Chapter 808 Troop Expedition (34)

The light is not too dim, it is better than those oil lamps.

Today's Zhang family is really not a poor family, it can be said to be a well-off family in this era, so it is not uncommon to be able to afford electric lights.

Zheng Man leaned gently on Zhang Tianhai's shoulder like this, but there was a lot of reluctance in his words.

"Yulin, this time, the situation on the front line has deteriorated so badly. You must protect yourself and don't let yourself get hurt. Both of us will be here waiting for you to come back." Zheng Man said softly, but every All the words fell into Zhang Tianhai's ears.

Zheng Man's words hit every soft spot in Zhang Tianhai's heart.

Zhang Tianhai turned around and gently kissed Zheng Man's lips, then leaned against her ear, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will definitely come back alive, you two have to wait for me to win the battle good news!"

"Okay! I'll wait for you." Zheng Man responded lightly.


Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Zhang Tianhai got into the driver's car and went back to the army.

This time when he returned to the army, Zhang Tianhai was going to call the army again for personal affairs.

For Zhang Tianhai, whether it's fame or not, it's not as important as his family.

After taking a deep look at the Zhang family's old house, Zhang Tianhai waved to Zheng Man and Yu Zhiyun who came to see him off, saying goodbye, and then said to the driver: "Let's go!"

"Yes! Sir!" The driver responded, then hurriedly started the car and left.

Now that the family has settled in place, it's time to consider the front line.

In Zhang Tianhai's limited memory, it seems that the memories about the front line are not very good. After the fall of Jiujiang, it was the battle to defend Tianjia Town.

His more than 6000 people say that there are not many, and that there are not many, but when it comes to combat effectiveness, there is still a big question mark.

Because Zhang Tianhai didn't know what it would be like for the troops under his command to go to the battlefield.

One team didn't have enough time to train, and neither the soldiers nor the officers had reached the qualification standards. With such a unit, Zhang Tianhai must be confident.

The road to the camp was also not far away. Before Zhang Tianhai could figure out what to do, he had already arrived at the regiment headquarters.

"Old Zhang, you are back now. The troops are all ready now, and we are waiting for you to speak." After seeing Zhang Tianhai, Guo Qiliang immediately went up to meet him, and then told the story.

"It's ready so soon? It's only a day's work. Why don't you make some adjustments before setting off?" Zhang Tianhai's eyes flashed with hesitation, and he said it directly.

For him, if he has one more day to train the troops, that is one more day of work, and if it is one day less, it will be a big loss.

After all, his troops were all on the front line to fight. Although it doesn't seem like much difference between one day more and one day less, once the battle starts, the difference between a few days more and a few days less can be big-sometimes Isn't it the short few days of effort that are lacking?
"Hey, it's not that the officers and soldiers below are all eager to use the battlefield to fight the devils, so they spontaneously rushed to the progress." Guo Qiliang explained.

"Hurry up? Why hurry up?? Let them train for a day! Then set off, and tell them by the way that we will treat it as a long-distance training this time, let's not talk about not being able to go to the battlefield. Along the way, We must train our troops well!" After getting this answer, Zhang Tianhai was obviously quite dissatisfied with his answer—the training time that was so hard to find, is it just like this?No one is happy to change.

"Okay, Lao Zhang, don't take it too seriously. It's not like this every day. Isn't it rushing to the front line?" Guo Qiliang said.

For this result, Zhang Tianhai could only helplessly obey, but he still has something to say: "We have to make up for this day's work at night. We must catch up with the training that is usually left behind, otherwise our When the troops go to the battlefield, they are also giving away their heads, so what's the point?"

"Yes. You are the head of the regiment, so you can decide these things!" Faced with Zhang Tianhai's stubbornness, Guo Qiliang had no choice. Who would let him be the head of the regiment and himself be the deputy head of the regiment?What's more, what people say makes sense...

"Old Guo, I'm just discussing the matter as it stands. I won't say too much about the rest, so let's do it! We will officially set off with an expedition ceremony in the afternoon. By the way, remember to communicate with relevant departments along the way. Also, they went with us, didn't they also have Li Hanhun's No.60 Fourth Army? I remember that we were friends with this army during the Battle of Lanfeng. If possible, we would follow Just follow them." Zhang Tianhai ordered directly.

"Following them? Why did you follow them?" Guo Qiliang asked a little puzzled.

"Let you execute it, you just execute it. Besides, our regiment, as a regiment that has not yet completed its rest and reorganization, needs to do some training along the way. The No. 60 Fourth Army is different. They are A military-level unit with a well-established system and considerable combat effectiveness, they are the protagonists who rush to help Jiujiang this time. And as long as we don't lag behind them too much." Zhang Tianhai thought about it, and explained the reason. The training that comes down is mainly long-distance training. They won't be too far behind Li Hanhun's army, but they don't want to get too close, otherwise, the matter of "grinding foreign workers" will be easily exposed. This is not what Zhang Tianhai imagined.

"I understand!" Guo Qiliang responded with a smile, then approached Zhang Tianhai's ear, and said, "Damn it, I don't know where you got it, you kid, you're so fucking bad .”

"You fucking don't criticize Sang Huai, I'll tell you. Just say it, it's not comfortable to be a comrade in arms with such a bad comrade like me, just say it!" Zhang Tianhai smiled and asked Guo Qiliang, his wriggling fingers But it revealed his intention: he really wanted to beat this stupid guy...

Zhang Tianhai can assure you that if Zhang Tianhai hadn't supported this old comrade-in-arms, it might be difficult for Guo Qiliang to be promoted to the chief of staff of a regiment.

As for how he survived the time in the staff department, Zhang Tianhai will not ask in detail.

What he is most concerned about at present is the matter of the troops going out.

Jiujiang, Jiangxi is not far away, nor is it close.

If it is placed in the later generations where the highways are very developed, it may be two or three hours' drive at most.

But where is the highway for them in this era?It would be nice to have a decent road.

According to Zhang Tianhai's estimate, it may take them fifteen days to reach Jiujiang, Jiangxi, because their troops are not motorized troops after all, and they have to rely on two feet to walk. How could they go so fast?And it is in the state of training while walking.

That's why Zhang Tianhai came up with the idea of ​​following the No. 60 Fourth Army, at least he wouldn't be charged with resisting the War of Resistance, would he?

PS: Chapter 3 is here!

Chapter 4, let me hurry up!

(End of this chapter)

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