War of Resistance

Chapter 811 Plan

Chapter 811 Plan
"Tuan Zuo, please tell me what you think! We are waiting for your opinion. After all, your tactical attainments are the highest among the few of us. It is also lucky to learn one or two tricks." Yes." Li Yinglun said, his tone was very frank, without any suspicion of fraud.

"In my opinion, my thoughts are like this. The Japanese army is definitely ready to pounce on Pengze Town now. Whether Pengze Town can hold it is still a big question mark. So, next Hukou Township and Jiujiang County will most likely become the focus of operations in the next stage. The mission given by Shangfeng is to go to Jiujiang County to garrison. The meaning is very simple and clear, that is, let us garrison this county. If the next step If the combat center is really here, how should we defend this place is also a problem. I would like to extend the discussion on this issue." Zhang Tianhai directly stated the direction of the combat discussion.

"Regarding this, I have a little bit of humble opinion. I don't know if I should mention it?" Li Yinglun said hesitantly.

"The chief of staff can just say what he thinks, we are all our own people, so we don't need to hide too much." Zhang Tianhai said bluntly, he is not the kind of person who likes to beat around the bush.

"My humble opinion is this. With the firepower configuration of our troops, it should be more than enough to garrison Jiujiang County, but how to fight this battle well is the key." Li Yinglun said, "We Our troops are relatively strong among troops at the same level in terms of light and heavy firepower. Compared with the Japanese troops, our firepower configuration is weaker than their brigade-level configuration, but it is far stronger than their wing Level [-] configuration."

After speaking, Li Yinglun glanced at the people around him, and after finding that they were all listening carefully, he continued: "In my opinion, the combat advantage of our regiment lies not in defending a county, but in how to actively carry out Actively fight, and strive to severely damage their regiment-level troops. After all, once they are on the verge of Jiujiang City, it is definitely not as simple as a regiment of Japanese troops, and it is very likely that they are Japanese troops of more than one division. So, at this point Let's use our strengths to avoid weaknesses and give full play to our strengths to face the weaknesses of the Japanese army. Try to give them a fatal blow, preferably until they can't move! After I have finished my thoughts, I will ask the two officers to guide you and see what I said Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Very good, Chief of Staff Li is right!" Zhang Tianhai was the first to affirm Li Yinglun's point of view.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Zhang Tianhai continued: "Actually, I think so too. The Japanese army is unscrupulous in fighting. If they are at a disadvantage in combat, they are very likely to use things like poisonous gas, so we must Make full use of our strengths, it is best to be able to use terrain advantages and the like, and give the Japanese army a head-on blow to seize the opportunity."

"Old Zhang, I think the implementation of this plan may still be difficult. After all, we went to Jiujiang, Jiangxi, but we were still in a state of unfamiliarity. Compared with the Japanese army, I think it is similar. If the enemy It may be difficult if the military unit takes the lead.” After all, Guo Qiliang is a person who was the chief of staff, and many things are considered first, and they are close to his own conditions.

"Deputy Commander Guo, you don't have to worry about this. We should have no conditions, and we must create conditions. Otherwise, how can we reverse such an unfavorable situation? Standing and being beaten blindly is not my style. We should consider all methods to create conditions and give the Japanese army a blow!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Okay! That's it! Then our next combat goal is to give this part of the rampant Japanese army a head-on blow. It's just that I'm thinking, should we send a troop as the vanguard to go to Jiujiang first to survey them?" Terrain. Only in this way can we grasp the opportunity. After all, the Japanese army may not give us too much time." Guo Qiliang made a suggestion.

"This suggestion is of course very good, but I'm afraid we have to choose the commander of this new type of army. Otherwise, if there is no backbone to go to Jiujiang first, it will be a waste of time and energy." Zhang Tianhai's suggestion to Guo Qiliang It was affirmed.

I saw Guo Qiliang and Li Yinglun looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning in each other's eyes, but it was more appropriate for Guo Qiliang to speak these words, and he said: "Old Zhang, I think the commander is none other than you, After all, Lao Li and I are not as accomplished as you in this area, we want to study command in independent operations, but now is obviously not the time."

Looking at the hopeful eyes of the two, Zhang Tianhai also knew that he might not be able to make it through this time, and he had to be the commander of the advance force himself.

"Then let me be the commander myself! For the time being, this force will consist of a cavalry battalion and a special agent company! If the guard company stays with you, it will arrive at Jiujiang with the large force." Zhang Tianhai said. It can be regarded as a shot.

"Head, I still suggest a separate guard platoon. Now that the guard board has been expanded into a guard company, we have enough troops to guard the regiment headquarters. There is no need to put so many troops in the regiment headquarters. It is not too big. Useful." Chief of Staff Li Yinglun suggested.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and felt that what Li Yinglun said was quite reasonable. When they first arrived in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, they needed troops, how could it be possible to leave so many troops at the regiment headquarters?
Therefore, Zhang Tianhai decided to be respectful rather than obedient: "Okay, then let's make a decision like this. I'll take the guards along and go there! I also took the vehicles along with me, so I'll have to work harder for you."

"It's nothing to worry about. Those of us who are rushing to the back, even if we rush there day and night, it is not so hard compared to you." Li Yinglun said.

"It's true that our large troops move relatively slowly. They must be inferior to your advance troops. Whether it's a special agent company or a cavalry battalion, they are relatively mobile troops. If you don't have a vehicle, you will have to rush to the end. Dizzy." Guo Qiliang smiled.

In fact, in terms of Zhang Tianhai's physical fitness, it's not that he is inferior to these people in the spy company, but because there is no need for it. Zhang Tianhai is now the head of the regiment, and he needs to let How did this army reach Jiujiang safely, instead of spending more energy on how to maintain physical strength.

In terms of physical fitness, Zhang Tianhai's physical fitness is no worse than that of the officers and soldiers of these secret agents. Zhang Tiantai will insist on exercising every morning, including marksmanship, physical fitness, and boxing training, which are all essential.

Soon, under the decision of several main military officers of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth Theater, the formation of this advance force was considered to be in progress.

However, since the formation of the first police regiment has been completely separated at this time, it is not so easy to gather this force. After a lot of effort, the cavalry battalion, secret service company, and guard company were assembled. The first platoon of these troops assembled.

Their goal is to advance all the way to Jiujiang, to provide solid data for the next step of the police regiment, as well as everything that can be prepared and used.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai decided to take this army to Jiujiang within two days!

PS: The update has finally caught up, it's not easy.

Thanks to the starting point book friend scholar for a reward of 123 500 point coins!

Thanks for the 200-point reward from starting point book friend Taihao, Level [-]!

(End of this chapter)

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