War of Resistance

Chapter 813 Preparations

Chapter 813 Preparations
"Let them in! After all, we are now in someone else's territory, and it's not appropriate not to let them in." Zhang Tianhai said to Wu Jingcheng, the deputy platoon leader of the first row of security who ran in to report.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! I'll let them in right now!" Wu Jingcheng responded.

"Wait." Zhang Tianhai said to Wu Jingcheng who was about to go out.

"May I ask what your order is, sir?" Wu Jingcheng turned around and asked.

"In this way, this time is an exception. If they want to come in in the future, they must report to me. Otherwise, no one else will be allowed to enter our barracks, because this is a military secret. The Japanese army is gradually approaching Jiujiang. If If we don't make timely precautionary preparations, our defense is very likely to be infiltrated by the enemy's spies, which is a big taboo for military strategists, understand?" Perhaps because he was afraid that he might not be clear enough, Zhang Tianhai said it seriously some.

"Yes, sir. I understand." Wu Jingcheng replied, he already knew where the leader's bottom line was.

Indeed, the intelligence troops of the Japanese army were not so powerful. Before approaching a city, their spies had probably infiltrated in, and they might have infiltrated with a radio station, which was very troublesome.

Zhang Tianhai didn't want the enemy's spies to infiltrate them before his deployment was completed.

In terms of guarding against Japanese spies, Zhang Tianhai even wanted to ask someone from the military command or the central command to come in and help.

But is this possible?
It is almost very difficult to invite these people to join forces, and he has no such way.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai can only rely on the current situation to carry out, and gradually take care of it.

Relying on strict defense, it may be possible to guard against Japanese spies.

For Zhang Tianhai, does he have any other options?It seems that there is no more, right?

A middle-aged man in his 40s led the way in. His clothes were made of some more expensive fabrics.

Gentle and elegant without losing the extravagance.

Zhang Tianhai knew without guessing that this person must be Peng Dongming, the magistrate of Jiujiang County.

Unlike other county magistrates, Peng Dongming didn't wear a plain Chinese tunic suit. On this point, Zhang Tianhai was quite impressed.

Maybe this is a corrupt official, or this is not a county magistrate who really wants to benefit the people, but these are not within the scope of Zhang Tianhai's consideration.

Even Jiujiang is about to lose its hold, and the Japanese army's iron hooves are not so easy to deal with. At this juncture, no matter what evils Peng Dongming has committed before, as long as he can fight against Japan on the premise of right and wrong For Zhang Tianhai, if he stood his ground, he was a good comrade.

After this Peng Dongming saw Zhang Tianhai, he immediately greeted Zhang Tianhai with enthusiasm on his face, and kept saying: "Hello sir, hello sir, please give me some advice when we meet for the first time. My sire, Peng Dongming, is the magistrate of Jiujiang County. My sire On behalf of the people of Jiujiang, welcome the arrival of the army led by the chief, and contribute to the consolidation of Jiujiang's defense and the preservation of the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jiujiang people!"

I have to say that Peng Dongming is very good at speaking, and even Zhang Tianhai not only gave him a high-level look-at least this guy won't be the kind of person who doesn't have a little ink in his stomach, if he cooperates well , there should be no problem.

As for unwillingness to cooperate, Zhang Tianhai could only take coercive measures.

After all, in the face of the great enemy, no matter who it is, it is very small in front of the Anti-Japanese War.

The overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War is not a child's play after all.

For Peng Dongming's enthusiasm, Zhang Tianhai also had a smile on his face. He also stretched out his hand to greet him, and said: "I, Zhang, led the troops to Jiujiang for the first time, and I am not familiar with Jiujiang. Now the enemy At present, the troops of Little Japan will come to fight at an unknown time. Therefore, those of us who are soldiers still hope that you can give us some help and support."

Faced with Zhang Tianhai's outstretched hand, Peng Dongming and other old fritters also understood the meaning very well. He quickly shook it, and then held Zhang Tianhai's hand tightly and said: "Mr. Zhang's words are wrong, you are leading the troops The purpose of traveling thousands of miles to our small county town of Jiujiang is to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in Jiujiang. In this regard, it is also the duty of Peng to lead the colleagues of the Jiujiang county government to help him. .”

Regarding these scenes, Zhang Tianhai just laughed: "On behalf of the garrison of Jiujiang County, I would like to say thank you to everyone. If the whole country can be so united and unanimous, how can we fight so hard?"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang is really quick to talk, so happy. Peng's favorite is to deal with people like Mr. Zhang. Two words, happy!" Peng Dongming laughed, "Mr. Zhang needs our Jiujiang again." Where the county government is helping, please feel free to open your mouth, that is, the Jiujiang county government will definitely not shirk at all, and will fully assist the Jiujiang garrison to guard and live in Jiujiang county!"

"Alright, since you have already said that, County Magistrate Peng, you are not welcome. Mr. Zhang has an unfeeling request. He wants the Jiujiang County Government to send some personnel to assist our regiment in the terrain near Jiujiang County. Reconnaissance. Because when our group first arrived in Jiujiang, we were completely blind to the situation in Jiujiang, so we have to rely on you.” Zhang Tianhai said very sincerely, not the kind of domineering and overbearing, but full of Be polite.

"No problem at all. As long as Chief Zhang needs to hire someone, he will directly send someone to the Jiujiang County Government. I will definitely personally select a right-hand assistant to assist the chief's department in the work. But if there is a slight evasion, please ask Chief Zhang to be on my own." Just ask." Peng Dongming laughed and said, his performance was very hearty and generous.

"That's fine, then it's a deal." Zhang Tianhai smiled, and then asked Wang Liang to find tea cups and the like to greet these local officials and celebrities.

Fortunately, Hao Zegui, the commander of the Jiujiang Garrison Battalion, was still here, otherwise it would have been difficult to find some tea cups in such a hurry.

Soon, the tea was brewed and distributed according to the ratio of one cup per person. Zhang Tianhai still had something to ask of them, the county government officials and country gentry, so he had to greet these people.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'm new to Jiujiang, and because the troops are marching in a hurry, so I don't have any good tea to greet everyone. I also borrow the good tea from Battalion Commander Hao to greet everyone. Everyone. If there is any inconvenience in greeting me, please forgive me." Zhang Tianhai sat on the main seat, looked at the crowd with a smile, but the small calculations in his heart were clattering.

These people must be preparing for his battle plan, without their help, everything will become very difficult.

Thinking about it, the corners of Zhang Tianhai's mouth became even higher.


PS: Well, the update is finally finished, and I'm sorry for making everyone wait so long.

Thank you for the 200 point coin reward from Qiqidian book friend Leggeshen!

(End of this chapter)

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