Chapter 805
What Zhang Tianhai said about "get ready first" is not just talking.

Under his order, all the troops are already in a state of being ready for battle.

In addition to this series of military measures, before disbanding the company commander's training platoon, Zhang Tianhai also held a thought meeting. To put it bluntly, he wanted to brainwash these company commanders.

Probably the content of the speech is just that you want to win glory for the country, fight for the honor of the motherland, etc. Anyway, the content of the speech is the same.

In short, the company commanders shouted that they would do their best for the motherland and die, even if they died, they would die vigorously.

After completing this ideological meeting at the company commander level, Zhang Tianhai made a round of mobilization for the whole regiment.

Since it was the camp of the first regiment of the guards, it could not accommodate all the officers and soldiers, so Zhang Tianhai could only arrange the venue by the river.

The wind by the river is cool and cool, bringing a lot of coolness.

Zhang Tianhai stood quietly on the stage like this, with a microphone standing in front of him, and a banner hung high behind him. On the banner it was impressively written "Oathtaking Meeting of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone".

But there are two big horns hanging on the corner of this banner.

In the loudspeaker, Zhang Tianhai's voice was echoing: "Dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms, today is the first day that the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone officially received the combat order. Looking back, since the formation of the army, our regiment has also done a lot Prepare. The purpose is to receive orders from superiors like today, go to battle to kill the little devils, and then drive the little devils out of our homeland!"

"Now we have finally received the combat order from our superiors! Starting today, we are about to make all these preparations for our departure to Jiujiang. We only have two days to prepare, and in the morning after two days, we will depart for Jiujiang, Jiangxi as scheduled to prepare Anti-Japanese. Brothers! I want to ask you, are you all ready?!" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice.

"Ready!!!" There was a loud and tidy reply from the team.

"In the coming time, we will be preparing for battle! Please get ready!!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir!!!"

The team was still full of enthusiasm, and soon, the atmosphere reached its climax!

Looking at the enthusiastic scene in front of him, Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, and finally gave the final order: "Disband!!"

When Zhang Tianhai's order to disband was issued, the team quickly dispersed.

At this moment, He Jiye, the chief of the Political Training Section, walked up to Zhang Tianhai, and he said, "Tuan Zuo, this time we are going to Jiujiang, Jiangxi, do we have to fight a tough battle? If you estimate."

Zhang Tianhai also knew that this question was very difficult to answer, so he said: "Actually, I don't know much about this, because when the superiors give us orders, they can't give such detailed orders. Anyway , or we won’t know the final result until we get there.”

"What, Tuanzao, I have been here for so long as the chief of the political training section, and now I have only mastered a military police unit. If the situation is possible, can you expand my army?" He Jiye finally I couldn't hold back anymore, so I asked a question.

"Expansion is no problem. But now that the enemy is at hand, where can I find so many troops for you? And they are qualified military police troops. If you want to change generals before the battle, I'm afraid it will also be a blow to the morale of the army." Regarding He Jiye's opinion Zhang Tianhai also used a very legitimate reason to persuade him.

"Okay! Tuan Zuo, I trust you too." After seeing Zhang Tianhai tactfully rejecting his request, He Jiye was not discouraged, but hid it patiently.

It's not because of how great He Jiye is, but because he knows the current situation in the regiment. Even if Captain Zhang wants to expand his army, he has no excuse to expand.

No matter how you say it, Captain Zhang is a very ambitious leader, and more importantly, he also wants to hold a soldier who can look down on the Japanese army, but just looking at it like this, it seems that there is something wrong with him. Difficult yet.

"Jiye, I also hope that you can understand my current predicament. The army is short of everything, especially qualified soldiers. For me, the more soldiers the better. If I can expand your gendarmerie , I will definitely try to expand them, but our regiment has so much funds now. And we have no suitable reason to expand it. We can’t even pay for the brothers who died on the battlefield. We can’t even pay their pensions Are you there?" Zhang Tianhai said bitterly.

"Tuan Zuo, I can understand your current situation now. No matter what, our regiment is in an extremely embarrassing situation. I also believe that if you can expand my army, you will definitely expand it." He Jiye also followed Shunpo got off the donkey, and he also knew that Zhang Tianhai was telling the truth.

"Thank you for your understanding, long live the understanding!" Zhang Tianhai nodded and said.

At this moment, Li Chunfei, the battalion commander of the first battalion, also came in front of Zhang Tianhai, and asked, "Sir, what is our army going to do now? Can our battalion play the role of the frontline army on the battlefield?"

Looking at Li Chunfei's eagerness to try, Zhang Tianhai shook his head lightly, and said: "You are really a war madman, I can tell you now. You must go to the battlefield, You must be able to fight and dare to fight for me, otherwise, I will lose your position as battalion commander in the first place!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! I promise to complete the task. If you can't complete the task, please deal with me at any time! You will never have any complaints!" Li Chunfei said with a playful smile. He has already figured out the temper of Tuan Zuo. okay?As the most trusted battalion commander of the regiment, apart from other things, he can still know this.

Looking at Li Chunfei's playful smile, Zhang Tianhai also knew that he was holding onto something, and there was nothing he could do - his troops always needed these militant talents to open a way for him.

Without these militants, his troops would be lifeless and lifeless.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhang Tianhai needs such a talent to fight for him and fight for him!

After the team disbanded, Zhang Tianhai was also thinking about whether he should go back to the old Zhang's house.

When I go back to Lao Zhang’s house, there are two main things. The first is to accompany Zheng Man. The Zhang family moved, after all, it was not long before the fall of Wuhan, so it was enough to prepare in advance.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, since he can't change this era, he can only start to change the situation around him.

Thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai ordered the driver nearby: "Driver, take me home immediately!"

"Yes! Group seats!" The driver responded and hurried to drive.


Not long after, Zhang Tianhai returned to the old Zhang's house.

When entering the old Zhang's house, it was roughly the same as other times, as if the old Zhang's house was always controlled by Yu Zhiyun, and Zhang Fuhan was ruled outside.

The husband and wife can be said to have a "clear division of labor".

As soon as Zhang Tianhai entered the door, Yu Zhiyun called out: "Hurry up, Yulin, come and help me make the noodles! Make dumplings tonight!"

Yes, Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then asked, "What about dad, is he coming back soon?"

"Don't worry about that stubborn old man, come in and make a face first, tonight's dinner is important." Yu Zhiyun said directly, as if to her, she was very relieved when her old man came back.

"Hey, okay!" After Zhang Tianhai responded, he hurried into the house to help.

After entering the room, I saw Yu Zhiyun making the noodles, while Yu Xiaocui was helping out, wrapping the dumplings with the dumpling wrappers that had already been rolled.

Zhang Tianhai scooped up the water in the water tank, washed his hands, and joined the "Battle Group".

While reconciling, Zhang Tianhai said, "Mom, I'm saying goodbye when I come back this time."

After hearing these words, Yu Zhiyun stopped what she was doing, then raised her head to look at Zhang Tianhai, and asked, "Where are you going? Could it be another war?"

Yu Zhiyun's brows were deeply frowned. She had known that this day would come, but she never expected it to come so soon.

She was waiting for her son's reply.

"Yes." Zhang Tianhai nodded, "I'm going to fight in Jiangxi this time, and now the little devils have come to fight. Your son's regiment has more than 6000 troops, so the officer specially mobilized his son. The troops have gone up. This time when I go home, besides saying goodbye, I have one more thing to tell Mom."

"What's the matter?" Yu Zhiyun asked, her brows were always full of concern.

"It's about our family moving." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"Moving? Where are you going?" Yu Zhiyun asked, and she also believed that her son would not be indiscriminate, and there were probably some changes.

"Chongqing." Zhang Tianhai said, perhaps because he felt that it was not clear enough, he added: "Or Kunming."

"Is this related to the front line?" Yu Zhiyun was not stupid, so she guessed it all at once.

Zhang Tianhai nodded without comment.

"We have to wait until your father comes back to talk about this matter!" Yu Zhiyun thought for a while, and felt that such an important matter had to wait for Zhang Fuhan to come back.

"I want to talk to Dad about this, but Mom, I have to vent my breath first, otherwise it will be hard to talk about it at that time." Zhang Tianhai said, he felt that the matter of moving was imminent. .

"Okay! But you have to give me a good reason." Yu Zhiyun said bluntly.

I saw Zhang Tianhai sighed: "The Japanese army is coming fiercely, and the army is coming straight to Wuhan. We don't know how long we can hold it. According to the behavior of these troops on the front line, I reckon that the big Wuhan may not be able to keep it. So you have to be prepared in advance.”

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, did Yu Zhiyun not think of what Zhang Tianhai really wanted to express?It's just that he can't give a clear answer.

To put it bluntly, it is very likely that the national army will not be able to keep Wuhan!

"Okay! Let's talk about it when your father comes back! Also, you must take care of yourself. This bullet has no eyes. Your mother is your two sons. They are all a piece of flesh that fell off. How could you not Does your heart hurt?" Yu Zhiyun murmured.

"Okay, thank you mom for caring." Zhang Tianhai said with a chuckle.

Not long after, Zhang Fuhan came back, as always, still holding a bottle of shochu and roast chicken wrapped in lotus leaves, and whistling in his mouth.

The only thing that is certain is that the content of this whistle is definitely not "Eighteen Touches".

"Father, you're back." After hearing the news of the entrance, Zhang Tianhai rushed out to greet him.

"Well, I'm back." Zhang Fuhan didn't smell of alcohol. He didn't drink alcohol when he was in class, but he liked to drink alone at noon and night, that's all.

At this moment, Yu Zhiyun quickly gave Zhang Tianhai a wink, signaling him to follow up quickly, otherwise the old man might not agree to it because of face at the dinner table.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai didn't even think about it. After washing his hands, he followed directly upstairs.

"Father, I'm coming in." Zhang Tianhai knocked on the door and walked in directly.

At this time, Zhang Fuhan was able to put the shochu on his desk, and he still held the homework of these students in his hand.

At this time, it was already noon, and it was indeed relatively bright outside, but it was relatively dark inside the house.

Zhang Fuhan's desk was placed in front of the window, allowing the light from the outside to come in, so that he would not be blinded by excessive use of his eyes.

The bottle of shochu just stood there quietly, letting the sunlight refract and become colorful.

Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhang Fuhan's back at the door, and wanted to speak out, but held back and did not interrupt him directly.


PS: Damn, let everyone wait for a long time.

I'm too tired. I'm going to push it today. I'm going to update it three times. Each update is about [-] words. Please wait and see!grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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