Chapter 812 Arriving at Jiujiang for the First Time
On this day, the sky was only getting brighter, and a team dressed in a bit of a mess and looking a little tired drove into Jiujiang County.

Although this army looked a little bit embarrassed, no one dared to underestimate them - because it was a cavalry-based army entering the city, and the guys in their hands were not ordinary elite troops.

The machine guns were all Czech-made light machine guns, and they were also equipped with a large number of grenade grenades. Even the infantry unit that entered the city behind seemed to be a man of high spirits.

With such a force, it is almost impossible for people to ignore their existence.

Sure enough, when this army entered the city, it immediately attracted the attention of the local security forces.

The commander of the local garrison led the troops to dispatch urgently, and then stopped Zhang Tianhai's troops.

A short and stocky major wearing the national army uniform stopped Zhang Tianhai's jeep, stood at attention and saluted, and said, "Hello, sir, we are the police force of Jiujiang County. I am Hao Zegui, the commander of the police battalion. May I ask you to bring me a police officer?" What is the purpose of bringing troops to Jiujiang?"

Looking at the young photo in front of him, Zhang Tianhai got out of the jeep and replied with a military salute: "Hi Battalion Commander Hao, I am Zhang Tianhai, the head of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, and I am under the order of the commander's department Come and station in Jiujiang County, and be responsible for the related defense of Jiujiang County. Please cooperate with our department's stationing, thank you!"

"Yes! Sir! Welcome your department to officially enter Jiujiang County. Our department will provide all possible convenience to help your department officially enter!" Hao Zegui stood at attention and saluted, obviously he had already received relevant orders from the Minister's Department .

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay, Battalion Commander Hao, our department is a strengthened regiment. There are about 6000 soldiers in the regiment. Let's see if there is any possibility of fully stationing the troops in the city." ?”

There were people coming and going on the street. Battalion Commander Hao looked around, and after thinking for a while, he replied: "Sir, it is estimated that the city can only accommodate nearly 2000 soldiers. To accommodate a reinforced regiment, there are more than 6000 troops. I'm afraid it's still a bit difficult. As long as our garrison battalion has nearly 500 troops stationed here, there's nothing we can do to help you, sir."

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and felt that Hao Zegui was not lying. After all, if calculated according to the strength of the motley army, a regiment has about 2000 people, and these 6000 people are already the strength of three entire regiments.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Then arrange the hundreds of people in my vanguard! My troops here are about 800 people."

There was no room for negotiation in Zhang Tianhai's words, and they were almost all in the form of orders.

"Yes! Sir!" Hao Zegui responded, and from Zhang Tianhai's words, he also felt that this is not a weak officer - on the contrary, this is a very strong officer.It can be seen in bits and pieces, every word and action.

Could it be that the chief who is used to giving such strong orders would definitely not be so simple and straightforward like this when meeting for the first time.

It is not difficult for Hao Zegui to arrange the stationing of more than 2000 troops-because there is a ready-made station in Jiujiang County, and their garrison battalion has not been able to be full. It's okay to come out.

"Let's arrange it like this for now!" Zhang Tianhai nodded.

The environment here in Jiujiang is naturally not comparable to that of Wuhan, even the military camp is no exception.

Compared with the newly built barracks on the greater Wuhan side, the old barracks on the Jiujiang side are naturally more dilapidated.

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai didn't say anything, but just waved his hand to let the troops enter. After all, he is not the kind of person who can't bear hardships. What's the so-called camping in a dilapidated barracks? Did not spend the night.

"Tuan Zuo, now that our troops are stationed and rested, what is our next battle plan?" Liu Houming asked.

Zhang Tianhai pondered for a while, and said: "The next step of the battle plan, let's wait for it to be determined. Now we don't have to fight immediately, but the only thing is that we must find out the surrounding terrain as soon as possible, otherwise, It is extremely detrimental to our next battle plan."

"Yes! Sir!" Liu Houming responded.

For Zhang Tianhai, what he fears the most is nothing else. What he fears most is that his superiors will appoint him the post of city defense commander of Jiujiang County.

If this position is not appointed, he can still conduct mobile operations flexibly. If this position is appointed, his goal must be to defend Jiujiang to the death!
He is not afraid of the strength of the enemy, but what he fears most is the style of play in which his own people set a frame for themselves.

Zhang Tianhai has never denied the merits of the frontal battlefield - because if the frontal battlefield is not fought like this, China will fall, but he is absolutely unwilling to have his troops be this frontal force.

Zhang Tianhai has always believed that his troops should be more suitable for more flexible tactics, because he feels that since he cannot change others, the only thing he can change is himself.

Now that a bigger officer has come to Jiujiang County, and the only officer who may be in charge of the fate of Jiujiang, these celebrities and gentry in the city will naturally not let go of this good opportunity to curry favor with Zhang Tianhai.

For them, the head of a reinforced regiment, and a military officer with such an excellent army, must belong to a big shot.

As for the benefits to them of being nice to Zhang Tianhai, this is self-evident - for example, before the Japanese army entered the city, if Zhang Tianhai could let them go, they would have an extra life or a family If Zhang Tianhai insisted that they take their lives down to defend the city, the lives of the whole family might be lost.

With regard to these interests, these gentry have seen very thoroughly, and said that it is not easy for them to support a family business in this troubled world.

Don't underestimate anyone, this is Zhang Tianhai's way of mixing the world.

If it weren't for his status as a soldier, and the fact that he is the main officer who holds the sovereignty of the army, he might have to support a huge family business like them. Compared with them, Zhang Tianhai is slightly inferior.

Soon, a group of military officers headed by Jiujiang County Magistrate Peng Dongming, together with local gentry and celebrities from Jiujiang County, came to the gate of the temporary station of the First Guard Regiment of the Ninth War Zone, saying that they wanted to visit the newly arrived officer. the officer.

Zhang Tianhai was not surprised by the visit of these celebrities and squires, because for those of them who were used to being military officials, these things were commonplace.

In troubled times, what is the most precious?Of course it is a gun. If you don't have a gun, no matter how capable you are, you are no match for a bullet from the enemy.

In this era when anyone with a gun is the king of grass, it is obvious that Zhang Tianhai is the current "king" of Jiujiang County.

Moreover, Zhang Tianhai is still legal!

PS: Chapter 1 is updated, update now! Chapter 2 is updated before two o'clock, please subscribe again!
Thanks to the starting point book friend book friend scholar for a reward of 123 1000 point coins!

(End of this chapter)

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