War of Resistance

Chapter 810 Temporary order?

Chapter 810 Temporary order?

As expected by Zhang Tianhai, Li Hanhun also set his sights on this well-equipped but not powerful team.

To the east of Yellowstone, in a small village that is not well known.

This is the temporary overall headquarters of Li Hanhun No.20 Ninth Army Corps.

Compared with the "foreign workers" under Zhang Tianhai's plan to drive to the front line while training, the troops under the No. 20 Ninth Army Corps have made rapid progress, but it cannot be compared with the First Guard Corps of the Ninth War Zone.

"This Zhang Tianhai, I don't know what the hell is going on. The progress of the army is so slow. It is no less than [-] kilometers behind the progress of our army." Standing in front of the table with the map, Li Hanhun frowned slightly.

"It's not that they want us to go first, right?" the chief of staff next to him said.

"I don't really think about it. From what I know about this person, he doesn't look like someone who resists the Japanese and cowards the enemy, and his performance in the Battle of Lanfeng is indeed not bad." Li Hanhun first denied the opinion of the chief of staff. .

"Then according to the commander, what are they going to do with this unit reorganized from the first regiment directly under the third theater?" the chief of staff asked again.

"I don't know, but according to my intuition, they should not do that kind of desertion." Li Hanhun made a conclusion.

At this moment, a combat staff officer ran over with a telegram in his hand: "Report to the officer, the officer has an urgent call!"

"An urgent call at this time?" Li Hanhun frowned slightly, "What is it? Quickly read!"

"Yes! Sir!" The combat staff responded, then opened the telegram in his hand, and read: "This is the No. 20 Ninth Army Corps Commander Li Hanhun's department. The frontline battle is tight now. The enemy of Madang Town , There is already a tendency to gather, and now, in the name of the commander-in-chief's department, I order your department to quickly station in Hukou Town, east of Jiujiang, to protect Jiujiang. Chen Cheng, commander of the Ninth War Zone, sent an urgent message."

After hearing this order, Li Hanhun couldn't help frowning even deeper.

As soon as the battle on the front line is about to start, this possibility is extremely high. As a military-level commander, Li Hanhun cannot be under great pressure.

"Chief of Staff! Immediately order the troops to advance at full speed immediately! To ensure the fastest arrival at the Hukou front line and deploy defenses on the spot, if anyone is shirking or cowardly, he will be executed on the spot!" Li Hanhun issued an extremely strict order, after all For him, anti-Japanese is the first priority.

"The other side of Tianhai, should we inform them?" the chief of staff asked casually.

"Where is Zhang Tianhai? Then let them know by the way, let them catch up with us as soon as possible, and don't delay the military opportunity!" Li Hanhun thought for a while, and came up with a more reliable conclusion.

"Yes! Legion Commander!" After the chief of staff responded, he hurried to issue Li Hanhun's military order.


It didn't take long for Li Hanhun's greeting to reach the first regiment of the guards in the ninth war zone.

"Report to the regiment! Li Hanhun, the commander of the No.20 Ninth Army Corps, has an urgent call!" Xu Xun, the combat staff officer, ran to Zhang Tianhai and reported.

"Read it!" Sitting in the jeep, Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and said very boldly.

Soon, Xu Xun telegraphed what Li Hanhun had said, and made a report to Zhang Tianhai.

"It seems that the situation on the front line is also very urgent..." Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly and let out a long sigh.

"Old Zhang, should we continue with our training plan?" Guo Qiliang asked, and the plan he was talking about was naturally Zhang Tianhai's original walking and training plan.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head, and after careful consideration, he said, "No need, let's go to Jiujiang first!"

After Zhang Tianhai said this, he immediately said loudly to the people around him: "Send my order immediately! All the troops will go to Jiujiang, Jiangxi immediately without delay, or they will be dealt with by military law!"

Following Zhang Tianhai's order, the marching speed of the entire army immediately accelerated.

The troops were moving fast, but Zhang Tianhai and the others stopped, studying how to fight this battle well.

Regarding where to study this point, Zhang Tianhai and the others didn't shy away from it, they just laid out a map on the front of the jeep.

After all, this is still the sphere of influence in the rear, and there is no danger of Japanese snipers appearing. The large Japanese troops have not yet come to fight, let alone how to infiltrate small troops.

Even if a small army infiltrates in, it is still very easy to destroy them with the strength of the current police regiment.

"Regimental Commander, now that our troops are marching so much faster, does it have something to do with the tight frontline battle?" Li Yinglun cast his eyes on Zhang Tianhai.

"To be precise, yes, because this is the information from the Li Hanhun Corps. According to the news from the Li Hanhun Corps Commander, their troops have already advanced at full speed, and they are traveling day and night." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly.

"It seems that Little Japan's movements are a bit frequent..." Li Yinglun sighed, "Maybe, they are already on their way to Pengze Town. Otherwise, how could the Li Hanhun Legion come in such an urgent way?" Carrying out rescue?"

"I guess so. Otherwise, how would they inform us? In fact, they just want us to speed up our pace. Otherwise, if the war gets tight, no army can support them. I think they are quite embarrassing." Zhang Tianhai gradually analyzed, "What do you think about the frontline warfare? Why don't you tell me?"

"I think we still have to step up our pace. After arriving in Jiujiang, we will conduct a series of rest training. We must improve the combat effectiveness of our troops as soon as possible. You can’t get it right.” Guo Qiliang made an extremely useful suggestion.

"That's a good proposal. This is our top priority at the moment. The key is what will happen after we arrive in Jiujiang? Let's do a pre-judgment analysis! Can Chief of Staff Li tell you your opinion?" Zhang Tianhai turned his gaze again Investing in Li Yinglun seems to want him to put forward some more useful opinions.

Li Yinglun took a deep breath, and then said: "After we reach the front line, my opinion, I don't think we will go to the front line so soon. After all, the combat effectiveness of the Li Han Soul Corps is not bad. The Li Han Soul Corps The chief himself is a patriotic general, and he will not be the kind of person who is timid to fight against little devils, so at this point, we still have a little time for recovery training."

"Since the opinions of the two officers are all about the fact that we should resume training as soon as possible, and that we won't go to the battlefield so soon. So let's make a decision after arriving in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province! Our troops, in the It is very likely that we will take on extremely important combat missions in the next battle. Therefore, we must do everything possible to restore our combat effectiveness, at least not to hinder the friendly forces, and not to be scolded for suffering from terrorism. Japanese disease or cowardice." Zhang Tianhai concluded, "Next, I would like to share some of my views."


PS: The first update is here!For the second change, please refresh at two o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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