness is poor, and many troops have not even recovered to the combat effectiveness before the outbreak of the War of Resistance." Wu Yizhi said bluntly, as if he did not intend to say too many oblique words.

"Brother Xiqi, at present we are near Wuhan, and there are only two armies. These troops are mainly troops that have been withdrawn from other battlefields to rest and recuperate. If we don't have too many He is a worthy soldier." Chen Cheng said with a wry smile, others are envious of his prestige as a commander, but who knows how much pressure is in his heart right now?

Wu Yizhi had already heard the implication of Chen Cheng's words, which probably meant that he did not offer some nutritious suggestions, but instead said some "false, big, and empty" words.

Therefore, Wu Yizhi thought about it for a while, and said directly: "I resigned from the chief, and my humble position believes that the Li Hanhun No. 60 Fourth Army currently stationed in Hankou for rest and recuperation can now go to the front line. There is an army around Wuhan as a Mobile supplementary forces are enough. Moreover, most of the troops directly under our army in Wuhan are the best of our army. If necessary, these troops can be reorganized to form a division or even a division. The troops of the army. So there is no need to worry too much, sir."

"Brother Xiqi's words are very reasonable... Let's do it! In the name of the commander-in-chief's department, draw up an order directly to the No. 60 Fourth Army Headquarters, and let them go directly to Pengze. In addition, the people along the way Trains and cars must be ready for all rescues. Make way for the troops rushing to help!" Chen Cheng is not that kind of indecisive person, and when he heard such useful suggestions, he immediately made a decision.

An experienced veteran like Chen Cheng is not comparable to young "nerds" like Huang Weina. To put it bluntly, there is a gap between heaven and earth.

"Yes! Sir!" After Wu Yizhi responded, he hurried to carry out Chen Cheng's order.

Rescuing soldiers is like putting out a fire. The urgency of the situation on the south bank front line is already beyond their control.

Madang's Japanese army was eyeing Peng Ze. If it weren't for the shortage of frontline troops, they might have launched a surprise attack long ago.

Not long after Chen Cheng gave the order, a combat staff officer ran up to Chen Cheng, stood at attention and saluted, "Report to Jun Zuo! An urgent call from the military commander!"

With that said, the combat staff officer handed over the telegram in his hand to Chen Cheng.

Regarding the military command, Chen Cheng did not have any opinions or conflicts. After all, the military command was an external intelligence agency, and in many cases, the military command did a pretty good job in terms of intelligence.

If it weren't for particularly urgent information, the military command would definitely not notify in such an urgent way.

Chen Cheng took this piece of information at the cost of an unknown number of lives, and began to read it carefully.

Directly on it was a few words of chat: The [-]th Division of the Japanese Reserve Division has rushed to the rescue of Madang Town, please make all preparations for the Ninth War Zone.

After seeing this information, Chen Cheng's face darkened: the reinforcements from the reserve division will greatly increase the pressure on the front line on the south bank.

The reserve division, as the name suggests, is the preparation of the standing division, and it is not a reserve division.

To be more precise, these reserve divisions are like the substitutes of the standing divisions. Their existence is to supplement and replace the standing divisions to fight at any time.

Yes, for example, the [-]st Division is the reserve division for the [-]st Division, the [-]rd Division is the reserve division for the [-]rd Division, and the [-]th Division is undoubtedly the Sixth Division. The regiment's reserve division.

Seeing Chen Cheng's increasingly serious face, Wu Yizhi, who had already ordered the order and came back, asked, "Mr. Chen, is there another change in the front line?"

I saw Chen Cheng nodded very seriously, and said: "The Japanese army has made a lot of determination now. They even sent an additional division of troops as reinforcements for the Botian detachment. It seems that they are already determined to win Peng Zezhen... ..."

"Sir, this Peng Ze... must be taken away... Otherwise, when they attack Jiujiang, we will be in great trouble." Chief of Staff Wu Yizhi said.

"I really want to defend it. But most of these troops on the south bank have some problems. Either it is a problem of combat effectiveness, or it is a problem of military commanders. It is... difficult for us..." For a while, Chen Cheng hesitated up.

This can't be blamed on Chen Cheng's indecision, but because the responsibility on his shoulders is too great. If he is not careful, he will lose his teacher and lose his ground, and he will become a national sinner.

Therefore, on these very critical issues, Chen Cheng must seek the opinion of the chief of staff. As for how to implement it, it is up to Chen Cheng to decide.

Wu Yizhi thought for a moment, and then made a pertinent opinion: "My job thinks that the defense on the north bank of the Yangtze River can be temporarily handed over to the troops in the Fifth War Zone for temporary defense. What I'm thinking about now is whether it is possible to send an elite force to the The front line on the South Bank can at least come in handy at critical moments."

"Elite troops?" Chen Cheng looked at Wu Yizhi and asked, "As far as I know, we are in Wuhan, and there is not a single army that can be called elite."

"Mr. Chen, it's not necessarily true. Currently, none of our troops can be called elite. Only Zhang Tianhai's First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone can be called well-equipped. According to Zhang Tianhai Now his troops can be said to have improved rapidly. Why not send his troops to the front line?" Wu Yizhi suggested.

It's a pity that Zhang Tianhai can't know about this scene now. If he could, he would definitely scold Chief of Staff Wu: "What are you talking about, kid? You sent labor-management troops before the training of labor-management troops is finished." Go to the front! Why don't you bring your guards with you?"

When thinking of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, Chen Cheng thought of the extremely powerful special agent company. His impression of the First Police Regiment was not so good...

It was precisely because he knew that the training of the first police regiment would still take a certain amount of time, so Chen Cheng hesitated.

What are you hesitating about?Of course, he was hesitant to transfer Zhang Tianhai's regiment to the front line immediately?If transferred, will it affect their training?The situation is not particularly urgent now. If the frontline troops are strong, they can still hold on.

If this unit is transferred up now, in case the entire army is wiped out due to insufficient training, who should bear the responsibility?How will his old opponent He Yingqin and Minister He seize this opportunity to attack him?
Therefore, Chen Cheng could not act rashly.

"Sir, I think that this matter can't be delayed. And regarding the training of the first regiment of the guards, they can be trained after they arrive in Jiujiang. As long as they are close to the front line, then when the front line troops need the support of elite troops , this troop can be drawn to the battlefield to fight at any time." Wu Yizhi said in a deep voice, in his opinion, it is the best thing for the police regiment to be dispatched to the front line.

After thinking for a while, Chen Cheng said: "That's it! Let them go to the front line first! Give them enough guns and ammunition, and set off in two days! Give them enough time to prepare! Immediately pass on the order !"

Wu Yizhi didn't know why the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone was given so much time to prepare, but all he knew was that Mr. Chen naturally had his concerns.

"Yes, sir!" Wu Yizhi replied.


Soon, this order was passed to the regiment headquarters of the [-]st regiment of guards in the ninth theater.

The issuance of this order made the regiment headquarters of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater seem to explode.

"The order came out so suddenly..." Deputy head Guo Qiliang had a bitter face.

Because of the issuance of this order, the main officers of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone have assembled.

Of course, this was a team meeting before the start of the battle announcement meeting. The content of the meeting was also very simple, and it was mostly about preparing for this order.

"Suddenly, there's nothing we can do. We don't know what the situation on the front line is now. We can only prepare for battle." Chief of Staff Li Yinglun said.

As he spoke, Li Yinglun cast his eyes on Zhang Tianhai.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai's face was sinking like water, he thought for a while, and said, "Now the Ministry of the Ministry has given us two days to prepare, we must seize this time and make a good adjustment and deployment. The matter of going to the battlefield, Let’s talk later, let’s get ready now!”


PS: The update is finally delivered, it's been delayed for too long.

I am so sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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