Chapter 807 Settlement (24)

Zhang Tianhai never imagined that he would use this method to convince the old stubborn Zhang Fuhan.

Originally, he thought that with Zhang Fuhan's temperament, no matter what, he would have to be stubborn before agreeing.

However, when it comes to family members, old man Zhang made a suitable compromise.

It can be seen from this that Mr. Zhang is not the kind of ideologically rotten old man. In order to persuade this stubborn old man, Zhang Tianhai is even ready to use these advanced concepts of people-oriented to persuade him.

But I never thought that the old man would accept it so quickly. From this, it can be seen that the old man Zhang is quite open-minded.

"But, where should we move?" Yu Zhiyun asked at the right time.

"According to Yulin's idea, our whole family will move to Chongqing, or Kunming. Or Chengdu." Zhang Fuhan said, and at the same time turned his attention to Zhang Tianhai who was eating beside him.

For a moment, all eyes turned to Zhang Tianhai.

Sensing the abnormality around him, Zhang Tianhai hurriedly put down the bowl, and then said: "Let me just express my personal opinion! Chongqing is good, the good thing is, it is possible that the national government will move there in the future The only bad thing is that we may be bombed by Japanese planes when the government is there, and places like Kunming don’t have these worries.”

In fact, Zhang Tianhai did not say the second half of the sentence, which was about his father-in-law—if the national government moved there, wouldn't Zheng Boqu and other important military and political officials move there together with the government's relocation? what?Zhang Tianhai could think of these things with his ass.

Seeing the silence around him, Zhang Fuhan, as the head of the family, made the final decision: "That's it! Let's move our family to Chongqing!"

"Then what should we do with our house in Wuhan?" Yu Zhiyun looked at the property around her with distress.

"I suggest selling it, and we can go to Chongqing to buy a new one after selling this place." Zhang Tianhai suggested, because he knew that if the Japanese army attacked here, the houses here would be worthless. Now, who will buy it then?Wouldn't that be a big loss?
"No! Absolutely not! If you don't persist until the last moment, this place will definitely not be sold!" It was not Zhang Fuhan who spoke, but Yu Zhiyun, the old woman who had been quiet all this time, and her expression was unusually excited at the moment.

"I also agree. No matter how poor our family is, it is impossible to sell the house here and go to Chongqing. Unless it is captured by the Japanese, it must not be sold!" Zhang Fuhan agreed. , On the issue of property, the two old people are very stubborn.

Zhang Tianhai couldn't help but sighed a long time at this scene: It's true, it's not that the family doesn't enter the house, the old ancestor justified what he said... It's no time, and he still keeps this bit of property.

Seeing that it was useless, Zhang Tianhai could only change his strategy: "Okay, since you have thought it through clearly, then the problem is, when we all go to Chongqing, who will take care of the property here?"

"Of course it's up to me. You go to Chongqing first, and I'll come to you when Chongqing is here. If the Japanese army hadn't reached here, we would still have an acre of land here. It wouldn't be like selling our ancestral property and finally gaining a foothold. There is no place for them." Zhang Fuhan's reason is very sufficient and justified, and it is irrefutable.

For Zhang Fuhan's request, no one thought about other things, only Zhang Tianhai took a deep look at his father, but did not make any other remarks.

"But is it okay to leave you here alone?" After all, Yu Zhiyun is a woman, and she has reached her age, and everything about her revolves around this family.

"I can't live without you, and I want to keep the property of this family. If the little devil didn't come here, at least our family still has property in Wuhan. If it's not what Yulin said, The Japanese army will soon hit Wuhan, so it’s okay for me to go alone. Is it better to go alone than a group of people?” Zhang Fuhan said while eating his rice bowl, as if to cover up His guilty conscience.

"Okay! Old man, you naturally like being here, so you can stay here! But our family has so many possessions, can we really move to Chongqing?" Yu Zhiyun looked at Zhang Tianhai. After all, Zhang Tianhai brought up this matter. Maybe he has a solution?

"Well, if we really move there, I will send two squads of troops to follow you to Chongqing." Zhang Tianhai directly showed his hole card.

"But is this really good?" Zheng Man questioned.

"What's wrong? You are still the director of the Telecommunications Department of the First Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth War Zone, and an officer. It's nothing to command a little troops, okay?" Zhang Tianhai directly used a seemingly There are very legitimate reasons to block Zheng Man's mouth.

"Since there are troops here in Yulin to help us move together, that's the best. It's better than us who don't know the way in life. It's not good if we meet some gangsters." Yu Zhiyun smiled. There are many bandits in troubled times. Of course, she had also heard about these things about bandits robbing the road.

"That's how it is! Eat!" The master of the Zhang family finally acted like a patriarch.

"Okay!" Zhang Tianhai responded, and then continued to eat.

A family dinner is like this, and it's over after eating.


This night, Zhang Tianhai didn't plan to go back to the army - after all, Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun were watching over the army, so there must be no trouble.

He wants to enjoy his last day at home, to enjoy the state of embracing his wife in sleep.

If the situation on the front line deteriorates, it is not certain that he will not be able to return.

Life is full of joy, so that the gold is empty for the moon.

At this time, why not miss the warmth of the family?
The frontline has the life of the frontline, and the family also has the warmth of the family.

According to Zhang Tianhai's memory, Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province fell under the siege of the Japanese army not long after.

If he had just arrived in the Republic of China, Zhang Tianhai might still have been full of confidence, because he believed that with his abilities, he would not be able to die on the front line.

However, the defeat in the battle of Lanfeng gave him a resounding slap - not all efforts are useful, and he said that the saying "man can conquer nature" is not applicable all the time.

The situation on the front line is beyond everyone's imagination. If the First Regiment of the Ninth War Zone Guards really received the order from Jiujiang, how should he deal with himself?

Retreat against orders?nonexistent!
But don't forget, even Long Muhan and Xue Weiying, the first-year Whampoa students who are most rooted and popular, can be shot, let alone him, a graduate of the seventh-term Whampoa. It is also very troublesome.


PS: The second update will be delivered on time! Chapter 3 will be delivered before twelve o'clock, and Chapter 4 will be delivered before two o'clock!
Thank you for the 2676 book coins rewarded by QQ reading book friends who didn't read it too quickly!

If there is a reward, I think the more the better.Hey hey.

(End of this chapter)

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