War of Resistance

Chapter 806 Move to Chongqing?

Chapter 806 Move to Chongqing? (14)

"What are you still doing standing at the door? If you have something to say, hurry up and fart." Zhang Fuhan turned his back to the door like this, and said something to Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai was almost taken aback by the sudden cry of Master Zhang's family.

But there is no way, after all, Mr. Zhang is his biological father for the rest of his life anyway, plus the fact that no matter what he says, he is also a "grabber", so he can only choose to obey.

"Father, I'm here to discuss something with you." Zhang Tianhai's tone was very calm, almost without any waves.

"What's the matter, tell me quickly! I'm in a hurry to revise my homework. My students will also listen to my commentary tomorrow." Zhang Fuhan said something casually, but he wanted Zhang Tianhai to make a long story short.

"Father, let's move to Chongqing! This time, when I come back, I will also say goodbye to you. The frontline battle is tense, and the Japanese army is sharpening their knives and is about to kill them. The Madang Fortress has fallen. The elite troops, the whole regiment will also be transferred to Jiangxi. I don’t know the specific situation. However, the only thing I can be sure of is that Wuhan may not be able to hold this time.” Zhang Tianhai’s thinking was very clear, Make it clear to Zhang Fuhan word by word.

Perhaps because his eldest son had grown up, Zhang Fuhan didn't interrupt Zhang Tiannan's usual speech, but listened quietly.

"You mean, let us move away from Wuhan, where our ancestors have lived for a long time?" Zhang Fuhan gently opened the bottle cap of the shochu bottle, and the room was filled with the smell of alcohol.

"That's right. I don't want my whole family to be buried in the flames of war." Zhang Tianhai said calmly.


Zhang Fuhan slapped the table heavily, and kept cursing: "Presumptuous!"

Zhang Fuhan's aura is very fierce, almost making people breathless. If this move is aimed at his students, it may be extremely effective.

It's a pity that he was facing a colonel commander who had been killed from the battlefield, even his son was no exception.

"You are unfilial to your ancestors!" Zhang Fuhan stood up, his face was already flushed, and he seemed a little excited.

"You are the one who is unfilial to the ancestors! In addition to protecting the family and defending the country, men have to carry on the family line! Even if we die on the front line, we should also ensure the safety of our family members!" Facing Zhang Fuhan's pressure, Zhang Tianhai Not only is there no trace of fear, there are even some fearlessness.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Zhang Fuhan calmed down a little. He seemed to be facing this problem squarely.

Indeed, what Zhang Tianhai said was not generally reasonable, but quite reasonable, and it was so reasonable that Zhang Fuhan had to face it squarely.

Thinking about it, Zhang Fuhan sat down.

Zhang Tianhai was not in a hurry, but was quietly waiting for Zhang Fuhan to think clearly.

After a long time, Zhang Fuhan finally spoke: "Do you have to withdraw to Chongqing?"

"Not necessarily." Zhang Tianhai replied directly, "Kunming is also fine, or Chengdu."

Right after Zhang Tianhai said this sentence, Zhang Fuhan's face was full of bitterness, and instead he let out a long sigh: "After all, you can't have both loyalty and filial piety..."

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Tianhai immediately thought of the memory about his predecessor, which was what Zhang Fuhan said about the May [-]th Movement.

Thinking of this, can Zhang Tianhai still not understand?I am afraid that my father is not simple...

"Loyalty and filial piety have been difficult since ancient times, but no matter what, it shouldn't involve your wife and children. If you and my father both died in Wuhan, so what? It must be a way out for the family, right?" Zhang Tianhai said very euphemistically. , and did not directly reveal their inclinations to a class.

After all, in this era, Zhang Tianhai is still very clear.

"If you were in my position, what would you do?" Zhang Fuhan asked.

"Send the family to Chongqing first, or even to Kunming. Only when the rear is stable, can we give it a go." Zhang Tianhai followed the guidance, and did not express what he wanted at the first time.

After a long time, Zhang Fuhan made a decision: "Then wait and see! Let's talk about it later! Give me some time."

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Then let's make a decision like this! After eating, you have to give me an answer, and I have to make all the arrangements in advance. While I'm still here, maybe I can help with something."

"Okay, let's do it that way!" Zhang Fuhan nodded but didn't say anything else.


Meals started as scheduled, perhaps because the eldest son was going on an expedition, Yu Zhiyun arranged a large table of good meals again.

"Yu Lin, you need to eat more. You are not the same as before. You are about to go to the front line. No matter what, you still have to eat a good meal. Only when you are full will you have the strength to kill the little boy." Devil, isn't it?" Yu Zhiyun put two pinches of vegetables into Zhang Tianhai's bowl as she said that.

"Thank you mom!" Zhang Tianhai had a smile on his face, and there were always many smiles.

"Why did you go so suddenly this time?" Zheng Man, who was sitting next to Zhang Tianhai, asked.

"This is not what you should care about. You should take good care of your body and give me a big fat boy. This is what you should care about. Hehe." Zhang Tianhai smiled, and then I took a bite of the dish.

"That's fine! Everything will be based on your standards!" Zheng Man smiled, "When you return safely, maybe our children will call parents. Hehe."

"That's right, Xiaoman wants to eat more, no matter what, I can't starve my eldest grandson." Saying that, Yu Zhiyun also brought food for Zheng Man, this kind of concern came from the heart, Without the slightest affectation.

"Thank you mom!" Zheng Man took the food, with a smile on his face, but the sadness in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

This warm moment in front of me, no matter who it is, will cherish it.

Zhang Fuhan was no exception. He cleared his throat, and then said, "Well, please stop your chopsticks! I also have a few words to say about our family's relocation."

"Moving? Where are we going to move?" Yu Xiaocui's mouth was relatively quick, and she asked right away.

"Chongqing, or Sichuan, Kunming, in short, let's go to the safe rear area." Zhang Fuhan Mr. Zhang came to a conclusion.

"Father, isn't our family doing well? Although the Japanese army is advancing eastward, our army may not have no hope of victory." Zheng Man, who didn't know what was going on, interjected.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai said: "Whether our army has a chance of winning or not is up to two people to decide. The important thing is that our family can't afford to lose. No matter which one of you, you are my close relatives. If you are gone, we will not lose." But alone."

Zhang Tianhai's words were very sincere and real, so real that it was impossible to refute.

At the same time, following Zhang Tianhai's words, the atmosphere on the field changed suddenly.

Yeah... who wouldn't appreciate this wonderful home?


PS: The first update is here!

There are three more updates, the second update should be completed before 10:30!

The third watch will be before twelve o'clock, and the fourth watch will be before two o'clock!
Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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