War of Resistance

Chapter 809 Thoughts?

Chapter 809 Thoughts? (44)

This afternoon's departure ceremony did not involve any special activities, but after Zhang Tianhai announced the departure with a wave of his hand, the army officially embarked on the journey.

Zhang Tianhai's vehicle was neither at the front nor at the back. His position was in the middle. After the small steamer carried their troops across the Yangtze River, they embarked on the road to Jiujiang, Jiangxi.

The 6000-man army can be a long queue, especially with artillery dragged along. In addition, most of these troops are carrying machine guns and grenade launchers. It is quite spectacular to watch along the way.

Compared with the troops of later generations, such an army naturally has many shortcomings, but in this era, such an army is undoubtedly the elite of the elite.

What makes Zhang Tianhai feel regretful is that they are still not equipped with the corresponding submachine gun equipment. If they have these weapons and equipment, let alone let them fight the Bo Tian Detachment, even if they are asked to fight the Guards Division, they will dare to fight. spell!
However, how can there be so many ifs in the world?Many things can only be imagined, or YY.

What made Zhang Tianhai quite satisfied was that his troops were still relatively high-morale, and there was always a sense of majesty and high spirits.

Perhaps it is to say that what kind of people lead what kind of soldiers, after all, birdmen still lead bird soldiers.

For the elite among the elites like Zhang Tianhai, the people he brought out would naturally not be far behind—there was always a feeling of wanting to catch the Japanese invaders and fight to the death, perhaps this was the self-confidence of being an elite army.

In the words of Li Yunlong in "Bright Sword", that is, "only when the guy in the hand is ready can our waist be strong."

Using this sentence to describe Zhang Tianhai's troops is perfect: after all, Zhang Tianhai's troops are also in the battle order of the national army, and the equipment is considered to be the first-class good troops.

In any case, they are the only remaining German weapons troops in the national army.

If it weren't for the support of He Yingqin and Minister He, it is estimated that this army would have been annexed into other factions, such as Chen Cheng's Civil Engineering Department, or Tang Enbo's No.13 Army faction, or merged into Song Xilian. National Guard faction holding up a flag.

Although it is said that the original National Guard has been killed and wounded after the Nanjing Defense War, and because of Wang Jingjiu and Sun Yuanliang's faction, accidents have happened, Song Xilian can barely support it.

However, relying solely on Song Xilian's No. 70 Eighth Army, the power is weaker after all. As far as the origin of the First Guard Regiment in the Ninth War Zone is concerned, it should be more appropriate to assign Song Xilian's troops.

The book is back to normal.

In short, Zhang Tianhai's army is extremely arrogant no matter how you look at it.

Quite a bit of the high spirits of Zhang Lingfu's No.70 Fourth Division when they swept the North China battlefield.

For some reason, Zhang Tianhai thought of this scene when he looked at his troops.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai became inexplicably vigilant: Zhang Lingfu has already had a negative example in history. He must not do things that offend his allies, otherwise he will repeat the same mistakes sooner or later. Keep a low profile.

"Wang Liang, come here." Standing by the side of the road, Zhang Tianhai called out to Wang Liang who was also standing next to him.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo. May I ask what orders do Tuan Zuo have?" After Wang Liang responded, he hurriedly walked to Zhang Tianhai's side and asked.

"Call immediately, and the Li Han Soul Corps will ask where they have gone." Zhang Tianhai ordered without the slightest hesitation.

After all, according to Zhang Tianhai's arrangement, their troops were going to follow in the footsteps of Li Hanhun's army.

(Remarks: The Li Hanhun Legion is the No.20 Ninth Army, which has jurisdiction over the No.60 Fourth Army.)
"Yes! Group seat! I understand." Wang Liang responded and hurried to find the communications staff.

The roads along the way are made of mud, and there is no cement in every village like what later generations did. The conditions here can be described as backward.

Perhaps it was because of the rain that the road here was extremely muddy, and the speed of the troops seemed to be slower.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Tianhai's eyes narrowed slightly: According to this progress, it will be more difficult to reach Jiujiang in time.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai has already started thinking: How to train the troops well under the premise of ensuring that they can not only arrive in time, is a huge problem.

Not long after, Wang Liang came back with a message about the whereabouts of Li Hanhun's army.

Compared with the slow-moving Zhang Tianhai's troops, the advance speed of Li Hanhun's army was much faster - their outpost troops had already reached Huangshi.

"Their troops are moving so fast. It seems that our troops have to speed up their progress. The order is issued, and the troops are ordered to advance at the fastest speed!" Zhang Tianhai said bluntly. He did not intend to let the troops fall too far behind. .

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Wang Liang responded, and then hurried to give orders.

At Zhang Tianhai's order, the troops of the [-]st Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone immediately marched much faster.

Whether you admit it or not, this is always a very high-spirited army.

"Tuan Zuo, didn't we agree to move slower? Why did you speed up all of a sudden?" Liu Houming, the commander of the spy company, ran to Zhang Tianhai and asked.

"Anyway, that's the situation. We have to catch up with them. The Li Han Soul Legion is moving extremely fast. If we don't keep up as soon as possible, we will most likely be charged with passive resistance. We You can't let your opponent catch your weakness." The "opponent" Zhang Tianhai mentioned naturally did not refer to the Japanese army, but his own friendly army.

Although Zhang Tianhai wanted to train the troops well, he was even more afraid of being coveted by his allies for his glorious achievements on the front line.

Sometimes offending people is always done inadvertently. Zhang Tianhai is also afraid that his allies who inadvertently offend will trip him up.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the easier it is to fall hard.

Today is different from the past. The First Regiment of the Guards of the Ninth Theater is no longer the little-known First Regiment directly under the Third Theater—in a series of battles, Zhang Tianhai has already led this army to establish a glorious reputation.

Speaking of the First Regiment of Guards in the Ninth War Zone today, most people would think that the Third War Zone, which had won a brilliant battle in the Battle of Xuzhou, was directly under the First Regiment.

It can be said that the first regiment of the guards of the ninth war zone has become a flagpole, and it is the flagpole of brigade and regiment-level troops!

The Madang Fortress fell, Jiujiang was in a hurry, and the Japanese troops were about to pounce on Pengze.

At this time, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ninth War Zone dispatched this ace unit known as the security force to the front line, and all eyes will be on this unit.

Zhang Tianhai deeply understands this truth.

So in many things, he has to become more careful, and he is not at all as bold and bold as before, with a fighting style that is easy to use surprise soldiers and so on.

It is said to be careful when sailing for thousands of years, otherwise it will easily capsize in the gutter.

More importantly, with the growth of strength, the troops under Zhang Tianhai's command have grown from 6000 people when the first regiment directly under the third war zone was first established to more than [-] people today. The strength has not only doubled, but Simple, all kinds of weapons have gradually begun to become more perfect.

It was precisely because of this that not only other troops turned their attention to them, but even Li Hanhun's army was probably no exception.


PS: This one is a supplement to yesterday's fourth update.

Today, even if I ask for a day off!It's been so long, I just take a day off.

Please forgive me!

Thank you for the 1000 point coins reward for the troubles of Qidian book friends!

(End of this chapter)

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